Intellectual Property experts gather at London Met to tackle internet TV infringements

Knowledge exchange event organised by GSBL lecturer Dr Antanina Garanasvili brings together experts from the private sector, academic institutions, and law enforcement agencies.

Date: 20 August 2024

The inaugural Inter-Sessional Panel on Internet TV IPR Infringements took place at London Metropolitan University on 25 April 2024, bringing together esteemed specialists for a highly stimulating discussion. The event was organised by Dr Antanina Garanasvili, lecturer in economics at the Guildhall School of Business and Law.

The Panel successfully disseminated the results of the economic study Illicit IPTV in Europe, and organised relevant discussions leading to future research. Further objectives included increasing the impact of the study and raising awareness of Internet TV online piracy.

The Panel was attended by a diverse array of experts specializing in Intellectual Property infringements, providing valuable networking opportunities in both academic and professional realms. Attendees included representatives from prominent private sector entities, academic institutions, and law enforcement agencies, including Premier League, beIN, Bournemouth University, City of London Police, Eurojust, and Interpol, as well as international policy and research organizations such as EUIPO, WIPO, and AAPA.

The event was organised as a knowledge exchange session and a forum for experts to engage in discussion and discover new avenues to tackle the problem of internet TV infringements. The exchanges of the day opened-up key issues from a variety of perspectives, greatly enriching the contemporary landscape of research within Economics, Policy, and Law, and laying the groundwork for future collaborations and partnerships.

Professor Doris Schedlitzki, Head of Research at GSBL, said: "This interdisciplinary panel event organised by Dr Antanina Garanasvili represents a step change in our engagement with the important topic of Intellectual Property Infringement. It was a great success and produced fruitful conversations and opportunities for future collaborations between GSBL and public sector agencies."

Dr Parmjit Kaur, Head of Economics and Operations Management at GSBL, described the event as "an energy filled day" and "novel in bringing together a diverse number of important stakeholders involved in examining Intellectual Property Infringements and having an open and meaningful engagement that will result in further collaborative research that exemplifies research impact at GSBL in the London economy."

Antanina commented: "The discussions were rich and insightful, opening new avenues for research and action within the fields of Economics, Policy, and Law. We are immensely grateful to all participants and supporters who contributed to the success of this transformative event."