London Metropolitan University staff are one of our finest assets. Supporting our students to success, offering superior service and going the extra mile is in our nature.
If you're considering studying at London Met you can use these pages to find out about staff members who may be teaching you on your course. If you're a member of the press, event organiser or fellow academic, you can find out what our staff may be available for and how to contact them.
Further information
Staff from the Guildhall School of Business and Law
View allStaff from the Guildhall School of Business and Law1/20
Staff from the School of Art, Architecture and Design
View allStaff from the School of Art, Architecture and Design1/20
Staff from the School of Computing and Digital Media
View allStaff from the School of Computing and Digital Media1/20
Staff from the School of Social Sciences and Professions
View allStaff from the School of Social Sciences and Professions1/20
Staff from the School of the Built Environment
View allStaff from the School of the Built Environment1/3