Dr Mariam Akinlolu is a Lecturer in Construction Management and Head of Research and Knowledge Exchange for the School of the Built Environment.

Dr Akinlolu obtained a BTech in project management from Bells University of Technology, followed by a Master of Construction from the Cape Peninsula University of Technology in South Africa.
In addition, she holds a Doctorate of Philosophy (phD) in Construction Management from the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
Mariam has presented various papers at conferences locally and internationally. She has published in peer-reviewed journals, written chapters in a range of books, and edited several book collections.
What's more, Mariam has been involved in a number of internationally funded projects, with a heavy focus on sustainable built environment education, waste management, construction health and safety, and circular economy.
Her research interests stretch from engineering education, diversity, and inclusion in the built environment to sustainability, and construction health and safety.
Mariam has experience in designing and delivering a range of modules and courses on both project and construction management.
Journal Articles
- Akinlolu, M.; Omotayo, T., Ebohon, O.J., Ekundayo, D. (2023) An Analysis of the Mediational Effect of Socio-Cultural Factors on Student’s Career Choice Outcomes in the Built Environment: Applying the Socio-Cognitive Career Theory. Educ. Sci. 2023, 13, 1035. https://doi.org/3390/educsci13101035
- Akinlolu, M., Gender stereotypes and career choice behavior (2023): A cross-sectional study on a group of South African students in construction programs, Acta Structillia, 29(2), pp. 83-15
- Akinlolu, M. and Haupt, T.C. (2022) Tertiary Students Career Choices in Construction Disciplines: Are the Predictors the Same for Men and Women? Journal of Construction, 14(2), pp. 31 -41
- Simpeh, F. and Akinlolu, M. (2021) A Comparative Analysis of the Provision of Student Housing Safety Measures, Journal of Facilities Management, (3), pp. 377-39 doi.org/10.1108/JFM- 11-2020-0080
- Akinlolu, M., Olalusi, O.B. and Haupt, T.C. (2021) A Scientometric Review and Meta-analysis of the Health and Safety of Women in Construction: Structure and Research Trends, Journal of Engineering Design and Technology, 19 (2), pp.446-466, 10.1108/JEDT-07-2020-0291.
- Akinlolu, M. and Haupt, T.C. Gender and Career Choice: A Modified Delphi Study of Socio- Cognitive Predictors of Career Choice in the Construction Industry, Journal of Construction Project Management, and Innovation, 11(2), pp. 17-35, 2021 ISSN 2223-7852
- Akinlolu, M., Haupt, T.C. Edwards, D. and Simpeh, F. (2020) A Bibliometric Review of the Current Status, and Emerging Trends in Construction Safety Management Technologies, International Journal of Construction Management, doi.org/10.1080/15623599.2020.1819584
- Akinlolu, M. Ndihokubwayo, R. and Simpeh, F. (2020). TQM implementation challenges: A case study of a building maintenance department of an institution of higher learning, International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 29(3), pp. 355- 371, doi/10.1504/IJPQM.2019.10019467
- Akinlolu, M. and Haupt, T.C. (2020) Women and Occupational Risks in Construction, Journal of Construction, 13(2)
- Babalola, A., Musa, S., Akinlolu, M. and Haupt, T.C. (2021) A Bibliometric Review of Advances in Building Information Modeling (BIM) Research, Journal of Engineering Design and Technology, Vol. 21 No. 3, pp. 690-710, doi.org/10.1108/JEDT-01-2021-0013
- Haupt, T.C., Hadebe, W. and Akinlolu, M. (2019). Effectiveness of Contractor Development Programme in KwaZulu-Natal, Acta Structilia, 26 (2) 39-70, doi.org/10.18820/24150487/as26i2.2
- Makua, M., Akinlolu, M. (2023) Sustaining Higher Education Through Resource Allocation, Learning Design Models, and Academic Development, IGI Global, USA
- Haupt, T.C., Akinlolu, M., Simpeh, F., Amoah, C. and Armoed, Z. (2022) Construction in 5D: Deconstruction, Digitalization, Disruption, Disaster, Development, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer Nature Switzerland, doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-97748-1
Chapters in Books
- Akinlolu, M. and Haupt, T.C. (2022) Prevalence of the Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) among Construction Workers in South Africa, in Towards a Sustainable Construction Industry: The Role of Innovation and Digitalisation, CIDB 2022,Springer Nature, 498–507, DOI: 1007/978-3-031-22434-8_49
- Akinlolu, and Haupt, T.C. (2022) The Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome: A Bibliometric Analysis of a Neurological Disorder in Construction Workers, in Construction in 5D: Deconstruction, Digitalization, Disruption, Disaster, Development, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer Nature, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-97748-1
