Christina is a Senior Lecturer in Dietetic Practice Based Learning and Couse Leader for Dietetics and Nutrition BSc, Simulation Lead at the School of Human Sciences.
Christina is a HCPC registered dietitian and prior to stepping into academia worked clinically as a dietitian in various NHS settings. She has previous qualifications in psychology which is an ongoing interest of hers as well as her interest in nutrition and well being. Christina has also worked in the local government sector.
Christina teaches across undergraduate and postgraduate dietetics courses, organises, coordinates and develops dietetic simulated learning, supports students and practice educators via placements in NHS and social care settings, supervises student dissertations, facilitates taster days and student recruitment.
Christina teaches a variety of modules across Dietetics BS, Dietetics and Nutrition BSc and Dietetics MSc as well as supervising students completing research projects.
Women's health, innovative teaching and learning practice, nutrition.
Non-attendance at structured diabetes education for Type 2 diabetes: patient choice or poor marketing?, 2014, Diabetic Medicine, 31:102-102
Christina Evwierhoma
Senior Lecturer in Dietetic Practice Based Learning and Couse Leader for Dietetics and Nutrition BSc