Christine Withers
Christine trained in Germany, and her approach to the care and education of children and young people is rooted in the theoretical and practical understandings of social pedagogy. Christine brings to her teaching over 25 years of experience working in a variety of settings across the Early Childhood sector in England together with the experiences gained from her roles in Kindergartens and residential settings in Germany. Christine's deep and extensive understanding of theory and practice in Early Years care and education has been enriched through the diverse positions she held in Early Years settings. These include leadership roles in a Steiner Waldorf Early Childhood setting and Day Nursery, but also voluntary engagement in a Sure Start Children Centre and in reception classes. Subsequent to gaining Early Years Professional Status, she has mentored and assessed EYPS candidates as well as delivering Early Years Teacher Training.
Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (London Metropolitan University) (FHEA)
BA (Hons) Education Studies and Early Years, 1st class (University of Hertfordshire)
Early Years Professional Status (EYPS) (Early Years East – University of Hertfordshire)
Sector Endorsed Foundation Degree Early Years, University Prize (University of Hertfordshire)
Officially Recognised Educator (Kath. Fachschule für Sozialpädagogik, Ulm, Germany)
Christine's research has been rooted in practice and has included action research on observations using Leuven scales of well-being and involvement and research examining children’s self-initiated play. Her current interests include relational pedagogy approaches to learning and teaching in higher education.
Christine is currently teaching on the following modules:
- Adults and Children as Learners
- Professional Practice Challenging Inequalities in Early Childhood
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development Matters
- Distance Learning Tutor for Challenging Inequalities in Early Childhood and Approaches to Pedagogy and Curriculum
Christine Withers
Senior Lecturer Early Childhood Studies
Email: c.withers@londonmet.ac.uk