Gordana Uzelac
Gordana is responsible for designing and delivering on-site and online several undergraduate and postgraduate modules on Sociology of Religion, Social Change, Research Methods and Data Analysis. She is course leader for BSc in Psychology and Sociology, an external examiner for Sociology degrees in University of Galway, Ireland, and Kingston University, UK. She is also a member of editorial team of Nations and Nationalism and of advisory board of the Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism (ASEN).
Gordana obtained her undergraduate degree at the Department of Sociology, University of Zagreb, Croatia and her MSc degree in Sociology from the Central European University, Prague, Czechia. In 1996 she started her PhD studies at London School of Economics, London, under supervision of Prof Anthony D. Smith where she worked on her thesis entitled "Perceptions of the Nation: The Case of Croatia". In 2002 she joined London Metropolitan University where she mainly teaches modules on sociological theory and methods and supervises PhD theses related to nationalism.
Gordana is a member of the Global Diversities and Inequalities Research Centre at London Met. Her research interest are in the domain of nations and nationalism, and she is often engaged in multidisciplinary research.
- Uzelac, G. (forthcoming) Ernest Gellner, in. Hern, J., Halikiopoulou, D. and Krasniqi, G. /Eds/ Encyclopaedia of Nationalism. Edward Elgar.
- Malešević S., Uzelac, G., Carol, S., David, L. (2024) Plotting against Our Nation: Covid 19, Nationalisms, and Conspiracy Theories in Five European Countries. National Identities.
- Uzelac, G., Carol, S., David, L. Malešević S. (2024) ‘My Country First’: Vaccine Nationalism in England?’, Nationalism and Ethnic Politics.
- Carol, S., David, L., Malešević, S., Uzelac, G. (2023) Pro-social attitudes towards ethno-religious out-groups during the COVID-19 pandemic: A survey experiment in five countries, International Sociology. https://doi.org/10.1177/02685809231214
- Đorđević A., Malešević, S. ., David, L. ., Uzelac, G., Kišjuhas, A., Pešić, J., Dinić, R., Petrović Trifunović, T., Panović, Z., Balunović, F., Pisarri, M. and Pavlović, A. (2022) ‘Nacionalizam, nacionalna prošlost i kovid-19 u Srbiji’, Kritika: časopis za filozofiju i teoriju društva, 3(1), 93–137. Available at: https://kritika.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/index.php/kc/article/view/92
- Uzelac, G (2020) Charisma and communities of feeling, Nations and Nationalism, 07 October 2020, https://doi.org/10.1111/nana.12658.
- Uzelac, G (2019) Legitimacy of Death: National Appropriation of the Fallen, Nationalities, 47(4), pp. 647-659, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/nps.2018.3.
- Uzelac, G (2010) National Ceremonies: The Pursuit of Authenticity, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 33(10), pp. 1718-36, https://doi.org/10.1080/01419871003703243.
- Leach, P, Paraskeva, C and Uzelac, G (2010) Human Rights Fact-Finding: Examining the Role of the European Court of Human Rights, Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, 28(1) pp. 41-77, https://doi.org/10.1177/016934411002800103.
- Malesevic, S And Uzelac, G (2007) A nation-state without the nation? The trajectories of nation-formation in Montenegro, Nations and Nationalism, 13(4).
- Uzelac, G (2006) The Development of the Croatian Nation: An Historical and Sociological Analysis. Ceredigion: The Edwin Mellen Press, ISBN: 0773457917
- Ichijo, A and Uzelac, G /Eds/ (2005) When is the Nation? Towards an Understanding of Theories of Nationalism, London: Routledge, ISBN: 0415354935
- Stephenson, S and Uzelac, G (2003) Students' Attitudes towards Group Presentation Assessment: A Survey at London Metropolitan University, Investigations in University Teaching and Learning, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 71-78.
- Uzelac, G (2002) Morphogenesis of Nation, in Malesevic, S. and Haugaard, M. /eds/ Making Sense of Collectivity, London: Pluto Press, pp. 138-166.
- Uzelac, G. (2002) When is the Nation? Constituent Elements and Processes, Geopolitics, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 33-52.
- Uzelac, G (1999) Perceptions of the Nation: The Example of Croatian Students in 1993, Canadian Review of the Studies in Nationalism, Vol. XXVI, No. 1-2, 123-138.
