Becky is responsible for teaching and learning in the early years and primary PGCE courses. Becky holds a degree in modern European studies, a postgraduate diploma in primary education and she is also is a fellow of Higher Education Academy (FHEA).

Becky Goodall
Becky has been teaching in inner London schools for 15 years. In the role of a classroom teacher, Becky has had a comprehensive range of experiences across both the Early Years and Primary age range. These include responsibilities in the role of coordinator for computing and foundation subjects, student mentoring and phase leadership. Becky is proud to work in a team at London Met that is committed to ensuring trainees are well-prepared, enthused and passionate about teaching in the London community. Becky is responsible for the teaching of science across the early years and primary phase. Becky gives support and guidance in all aspects of school placements as well as academic assignments.
Becky Goodall
Senior Lecturer in early years and primary PGCE