Hassan Kazemian is a Professor in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at the School of Computing and Digital Media.
More about Hassan Kazemian
Professor Kazemian has 35 years experience in his academic career and has worked at London Met since 1999, where he was promoted to Professor in 2006.
Academic qualifications
- BSc Engineering (Computing) UK, MSc Computer Control Systems Engineering UK, and PhD in Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Robotics UK
Membership of professional bodies
- Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (FIET) (former FIEE)
- Fellow of British Computer Society (FBCS)
- Engineering Council, Chartered Engineer (C. Eng.)
- Serving as a member of EPSRC Peer Review College during 2006 – present
Prof Kazemian's research interests include applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques to many areas such as: big data research; cyber security research, such as steganography, cryptography, identity resolution, crowd sourced data, mobile devices security, cloud security, web server attacks, penetration testing, e-commerce security and policy, GDPR, cryptocurrency, dark net and social graph, membrane protein (bioinformatics research), data mining and data warehousing, applications of AI to robotics, neuro-linguistic programming and natural language processing.
Prof Kazemian is currently part of a five-million euro EU Horizon 2020 Spirit (Scalable Privacy Preserving Intelligence Analysis for Resolving Identities) project consortium with 17 European partners.
He is Director of the Intelligent Systems Research Centre.
Paper publications in international refereed journals as first author
- Hassan B. Kazemian and Cedric Maxime Grimaldi, Cascading classifier application for topology prediction of transmembrane beta-barrel proteins, Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Vol. 18, No. 6 (2020), 2050034–1 to 2050034–15, World Scientific Publishing Europe Ltd. DOI: 10.1142/S0219720020500341, December 2020.
- H. Kazemian, S. A. Yusuf, K. White, C. M. Grimaldi, NN approach and its comparison with NN-SVM to beta-barrel prediction, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. pp. 203–214, 1st Nov 16.
- H. Kazemian and S. Ahmed, Comparisons of machine learning techniques for detecting malicious Webpages, Expert Systems With Applications, DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2014.08.046, Vol. 42, Issue 3, pp. 1166-1177, Feb 2015.
- H. Kazemian, S.A. Yusuf, K. White, Signal peptide discrimination and cleavage site identification using SVM and NN, Computers in Biology and Medicine, Elsevier, vol. 45, pp. 98–110, 1st Feb 2014.
- H. Kazemian, K. White and D. Palmer-Brown, S. A. Yusuf, Applications of Evolutionary SVM to Prediction of Membrane Alpha-Helices, Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier, DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2012.12.049, vol. 40, issue. 9, pp. 3412–3420, July 2013.
- H. Kazemian and K. Ouazzane, Neuro-fuzzy approach to video transmission over ZigBee, Neurocomputing Journal, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neucom.2012.10.006, vol. 104, pp. 127-137, 15 March 2013.
- Kazemian H, Two neural-fuzzy control schemes for a traffic-regulating buffer in wireless technology, Information Sciences Journal, Elsevier, on line 21st April 11, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2011.04.022, in print, vol. 181, issue 16, pp. 3476–3490, 15th Aug. 2011.
- Kazemian H and S. Chantaraskul S., An Intelligent MPEG Rate Control in 2.4 GHz Frequency, International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, DOI: 10.1002/acs, publisher John Wiley and Sons Ltd, pp. 233-248, vol. 24, March 2010.
- Kazemian H. and Meng L., Neuro-fuzzy control for MPEG video transmission over Bluetooth. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part C, vol. 36, issue 6, pp. 761-771, Nov. 2006.
- Kazemian H., A fuzzy approach to MPEG video transmission in ATM networks. Fuzzy Sets and Systems - An International Journal in Information Science and Engineering, Elsevier Journals. vol. 157, issue 16, pp. 2259-2272, Aug. 2006.
- Kazemian H. and Meng L., A fuzzy control scheme for video transmission in Bluetooth wireless. INS – Information Sciences, Elsevier Journals, vol. 176, issue 9, pp. 1266-1289, May 2006.
