Professor of Applied Health Research, Centre for Primary Health and Social Care, in the School of Social Professions.
Professor Duncan Stewart
Duncan has a background in sociology with long standing research expertise in treatment approaches for people with drug and/or alcohol problems. He leads a portfolio of work on ageing, multimorbidity and alcohol consumption.
Duncan’s primary research interests are on the organisation and delivery of services for people for whom drug and/or alcohol use has impacted on their health and other aspects of their lives. This includes evaluation of existing interventions and the development and trialling of new ones. His current research focus is alcohol consumption among older people with multiple long term conditions. He has worked on a wide range of research projects including qualitative studies, systematic reviews, randomised controlled trials, cohort and epidemiological studies, and research to develop and evaluate research/clinical assessment instruments. He is a member of the Centre for Primary Health and Social Care.
Module leader for Introduction to Epidemiology (Public Health MSc)
- Stewart, D., McCambridge, J. (2020). Managing alcohol use in primary care. BMJ, 371:m4129.
- Stewart, D., Hewitt ,C., McCambridge, J. (2020). Exploratory validation study of the individual AUDIT-C items among older people. Alcohol and Alcoholism, agaa080.
- Stewart, D., Whittlesea, C., Dhital, R., Newbould, L. & McCambridge, J. (2020). Community pharmacist led medication reviews in the UK: A scoping review of the Medicines Use Review and the New Medicines Service literatures. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 16(2), 111-122.
- Madden, M, Morris, S, Ogden, M, Lewis, D, Stewart, D, McCambridge, J. (2020). Producing co‐production: Reflections on the development of a complex intervention. Health Expectations, 23, 659-669.
- Stewart, D. & McCambridge, J. (2019). Alcohol complicates multimorbidity in older adults. BMJ,365:l4304.
- Stewart, D., & McCambridge, J. (2019). Authors' reply to Rao. BMJ, 366, l5151.
- Madden, M. T., Morris, S. L., Stewart, D., Atkin, K. M., Gough, B. & McCambridge, J. (2019). Conceptualising alcohol consumption in relation to long-term health conditions: exploring risk in interviewee accounts of drinking and taking medications. PLoS ONE, 14(11): e0224706.
Clinical pharmacy: Highlighting Alcohol use in Medication aPpointments (CHAMP-1). National Institute of Health Research.