Dr. Soroush Avakh Darestani is a senior lecturer in business and management at the Guildhall School of Business and Law.

More about Dr. Soroush Avakh Darestani
Soroush is a senior lecturer in business and management in the Guildhall School of Business and Law here at London Metropolitan University. He received his PhD in Industrial and Systems Engineering from University Putra Malaysia in 2010. Prior to joining London Met, he worked as a lecturer in operations and supply chain management at Coventry University and Sunway University Business School, Malaysia, and also as an assistant professor in industrial and systems engineering at IAU, Iran.
His industrial experience includes working in automotive, construction, manufacturing, food and polymer industries as well as quality management systems consultancy for SMEs and multinational companies.
Soroush’s teaching is focused on operations management, project management and supply chain management. His research interests lie in the areas of sustainable supply chain, lean production, quality management, optimisation.
He has taught technology and operations management, supply chain management, total quality management, international project management practice, productivity management, research methodology modules at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
He has also supervised master's and PhD students in higher education for more than 10 years.
- Sustainable and green supply chain management
- Green lean and agile manufacturing
- Optimisation and operations research
- Application of decision making techniques in operations management
- Quality management and engineering
Soroush's publications have appeared in many international journals, including ENERGY, CAIE, ASOC, OPSEARCH, JQME, IJQRM, AJSL, JIPE, MRR, ESPR and JSTPM. He has published over 40 peer-reviewed journal papers and 60 conference papers.
- Vahabi Nejat, S., Avakh Darestani, S., Omidvari, M. and Amin Adibi, M. (2022). Evaluation of green lean production in textile industry: A hybrid fuzzy decision-making framework. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29, 11590–11611.
- Asgharnezhad, A., Avakh Darestani, S. (2022). A green supplier selection framework in polyethylene industry. Management Research Review, (In-Press).
- Eskandari, Z., Avakh Darestani, S., Imannezhad, R. and Sharifi, M. (2021). Optimising a fuzzy multi-objective closed-loop supply chain model considering financial resources using meta-heuristic. Scientia Iranica, (In-Press).
- Mollaie, A., Avakh Darestani, S. and Dadd, D. (2021). Developing a transfer point location problem considering normal demands distribution. Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering, 15, 109-119.
- Zarrat Dakhely Parast, Z., Haleh, H., Avakh Darestani, S. and Amin-Tahmasbi, H. (2021). Green reverse supply chain network design considering location-routing-inventory decisions with simultaneous pickup and delivery. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (In-Press).
- Tavakoli Haji Abadi, Y. and Avakh Darestani, S. (2021). Evaluation of sustainable supply chain risk: Evidence from the Iranian food industry. Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, (In-Press).
- Movassaghi, M. and Avakh Darestani, S. (2021). Multiple cross-docks scheduling with multiple doors using fuzzy approach and meta-heuristic algorithms. Journal of the Operations Research Society of China, (In-Press).
- Ojani, S. and Avakh Darestani, S. (2021). Green-lean operations evaluation framework: A case from Iranian automotive industry. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, (In-Press).
- Zeinalpour, S. and Avakh Darestani, S. (2021). A roadmap for lean production tools implementation. International Journal of Business Excellence, (In-Press).
- Yadegari, D. and Avakh Darestani, S. (2021). Supplier evaluation with order allocation in mega-projects. Management Research Review, 44(8), 1157-1181.
- Mousavi, H. Avakh Darestani, S. and Azimi, P. (2021). An artificial neural network based mathematical model for a stochastic health care facility location problem. Health Care Management Science, 24, 499–514.
- Farshchian, G., Avakh Darestani, S. and Hamidi, N. (2021). Developing a decision making dashboard for power losses attributes of Iran's electricity distribution network. Energy: An International Journal, 216, 1-18.
- Poormohammad Sarabi, E. and Avakh Darestani, S. (2021). Developing a decision support dashboard for selection of logistics service provider employing fuzzy MULTIMOORA and BWM in mining equipment manufacturing. Applied Soft Computing Journal, 98, 1-14.
- Ghane, N., Avakh Darestani, S., Ismail, Y and Moradi Tadi, A. (2021). Developing fuzzy tool capability measurement system analysis. Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering, 14(1), 79-92.
- Mohammadi, S., Avakh Darestani, S., Vahdani, B. and Alinezhad, A. (2020). A robust neutrosophic fuzzy-based approach to integrate reliable facility location and routing decisions for disaster relief under fairness and aftershocks concerns. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 148, 1-21.
- Rajabi, Z. and Avakh Darestani, S. (2020). Bi-objective optimisation of a multi-product multi-period fuzzy possibilistic capacitated hub covering problem: NSGA-II and NRGA solutions. Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering, 13(2), 73-87.
- Avakh Darestani, S., Ganji, M. and Imannezhad, R. (2020). Performance measurement of preventive maintenance system using fuzzy ANP and fuzzy DEMATEL techniques in the automotive industry supply chain. Production, 30, 1-16.
- Movassaghi, M. and Avakh Darestani, S. (2020). Cross-docks scheduling with multiple doors using fuzzy approach. European Transport, 79, 1-18.
- Banihatam, S. and Avakh Darestai, S. (2020). The effect of intellectual capital on organisational performance: Evidence from Iran. International Journal of Service and Operations Management, (In-Press).
