Doris is Professor of Organisational Leadership and the Head of Research at Guildhall School of Business and Law, London Met.

Professor Doris Schedlitzki
Doris joined London Metropolitan University in May 2020 as Professor in Organisational Leadership and GSBL Head of Research and Knowledge Exchange. Previously she worked as an Associate Professor and Faculty Lead for Apprenticeships at University of the West of England and prior to that as Senior Lecturer in HRM and OB with Oxford Brookes University.
Doris has longstanding experience in designing and delivering modules and courses on leadership, personal and professional development, organisational analysis and research methods.
Doris’ main research focus is on leadership and explores the areas of cultural studies of leadership, discourse and leadership, leadership as identity, psychoanalytic approaches to leadership and the role of national language within cultural leadership studies. She is currently involved in several projects and collaborations related to these different areas with UK and international colleagues in leadership and management studies, history and linguistics. Doris is a member of the Performance with Purpose Research Centre and is also a Co-Editor in Chief for the journal 'Leadership'.
Her secondary research interest is exploring the nature, purpose and use of blended learning approaches and developing innovative methods for critical reflection and leadership development pedagogy.
Recent publications include articles in Leadership, Scandinavian Journal of Management, Management Learning, International Journal of Management Reviews, Human Relations, International Journal of Management Education. She has further co-edited the second edition of the Sage Handbook of Leadership, co-authored a textbook on Leadership entitled 'Studying Leadership: Traditional and Critical Approaches' (Sage) – currently in its third edition – and co-edited a book on Worldly Leadership (Palgrave).
Refereed journal articles
- Ciuk, S. and Schedlitzki, D. (2022) Host country employees’ negative perceptions of successive expatriate leadership: the role of leadership transference and implicit leadership theories. Journal of Global Mobility, 10(1): 80-104.
- Sutherland, N., Bolden, R., Edwards, G. and Schedlitzki, D. (2022) Putting leadership in its place: Introduction to the special issue. Leadership, 18 (1): 3-12.
- Ciuk, S. and Schedlitzki, D. (2022) Developing and spreading leadership across levels: the facilitating and constraining role of context. Management Learning, 53(2): 249-268.
- Kempster S., Schedlitzki, D. and Edwards, G. (2021) Where have all the followers gone? Leadership. 17(1):118-128.
- Schedlitzki, D. (2019) Developing apprentice leaders through critical reflection. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning. 9(2): 237-247s.
- Edwards, G., Hawkins, B. and Schedlitzki, D. (2019) Bringing the ugly back: A dialogic exploration of ethics in leadership through an ethno-narrative re-reading of the Enron case. Human Relations, 72(4): 733-754.
- Schedlitzki, D., Edwards, G. and Kempster, S. (2018) The absent follower: identity construction in organizationally assigned leader-follower relations. Leadership, 14(4): 483-503.
- Schedlitzki, D., Case, P. and Knights, D. (2017) Ways of leading in non-Anglophone contexts: Representing, expressing and enacting authority beyond the English-speaking world. Leadership. 13(2): 127-132.
- Schedlitzki, D., Edwards, G.P. and While, G. (2017) Leadership and the Welsh Language. European Management Review 14(1): 19-31.
- Schedlitzki, D., Ahonen, P., Edwards, G., Gaggiotti, H. and Wankhade, P. (2016) Working with language: A refocused research agenda for cultural leadership studies. International Journal of Management Reviews 19(2): 237-257.
- Schedlitzki, D., Jarvis, C. and MacInnes, J. (2015), Leadership development: a place for storytelling and Greek mythology?, Management Learning, 46(4): 412-426.
- Edwards, G., Schedlitzki, D., Ward, J. and Wood, M. (2015) Exploring critical perspectives of toxic and bad leadership through film. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 17 (3): 363-375.
- Edwards, G., Elliott, C., Iszatt-White, M. and Schedlitzki, D. (2015) Using creative techniques in leadership learning and development: An introduction. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 17 (3): 279-288.
- Edwards, G., Schedlitzki, D., Turnbull, S. and Gill, R. (2015) Exploring power assumptions in the leadership and management debate. Leadership and Organisation Development Journal, 36 (3): 328 -343.
- Schedlitzki, D. and Witney, D. (2014), Self-directed learning on a full-time MBA - a cautionary tale, International Journal of Management Education, 12(3): 203-211.
- Edwards, G.P. Elliot, C., Izsatt-White, M., and Schedlitzki, D. (2013) Introduction to Critical and Alternative Approaches to Leadership Learning and Development, Management Learning 44 (1): 3-10.
- Jepson (now Schedlitzki), D., Young, P. and Moule, P. (2011) Student experiences and views of two different blended learning models within a part-time post-graduate programme, International Journal of Management Education, 9 (3): 37-48.
- Jepson, D. (2010) The importance of national language as a level of discourse within individuals’ theorising of leadership – a qualitative study of German and English employees, Leadership, 6 (4): 425-446.
- Jepson, D. (2010) Is organisational theory and discourse converging internationally? An examination of the German case, Scandinavian Journal of Management, 26 (1): 1-12.
- Jepson, D. (2009) Studying Leadership at Cross-Country Level - a Critical Analysis, Leadership, 5 (1): 61-80.
- Jepson, D. (2009) Leadership context: the importance of departments, Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 30 (1): 36-52.
Journal special issue
- Sutherland, N., Bolden, R., Edwards, G. and Schedlitzki, D. (2022) Putting leadership in its place, Special Issues for Leadership, 18 (1)
- Schedlitzki, D., Case, P. and Knights, D. (Eds.) (2017) Ways of leading in non-Anglophone contexts: Representing, expressing and enacting authority beyond the English-speaking world, Special Issue for Leadership, 13 (2).
- Edwards, G., Elliott, C., Iszatt-White, M. and Schedlitzki, D. (Eds.) (2015) Using creative techniques in leadership learning and development. Special Issue for Advances in Developing Human Resources, 17 (3).
- Edwards, G.P. Elliot, C., Izsatt-White, M., & Schedlitzki, D. (Eds.) (2013) Critical and Alternative Approaches to Leadership Learning and Development. Special issue for Management Learning, 44 (1).
Book chapters
- Schedlitzki, D., Jarvis, C. and MacInnes, J. (2017) Using Greek Mythology in Leadership Development – the role of archetypes for self-reflection. Field Guide to Leadership Development, Edward Elgar, pp. 91-102.
- Clarke, C., Kelliher, C. and Schedlitzki, D. (2013) Labouring under false pretences? The emotional labour of authentic leadership, In: D. Ladkin et al. Reflections on Authentic Leadership: Concepts, Coalescences and Clashes, Edgar Elgar.
- Jepson, D. (2012) National language and its importance for worldly leadership. In: Turnbull, S., Case, P., Edwards, G., Jepson, D. and Simpson, P., eds. Worldly Leadership. Palgrave.
- Edwards, G. and Jepson, D. (2008) Departmental affiliation, leadership and leadership development in Turnbull-James, K. and Collins, J. (Eds.), Leadership Learning: Knowledge into Action, Palgrave.
- Schedlitzki, D. & Edwards, G.P. Studying Leadership: Traditional and Contemporary Approaches. Sage, second edition to be published in 2017.
- Schedlitzki, D. & Edwards, G.P. (2014). Studying Leadership: Traditional and Contemporary Approaches. Sage.
- Turnbull, S., Case, P., Edwards, G., Schedlitzki, D. and Simpson, P. (2012). Worldly Leadership, London: Palgrave.
SAMS/BAM Research and Capacity Building Grant
Co-Editor in Chief - Leadership (Sage)