- Uzelac, G (1998) Franjo Tudjman's Nationalist Ideology. East European Quarterly, 31(4), pp. 449-472.
- Uzelac, G and Malesevic, S (1997) Ethnic Distance, Power and War: The Case of Croatian Students, Nations and Nationalism, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 291-298.
- Culig, B and Uzelac, G (1992) Politicki stavovi i vizija buducnosti, in Caldarovic, O, Mesic, M and A Stulhofer (eds) Sociologija i rat, Zagreb: Hrvatsko sociolosko drustvo.
Research reports
- Leach, P, Paraskeva, C and Uzelac, G (2009) International Human Rights and Fact-finding: An analysis of the fact-finding missions conducted by the European Commission and Court of Human Rights, Human Rights and Social Justice Institute, London Metropolitan University, ISBN 0-9549419-5-0.
- Lovett, J, Uzelac, G, Horvat, M and Kelly, L et al (2007) Rape in the 21st Century; Old Behaviours, New Contexts and Emerging Power.
- Uzelac, G. and Ichijo, A. (2003) Us and them: a quantitative analysis of perceptions of the nation and Europe among the British population; Representations of Europe and the nation in current and prospective member-states: media, elites and civil society (Final Report).
- 2021-23 – Soteria Bluestone, Pilar 5 – led by the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) and hosted by the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC); Funded by the Home Office (£6.65 million from 2021 to 2023). Role: methodologist, qualitative and quantitative data analyst.
- 2021-23 – Operation Soteria Bluestone 2 – Pilar 5 Methodologist
- 2020-21 – World problem, national solutions? The impact of national past on behaviour during the pandemic, funded by Health Research Board, Republic of Ireland (€185,000) based in University College Dublin, PI Prof. Sinisa Malesevic; Role: co-applicant, methodologist, responsible for England.
- 2007-2008 – International Human Rights and Fact Finding, funded by the Nuffield Foundation (£65,000), based at Human Rights and Social Justice Research Institute, London Metropolitan University, 18-month project; Role: co-applicant, quantitative methodologist.
- 2006-2007: Rape in the 21st Century: Old Behaviors, New Contexts and Emerging Patterns, ESRC funded (£40,000), based at Child and Woman Abuse Studies Unit, London Metropolitan University, 12-month project; Role: co-applicant, quantitative methodologist.
- 2002-2004: EURONAT: Representations of Europe and the nation in current and prospective member-states: media, elites and civil society, funded by the European Commission Research DG, for the period 2001-2004, based at European University Institute's Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Florence; Role: main quantitative methodologist for LSE partners.
Recent presentations and conferences
- 2022 – BSA Annual Conference "Building Equality and Justice Now" – Special Event "World Problem, National Solutions" – Presentation title: The Impact of Trust in Institutions on Vaccination;
- 2022 – Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade, Serbia - PANEL: Nationalism, National Past and COVID-19
- 2021 – BSA Annual Conference "Remaking the Future" – Presentation title: Bargaining with migrants: The Rhetoric of Economic Nationalism
- Lovett, J., Hales, G., Kelly, L., Vera-Gray, F., Uzelac, G., Buil-Gil, D. and Myhill, A. (2023) Operation Soteria Bluestone Year One Report. Pillar Five - data and performance (Independent report) https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/operation-soteria-year-one-report/operation-soteria-bluestone-year-one-report-accessible-version#appendix-11-pillar-five---data-and-performance
- Leach, P., Paraskeva, C. and Uzelac, G. (2009) International Human Rights & Fact-finding: An analysis of the fact-finding missions conducted by the European Commission and Court of Human Rights, Human Rights and Social Justice Institute, London Metropolitan University, ISBN 0-9549419-5-0, https://www.academia.edu/4812390/International_Human_Rights_and_Fact_Finding
- Lovett, J., Uzelac, G., Horvat, M. and Kelly, L. et al (2007) Rape in the 21st Century; Old Behaviours, New Contexts and Emerging Power, http://www.cwasu.org/filedown.asp?file=map_of_gaps(1).pdf
- Uzelac, G. and Ichijo, A. (2003) Us and them: a quantitative analysis of perceptions of the nation and Europe among the British population; Representations of Europe and the nation in current and prospective member-states: media, elites and civil society (Final Report), http://www.iue.it/ RSCAS/Research/EURONAT/Projects.shtml
Gordana Uzelac
Senior Lecturer in Sociology