With a passion for discovering the world, Ela holds an MSc in Geography and a BSc in Business Management. She has worked in tourism for tour operators in areas of sales, operations, tour leading and guiding. She later moved on to a career in destination management and consultancy as a research analyst.

Elzbieta Rogers
Ela has over 15 years of expertise in teaching and coaching, spanning professional and Higher Education institutions in Poland, Slovakia and the United Kingdom. In her spare time she is also a juror for the Polish National Geography Olympiads.
She is a member of the Higher Education Academy, Tourism Management Institute, Tourism Society, Polish Geographical Society and Royal Geographical Society.
Ela's investigations of medical tourism competitiveness in Eastern Europe led to a PhD in Human Geography and Tourism. Today her research interests still combine geography and tourism, as she focuses on niche tourism and destination management.
Recognized by Outstanding Lecturer Award in 2016, she developed modules tourism management modules. These include the digital transformation of tourism, impact of tourism, as well as marketing and management of visitors in the era of over-tourism.
Maiden name: Pitrus
Authored books
Garecki J., Jaszczuk S., Pitrus E., Wronska D. (2006) Encyclopaedia: Geography, Greg, Krakow.
Articles and chapters in edited books
- Rogers, E. (2013) Wielka Brytania [in:] Kurek, W. (ed), Regiony turystyczne świata, Polish Scientific Publishers PWN, Warsaw, pp. 153-164.
- Rogers, E. (2011) Krakowskie uzdrowiska [in:] Mika, M., (ed.) Kraków jako ośrodek turystyczny, Institute of Geography and Spatial Management, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, pp. 219226.
- Pitrus, E. (2007) Marketing Management Techniques in Tourism Research [in:] Kawecka, I. Gorecki, J., (ed.) New Research Approach, Methods and Techniques in Geography, University Publishing House, Krakow, pp. 73-82.
- Pitrus, E. (2007) Qualified Tourism [in:] Kurek, W. (ed), Tourism, Polish Scientific Publishers PWN, Warsaw, pp. 256-259.
- Pitrus, E. (2007) Sources for Travel and Tourism Information [in:] Kurek, W. (ed), Tourism, Polish Scientific Publishers PWN, Warsaw, pp. 495-508.
- Pitrus E., (2007) Uzdrowiska karpackie w dobie transformacji społeczno-ekonomicznej Polski [in:] Górka Z., Więcław-Michniewska J., (ed.) Badania i podróże naukowe krakowskich geografów, Vol. 3, Polish Geographical Society, Kraków. pp. 50-60.
Refereed articles in academic journals
- Pitrus, E. (2007) The Internet in Polish Tourism, Prace Geograficzne, 117(1), pp.277-285.
- Pitrus, E. (2006) Carpathian health resorts during socio-economic transformation, Turyzm, 16(1), pp. 53-70.
Non-refereed articles
- Rogers, E. (2011) Integrating Vocational and Academic Curriculum: Redesign of the Destination Marketing module, Curriculum Evaluation and Development, p. 1-17.
- Rogers, E. (2011) Fieldwork: Assessment in outside-class environment, Managing the Assessment Process, p. 1-12.
- Pitrus, E. (2008) Turystyka w Małopolsce 2006, Innowacyjny start, 1, Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Małopolskiego, p. 4.
Departmental working papers and university series
- Pitrus, E., Faracik, R. (2006) Health Resorts Development in Local Government’s Policy in Poland [in:] Wyrzykowski, S. (ed.) Conditions of the foreign tourism development in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol 9, Contemporary Models of Spa Tourism, Wroclaw, pp. 327-338.
Dr Ela Rogers
Course leader for Tourism and Travel Management BA (Hons)
E: e.rogers@londonmet.ac.uk