- Avakh Darestani, S., Palizban, T. and Imannezhad, R. (2019). Maintenance strategy selection: a combined goal programming approach and BWM-TOPSIS for paper production industry. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 28(1), 14-36.
- Najjar Vazifehdan, M. and Avakh Darestani, S. (2019). Evaluating green logistics outsourcing employing multi criteria decision making and quality function deployment in the petrochemical industry. The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics, 35(4), 243-254.
- Mousazadeh, S. and Avakh Darestani, S. (2019). Modelling a production-inventory-routing problem of blood products using heuristic solution methods. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 37(4), 5589-5609.
- Hemmati, M. and Avakh Darestani, S. (2019). Robust optimisation of a bi-objective closed-loop supply chain network for perishable goods considering queue system. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 136, 277-292.
- Hojjat Shamami, N & Avakh Darestani, S. (2019). Performance evaluation of lean production based on balanced score card method using ANP and SIR: A case from Iranian home appliance industry. OPSEARCH, 56, 717–738.
- Mohammadi, A. and Avakh Darestani, S. (2019). Green supplier selection problem using TOPSIS extended by D numbers in tractor manufacturing industry. International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 32(3), 327-338.
- Pourasadollah, F. and Avakh Darestani, S. (2019). Optimising a multi-objective fuzzy closed loop supply chain network design considering dynamic pricing. Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering, 12(1), 173-194.
- Fekri, M. and Avakh Darestani, S. (2019). Fuzzy overall equipment effectiveness and line performance measurement using artificial neural network. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 25(2), 340-354.
- Dabiri, M., Avakh Darestani, S. and Naderi, B. (2019). Multi-machine flow shop scheduling problems with rejection using genetic algorithm. International Journal of Service and Operations Management, 32(2), 158-172.
- Abbaszadeh Tavassoli, M., Avakh Darestani, S. and Abbaszadeh Tavassoli, S. (2018). Supplier selection and evaluation using QFD and ELECTRE in quality management system environment (case study: Faravari & Sakht Company). International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 24(1), 84-100.
- Avakh Darestani, S. and Moradi Tadi, A. (2017). Fuzzy statistical process control. QIAU.
- Asgari, N. and Darestani, S. (2017). Application of multi-criteria decision-making methods for balanced scorecard: A literature review investigation. International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 27(2), 262-283.
- Ahmadpour, L., Kazemi, A. and Avakh Darestani, S. (2017). Presenting a multi agent system for estimating risk in supply chain management. International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 28(2), 222-242.
- Avakh Darestani, S. and Mohammadreza, S. (2016). A fuzzy data envelopment analysis approach for multi-objective covering facility location problem using NSGA-II. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 24(1), 1-31.
- Nasiri, M. and Avakh Darestani, S. (2016). A literature review investigation on quality control charts based on fuzzy logic. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 18(4), 474-498.
- Avakh Darestani, S. and Nasiri, M. (2016). Statistical process control: Fuzzy–S control chart and process capability in dices in normal data environment. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 33(1), 2-24.
- Avakh Darestani, S. and Moradi Tadi, A. (2016). Development of fuzzy individual x and moving range (IX-MR) control chart. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 17(1), 82–103.
- Avakh Darestani, S. and Mirzaei, S. (2016). Development of failure mode and effects analysis using fuzzy analytical network process. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 17(2), 215 – 235.
- Avakh Darestani, S. and Tahaei, M. (2015). Vehicle routing with cross-docking decreasing total cost in the supply chain and storage unrestricted capacity. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 20(1), 148-159.
- Avakh Darestani, S., Azizi, M. and Qavami, S. (2015). Solving multi-objective supplier selection model using a compensatory approach. Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 32(6), 387-395.
- Karami, S., Pourasadollah, F., Avakh Darestani, S. and Ghasedi, S. (2015). A quality function deployment approach for supplier selection problem using ANP. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 20(2), 161-178.
- Avakh Darestani, S. and Aminpour, N. (2014). Short-run control chart for multiproducts based on multi-items with unequal means and variances. Journal of Quality and Reliability Engineering, 2014, 1-4.
- Avakh Darestani, S., Moradi Tadi, A., Taheri, S. and Raeiszadeh, M. (2014). Development of fuzzy u control chart for monitoring defects. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 31(7), 811-821.
- Avakh Darestani, S., Ismail, M. Y., Ismail, N. b., and Yusuff, R. M. (2010). Quantifying suppliers product quality: An exploratory of product quality audit method. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 2(21), 149-159.
Soroush holds the following positions:
- Certified Management and Business Educator (CMBE) with Chartered ABS
- Full member of Association for Project Management (MAPM)
- Member of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
- Associate Fellow (AFHEA) in Higher Education, UK (Sep 2021)
Soroush has collaborated as conference committee member with the following international conferences:
- Scientific committee:
- The first International Conference on Data Analysis: New Trends in Logistics and Supply Chain (DANT 2019) in Qazvin, Iran
- International Technical Committee:
- The first International Conference on IEIM 2020 in Paris, France
- The second International Conference on IEIM 2021 in Spain, Barcelona
- Track chairs committee:
- Business management: 12th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management 2022 in Istanbul, Turkey
- Principal Investigator (PI) awarded £6,000 by London Metropolitan University, UK in 2021
- External examiner
- PG projects supervision
- Viva examinations
Dr. Soroush Avakh Darestani
Senior Lecturer in Business and Management
Email Soroush