Professor Bob Gilchrist
Professor Bob Gilchrist is Emeritus Professor of Statistics and holds a PhD, MA, BPhil, and a Dip App Stat.
Memberships of professional institutions
- Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society
- Member of the International Statistical Modelling Society
- Member of the International Association for Statistical Computing
Previous employment
- Director of the London Met MRES Scheme
- Director of the BSc Modular degree
- Director of European Affairs Science Faculty
- Acting Head of Department of Computing
- Head of Statistics
Professor Gilchrist's academic interests are in statistical modelling, research on fuel poverty, and film revenues.
Publications and conference papers since 2005
- Obituaries. John Ashworth Nelder, 1924-2010. With Peter McCullagh and Roger Payne. J.R.Statist.Soc. A, 174,2, 499-504. 10.1111/j.1467-985X.2010.00680.x 2011
- The randomised response loglinear model as a composite link. With A van den Hout and P van der Heijden. Statistical Modelling, 10,1,57-67. doi: 10.1177/1471082X0801000104, 2010
- An Insurance Type Model For The Health Cost Of Cold Housing: An Application Of Gamlss Robert Gilchrist, Alim Kamara and Janet Rudge. Revstat, 2009,7,1, 55-66. 2009
- Nutritional status of the children in areas affected by 2005 earthquake in northern Pakistan. With N Hamid and D Bhakta. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 67, (OCE8), E324. doi: 10.1017/S002966510800997X 2008
- An investigation of international journal usage by Iranian medical researchers (with A Rashidi and F Marir). LIBRES, 18, 2, 1-7 (Library and Information Science Research e-journal) 2008
- Estimating the randomised response loglinear model using iteratively reweighted least squares. With A van den Hout and P van der Heijden. 7th International conference on social science methodology. (ISA-RC33). Naples. 2008
- An application of GAMLSS: An insurance type model for the health cost of poor housing. Proceedings of the 23rd Int Workshop on Statistical modelling. Gilchrist, Kamara, A and Rudge, J. Eiler, P. (ed) Utrecht, p244-249. 2008
- Costing the health impact of cold housing. (with J Rudge). 5th Warwick Healthy Housing Conference 2008
- Measuring the health impact of temperatures in dwellings: investigating excess winter morbidity and cold homes in the London Borough of Newham. With J Rudge. Energy and Buildings. 39,7, .847-858. 0378-7788/$ 10.1016/j.enbuild.2007.02.007 2007
- Ross, A and Archer, L and Thomson, D and Hutchings, M and Gilchrist, R and John, C and Akantziliou, K (2002) Potential mature students recruitment to HE. Higher Education Empirical Research Database Research Report (385). Sheffield: Department for Education and Skills. Research at DFES 2007
- The logistic regression model with response variables subject to randomised responses. With A van den Hout and P van der Heijden. Comput.Statist.Data.Anal. doi: 10.1016/j.csda.20006.12.002 2006
- Excess winter morbidity among older people at risk of cold homes: a population-based study (with J Rudge). J Public Health, Vol 27, 4., 353-358. 10.1093/pubmed/fdi051 2005