- Mhalanga, J., Haupt, T.C. and Akinlolu, M. (2022) Factors Influencing the Adoption of Disruptive Construction Procurement Models in State Universities, in Construction in 5D: Deconstruction, Digitalization, Disruption, Disaster, Development, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer Nature, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-97748-1
- Olubisi , Ebohon, O.J., Haupt, T.C. and Akinlolu, M. (2022) Understanding the Functionality and Mechanical Properties of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete in Stemming Building Collapses in Nigeria, in Construction in 5D: Deconstruction, Digitalization, Disruption, Disaster, Development, Springer Nature, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-97748-1
- Akinlolu, M. and Haupt, T.C. (2019). Investigating a Male Dominated Space: Female Students’ Perceptions of Gendered Cultures in Construction Workplaces, In Aigbavboa, C. and Thwala, W. (Eds) The Construction Industry in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Springer Nature Switzerland, The Construction Industry in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Conference Papers
- Akinlolu, M. (2022) Connecting Learning Experiences to Career Choices: A Survey of Built Environment Students, Construction, Business and Project Management Conference, Capetown, South Africa
- Akinlolu M. and Haupt, T.C. (2022) Hand-Arm Vibration Exposure: An Occupational Hazard for Construction Workers, 12th International Conference on Engineering, Project, and Production Management, Athens, Greece
- Akinlolu, M. and Haupt, T.C. (2022) Career Choice and it's Influencing Factors: Perception of Female Construction Students, 13th International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century, Amman, Jordan
- Akinlolu, and Haupt, T.C. (2021) The Relationship Between Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Career Choices of Undergraduate Construction Students, Accra, Ghana
- Raliile, M., Haupt, T.C. and Akinlolu, M. (2021) Rethinking Construction Health and Safety Legislation Compliance: Lessons Learnt from COVID-19 – Pilot Study, CIB W099 & W123 Annual International Conference, Glasgow, Uk
- Akinlolu, M., Haupt, T.C. and Manyane, M. (2021) Career Choice, Socio-economic Status of Women in Construction Programs, 44th Australasian Universities Building Education Association Conference, Geelong, Australia
- Akinlolu, and Haupt, T.C. (2021) Socio-economic Status, Gender and Outcome Expectations of Career Choices of Students in Construction Programs in South Africa, DII International Conference, Livingstone, Zambia
- Narain, U., Haupt.,T.C. and Akinlolu, M. (2021) Awareness And Implementation Of Energy Efficiency Initiatives In The Retrofitting Of Retail Centres In South Africa, IDOBE International Conference, London, Uk
- Mhlanga, J. Haupt, T. C. and Akinlolu, M. (2021) Resource Management Strategies Applied on Construction Projects in Zimbabwe, IDOBE International Conference, London
- Theo Haupt, Akinlolu, M. and Upasna Narain (2021) Challenges to the Adoption of Strategies and Regulations for Energy Efficiency Initiatives in the Retrofitting of Retail Centers, CIB International Conference on Smart Built Environment, ICSBE 2021, Dubai, UAE
- Theo C. Haupt and Akinlolu, M. Client Involvement and Construction Project Healthy and Safety Performance, CIB International Conference on Smart Built Environment, ICSBE 2021, Dubai
- Akinlolu, M. and Haupt, T.C. (2020). Evolution in the intellectual structure of construction Safety technology research: A bibliometric review, The Fifth Australasia, and South-East Asia Structural Engineering and Construction Conference 30th November – 3rd December, New
- Akinlolu, M. and Haupt, T.C. (2020). Women at Work: Complexities of Occupational Health and Safety Challenges in a Male Dominated Environment, International Conference on Women Leadership and 23-25 July 2020, Maldives, pp 269-280, ISBN – 9781733892933
- Akinlolu, M. and Haupt, T.C. and Olalusi, O. B. (2020). Women, Femininity and health and safety on Construction Sites, International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructural 27-28 July 2020, Ogun, Nigeria
- Olalusi, B., Panos Spyridis and Akinlolu, M. (2020). Uncertainty in shear breakout resistance of single anchors in shear-comparison of EN 1992-4 and ACI 318, International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructural Development. 27-28 July 2020, Ogun, Nigeria
- Akinlolu, M. and Haupt, T.C. (2020) Effectiveness of BIM-based visualization technologies for construction site health and safety management: A Meta-synthesis Approach, IOP Conf. Ser.: Sci. Eng. 1107 012176
