Dr. Olajide Ajewole is a lecturer in business and management at the Guildhall School of Business and Law.
Dr Akanksha Malik Jamwal is a Lecturer in Human Resource Management at London Met within Guildhall School of Business & Law.
Senior lecturer, supervising solicitor for the London Met Pro Bono Legal Advice Clinic and a consultant solicitor.
Lecturer for the Guildhall School of Law and Business
Professor of International Higher Education and Head of Student Experience and Academic Outcomes
Erika Barnett is a senior lecturer in law and supervising solicitor at the London Met Pro Bono Legal Advice Clinic. The clinic is staffed by students and is open to the general public.
Senior Lecturer in Law
Principal Lecturer at the Guildhall School of Business and Law
Senior lecturer
Senior Lecturer in Fashion Marketing
Head of Partnerships, Guildhall School of Business and Law.
Course Leader International Business Management and Top-Up BSc (Hons)
Senior Lecturer in Aviation Management at Guildhall School of Business and Law.
Senior Lecturer
Advisory Board Member at London Met's Guildhall School of Business and Law, and Head of Commercial and Small Business for Clydesdale Bank PLC
Founder and Chairman of Cobra Beer
Associate Professor in Interpreting
Reader in Languages (Translation)
Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management
Associate Professor in Management Learning and Education
Head of Strategic Management Department at the Guildhall School of Business and Law
Professor of Commercial Law
Lecturer in Economics and Finance
Lecturer in Accounting
Konstantinos is the Senior Lecturer in Strategy and Economics at the Guildhall School of Business and Law.
Senior lecturer in Human Resource Management
Senior Lecturer in Business and Management
Lecturer in Aviation
Lecturer in Banking, Accounting and Finance
Lecturer in Accounting and Finance
Senior Lecturer in Management
Senior Lecturer in Law at the Guildhall School of Business and Law.
Senior Lecturer, Management
Course Leader for English Language Teaching MA
Senior Lecturer in Arabic
Postgraduate Research Co-ordinator and Research Ethics Lead; Senior Lecturer in Marketing
Lecturer in English Language
Senior Lecturer in Sport Management
Course leader for BSc Banking and Finance.
Lecturer in Law at Guildhall School of Business and Law.
Senior Lecturer | Course Leader Accounting and Finance (Top-up) BA (Hons)
Head of Subject (Accounting, Banking and Finance)
Senior Lecturer in Creative Industries
Lecturer in Financial Services Law
Lecturer in marketing
Dr. M Abu Naser is a Course Leader at the Guildhall School of Business and Law.
Reader in Law
Course leader Accounting and Finance Extended Degree
Senior Lecturer in Fashion Marketing and Business Management
Lecturer of Accounting & Finance
Professor of Accounting and Sustainability
Senior Lecturer in Marketing
Peter is a Senior Lecturer in Translation and Course Leader for Translation BA at the Guildhall School of Business and Law.
Arvind Upadhyay is a Professor of Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management at Guildhall School of Business and Law.
Bhabani is a Professor of Business Management at the Guildhall School of Business and Law.
Head of Research Guildhall School of Business and Law
Senior Lecturer in Interpreting
Course Leader for Tourism and Travel Management BA (Hons)
Senior Lecturer in Music Industry Management
Lecturer in Aviation at Guildhall School of Business and Law.
Dean of the School of the Built Environment
Dean of the School of the Guildhall School of Business and Law
Course Leader for International Events, Leisure and Tourism Management MSc
Course Leader for Music Business BA (Hons)
Senior Lecturer in Project Management and Quantitative Methods
Dr Piero Toto is a Senior Lecturer in Translation.
Lecturer in Economics and Operations Management within the Guildhall School of Business and Law.
Yvoni Komodromou is a lecturer at the Guildhall School of Business and Law.
Professor of Operations, Supply Chain and Business Analytics