- Kazemian H. and Meng L., An adaptive control for video transmission over Bluetooth. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 263-274, April 2006.
- Kazemian H., Developments of fuzzy PID controllers, Expert Systems: The Int. Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Neural Networks. Blackwell publishers Ltd. ES3007, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 254-264, Nov. 2005.
- Kazemian H., The SOF-PID controller for the control of a MIMO robot-arm, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, a journal publication of the IEEE neural networks council, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 523-532, Aug. 2002.
- Kazemian H., Study of learning fuzzy controllers, Expert Systems: The Int. Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Neural Networks. Blackwell publishers Ltd., vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 186-193, Sept. 2001.
- Kazemian H., Comparative study of a learning fuzzy PID controller and a self-tuning controller, ISA Transactions the Int. Journal of Science and Engineering of Measurement and Automation. Elsevier Science Ltd., vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 245-253, July 2001.
- Kazemian H. and Scharf E.M., An application of multi-input multi-output self-organising fuzzy controller for a robot-arm, IEEE Neural Network World, Int. Journal on Neural and Mass-Parallel Computing and Information Systems, Neurofuzzy'96, Prague, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 631-641, April 1996.
Paper publications in international refereed journals
- Yang Ma and Hassan Kazemian, A Secure and Efficient Public Key Authenticated Encryption with Multi-keywords Search Scheme against Inside Keyword Guessing Attack, International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF), Vol 9, Issue 2, pp 90-101, July 20.
- Natasha Ruiz, Pancham Shukla, Hassan Kazemian, Cyber Security Index For Undergraduate Computer Science Courses in the UK, Journal of Applied Security Research, Ref.: Ms. No. WASR-2020-0052, 207464368. Research on 01/08/2020, available online. PP 1-14, 18th Aug 2020.
- Istteffanny Isloure Araujo and Hassan Kazemian, Improving Steganographic Capacity using Distributed Steganography over BMP, An International Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, DOI 10.1007/s11042-020-09298-3, ISSN 1380-7501, vol 79, pp. 26181-26195, published online on 13th Jul 20.
- Mohammad Hossein Amirhosseini, Hassan Kazemian, Machine Learning Approach to Personality Type Prediction Based on the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator, Multimodal Technologies and Interaction journal, 4(1), 9, doi:10.3390/mti4010009, 14th March 20.
- Istteffanny Isloure Araujo, Hassan Kazemian, Vulnerability exploitations using steganography in pdf files, International Journal of Computer Networks and Applications (IJCNA), vol 7, issue 1, pp, 10-18, DOI: 10.22247/ijcna/2020/193270, Jan / Feb 2020.
- Istteffanny Isloure Araujo, Hassan Kazemian, Protecting against eavesdropping on Mobile Phones to snip data with Information Security Awareness and Steganography principles, International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS), ISSN 2278-6856, Vol 8, Issue 5, September - October 2019.
- Istteffanny Isloure Araujo and H Kazemian, Enhancement of Capacity, Detectability and Distortion of BMP, GIF and JPEG images with Distributed Steganography, I. J. Computer Network and Information Security, Published Online November 2019 in MECS (http://www.mecs-press.org/) DOI: 10.5815/ijcnis.2019.11.03, 11, 21-27, Nov 2019.
- Mohammad Hossein Amirhosseini and Hassan Kazemian, Automating the process of identifying the preferred representational system in Neuro Linguistic Programming using Natural Language Processing, Cognitive Processing journal, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10339-019-00912-3, online, 5th March 2019.
- Heba M. Elhoseny, Osama S. Faragallah, Hossam E.H. Ahmed, Hassan B. Kazemian, Hala S. El-sayed, Fathi E. Abd El-Samie, The Effect of Fractional Fourier Transform Angle in Encryption Quality for Digital Images, Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijleo.2015.08.152, 127 (1), 315–319, Jan 2016.