- Akinlolu, , Haupt, T.C. (2020) Gender and Career Choice Behaviour: Social Cognitive predictors of student’s persistence in Construction Education, 14th Built Environment Conference (ASOCSA 2020), Durban, South Africa, IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 654 012002
- Simeph, F. and Akinlolu, M. (2020) A Scientometric Review of Student Housing Research Trends, 14th Built Environment Conference (ASOCSA 2020), Durban, South Africa, IOP Conf. : Earth Environ. Sci. 654 012015
- Olalusi, O.B., Akinlolu, M. and Haupt, T.C., Predicting the Shear Resistance of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Structures using Random Forest-Based Model, ESREL 2020, Venice
- Elias, D., Haupt, T.C. and Akinlolu, M., (2020). Ethical Behavior in the Construction Industry, 6th International Project and Construction Management Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
- Akinlolu, M.T. and Haupt, T.C. (2020). Gender and Women in Construction in South Africa: A Model of Career Choice, 5th World Congress on Engineering and Applications (WCEA), Bangkok
- Akinlolu, and Haupt, T.C. (2019). Gender differences in perceptions of workplace interactions among university students in male- dominated work, 13th Built Environment Conference (ASOCSA), Durban, South Africa
- Haupt, T.C., Akinlolu, M. and Raliile,M. (2019). Emerging Technologies in Construction Safety and Health Management, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Innovation, Technology, Enterprise and Entrepreneurship, Manama
- Simpeh, F. and Akinlolu, M. (2019) Importance level of postgraduate student housing facility services: perception of students, CIB World Congress, Hong
- Haupt, T.C., Akinlolu, M. and Raliile, M.T. (2019). Applications of digital technologies for health and safety management in construction. In: Sandanayake, G., Gunatilake, S. and Waidyasekara, A.(eds). Proceedings of the 8th World Construction Symposium, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 8-10 November 2019, pp. 88-97.DOI: doi.org/10.31705/WCS.2019.9
- Haupt, T.C., Akinlolu, M. and Raliile, M.T. (2019). The use and effect of cannabis among construction workers in South Africa: A pilot study, The 10th West Africa Built Environment Research Conference (WABER), Accra
- Akinlolu, M. and Haupt, C. (2018) Women in construction: Sociocultural gender-linked influences on career choices, 12th Built Environment Conference (ASOCSA), Durban, South Africa
- Akinlolu, M. and Simpeh, F. (2018). Success factors for the effective implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) in the maintenance of University buildings, 10th Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Postgraduate Conference, Port Elizabeth, South
- Simpeh, F. and Akinlolu, M. (2018) Importance level of on-campus student housing facility spaces: perception of postgraduate students, 10thConstruction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Postgraduate Conference, Port Elizabeth, South
- Akinlolu, M., Ndihokubwayo, R. and Simpeh, F. (2017). The extent of practice of Total Quality Management (TQM) in the maintenance of university buildings in South Africa, 11th Built Environment Conference (ASOCSA), Durban, South
Research Grants
- Principal Investigator: British Council, Gender Equality Partnerships; Advancing Gender Equality in the Built Environment through Gender-responsive Higher Education and Digital Skills Development - £25,000 (2024-2025)
- Principal Investigator: Council of Heads of the Built Environment, Special Interest Group; Designing Equity, Diversity an Inclusion in the Curriculum of Construction Management and Quantity Surveying Programs- £2500 (2023-2024)
- Partner Principal Investigator : National Research Foundation /Swiss National Science Foundation; SA/Switzerland Lead Agency Funding; Re-engineering informal construction through circular practices and models- R1,100,000 (2023-2025)
- Principal Investigator: British Council, Going Global Partnerships, Consolidation Grant; Using Entrepreneurial Education to Enhance the Built Environment Curriculum - -£ 50,0000 (2023-2024)
- Principal Investigator: British Council, Innovation for African Universities Program; Embedding Enterprise Education in the Curriculum of Built Environment Programs-£ 100,0000 (2021-2022)
- Co-Investigator: National Research Foundation, Global Change Social Sciences Program; Sustainable Built Environment Higher Education for The Future- R2,250,000 (2021-2023)
- Co-Investigator: National Research Foundation; The impact of the Hand-Arm- Vibration Syndrome on Construction Workers – R3,000,000 (2021-2023)
Dr Mariam Akinlolu
Lecturer and Research Leader