- Leiku Yang, Yong Xue, Jie Guang, Hassan Kazemian, Jiahua Zhang, and Chi Li, 2014, Improved Aerosol Optical Depth and Ångstrom Exponent Retrieval over Land from MODIS Based on the Non-Lambertian Forward Model. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 11, No. 9, 1629-1633, Sep 2014. (DOI: 10.1109/LGRS.2014.2303317).
- Ehab H. Elshazly, Osama S. Faragallah, Alaa M. Abbas, Mahmoud A. Ashour, El-Sayed M. El-Rabaie, Hassan Kazemian, Saleh A. Alshibeili, Fathi E. Abd El-Samie, Hala S. El-sayed, Robust and secure fractional wavelet image watermarking, Journal of Signal, Image and Video Processing, DOI 10.1007/s11760-014-0684-x, Springer-Verlag London, Published online Aug 14, Vol. 8, Issue 6. Sep 14.
- Deepthi N. Ratnayake, Hassan Kazemian, Syed A. Yusuf, Identification of Probe Request Attacks in WLANs using Neural Networks, Neural Computing and Applications journal, doi.10.1007/s00521-013-1478-8, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 1–14, July 2014.
- Jun Li, Karim Ouazzane, H. Kazemian, Muhammad Sajid Afzal, Neural Network Approaches for Noisy Language Modeling, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, DOI: http://dx.doi.org /10.1109/TNNLS.2013.2263557, vol. 24 issue. 11, pp. 1773 - 1784, Nov. 2013.
- Ronnie Chu-Ting Cheung, Hassan Kazemian and Jiannong Cao, Model Reference Adaptive Control in Fuzzy-based Context-Aware Middleware, International
Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 778-795, July 2013. - Heba M. Elhoseny, Hossam E. H. Ahmed, Alaa M. Abbas, H. Kazemian, Osama S. Faragallah, Sayed M. El-Rabaie, Fathi E. Abd El-Samie, ‘Chaotic Encryption of Images in the Fractional Fourier Transform Domain Using Different Modes of Operation’, Signal, Image and Video Processing journal, DOI 10.1007/s11760-013-0490-x, ISSN 1863-1703, vol. 7, issue 3, online 2nd June 2013.
- Ronnie Chu-Ting Cheung, Hassan Kazemian, Personalized Meta-Searching using Adaptive Service Composition for Mobile Web Access, journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems (EIS), CRL Publishing Ltd, vol. 20 nos. ½, pp. 87–97, March/June 2012.
- Karim Ouazzane, Jun Li, Hassan Kazemian, Yanguo Jing, Richard Boyd, An Artificial Intelligence-Based Language Modelling Framework, Expert Systems With Applications journal. DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2011.11.121, ISSN 0957-4174, vol. 39, issue 5, pp. 5960–5970, April 12.
- M. A. M. El-Bendary, H. Kazemian, A. E. Abo-El-azm, N. A. El-Fishawy, F. El-Samie, and F. Shawki, Image Transmission in Low-Power Networks in Mobile Communications Channel, The Journal of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, article 190, issue 80, pp. 1019-1025, Aug. 2011.
- Remy G., Kazemian H. and Picton P., Application of neural fuzzy controller for streaming video over Bluetooth 1.2, The Journal of Neural Computing and Applications, DOI: 10.1007/s00521-010-0499-9, vol. 20, issue 6, pp. 879-887, 2011.
- Ronnie Chu-Ting Cheung and H. Kazemian, An enhanced architecture and design for the personalized content presentation and navigation, Journal of Intelligent Computing, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 8-22, March 2011.
- Li J., Ouazzane K., Kazemian H., Jing Y., Boyd R. A Neural Network Based Solution for Automatic Typing Errors Correction, The Journal of Neural Computing and Applications, DOI: 10.1007/s00521-010-0492-3, vol. 20, no. 6, pp.889-896, 2011.
- M. A. M. El-Bendary, A. E. Abu El-Azm, N.A.El-Fishawy, M. A. R. El-Tokhy, F. Shawky, Fathi E. Abd El-Samie and Hassan Kazemian, Image Transmission over Mobile Bluetooth Networks with Enhanced Data Rate Packets and Chaotic Interleaving, International Journal of Wireless Networks, DOI : 10.1007/s11276-012-0482-8. On line publication on 14th Aug 12.
- Ehab H. Elshazly, Mahmoud A. Ashour, El-sayed M. El-Rabaie, Alaaeldin M. Abbas, Fathi E. Abd El-Samie and H. Kazemian, ‘Secure Semi Blind Image Watermarking Using Fractional Fourier and Wavelet Transforms’, CiiT International Journal of Digital Image Processing. DOI: DIP062012011, vol. 4, no. 11, June 2012 Issue.
- M. A. M. El-Bendary, A. E. Abou-El-azm, N. A. El-Fishawy, F. Shawki, M. A. R. El-Tokhy, F. E. Abd El-Samie, and H. B. Kazemian, JPEG Image Transmission over Mobile Network with An Efficient Channel Coding and Interleaving, International Journal of Electronics, ID: 680786 DOI:10.1080/00207217.2012.680786, 11th June 12.
- M. A. M. El-Bendary, A. E. Abou-El-azm, N. A. El-Fishawy,F. Shawki, Fathi E Abd-ElSamie, Mostafa Ali Refai El-Tokhy, and H. Kazemian, Performance of the audio signals transmission over wireless networks with the channel interleaving considerations, EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, 2012:4, doi:10.1186/1687-4722-2012-4, 17th Jan. 2012.
- M. A. M. El-Bendary, A. E. Abou-El-azm, N. A. El-Fishawy, F. Shawki, M. El-Tokhy, F. E. Abd El-Samie, and H. Kazemian, Enhancing the Image Transmission over Wireless Networks through a Novel Interleaver, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, TIIS-RP-2011-Mar-0137.R1, doi: 10.3837/tiis.2011.09.003, vol. 5, no. 9, pp. 1528- 1543, Sept 11.
- Mohsen A. M. M. El-Bendary, Atef Abou El-Azm, Nawal El-Fishawy, F. S. M. Al-Hosarey, M. A. R. El-Tokhy, Fathi E. Abd El-Samie, and H. B. Kazemian, SVD Audio Watermarking: A Tool to Enhance the Security of the Image Transmission over ZigBee Networks, the Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology JTIT, no. 4, pp. 99-107, 2011.
- Mohsen A. M. M. El-Bendary, Atef Abou El-Azm, Nawal El-Fishawy, Farid S. M. Al-Hosarey, Mostafa A. R. Eltokhy, Fathi E. Abd El-Samie, and H. Kazemian, An Efficient Chaotic Interleaver for Image Transmission over IEEE 802.15.4 Zigbee Network, the Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, no. 2, pp. 67-73, 2011.
- Waleed Al-Nuaimy, Mohsen A.M. El-Bendary, Amira Shafik, Farid Shawki, A.E. Abou-El-azm, N.A. El-Fishawy, Said M. Elhalafawy, Salaheldin M. Diab, Bassiouny M. Sallam, Fathi E. Abd El-Samie, H. Kazemian, An SVD audio watermarking approach using chaotic encrypted images, Digital Signal Processing, an Elsevier Journal, doi:10.1016/j.dsp.2011.01.013, vol. 21, issue 6, pp. 764–779, 2011.
- O. Gozá León, R. Santana Machado, H. Kazemian, J. Hormaza Montenegro, Y. Montero-Sanchez. Application of neural networks in modelling of reference purity of Cuban molasses (in Spanish: Aplicación de las redes neuronales en la modelación de la pureza de referencia de mieles finales cubanas). Revista ATAC the Journal of Association of Cuban Sugar Technologists, no. 3/2010. ISSN 0138-7553, 2011.
- Dr C.O. Gozá León, Dr C.H. Kazemian, Dr C. J. Hormaza, Lic. Yatali Montero-Sanchez Rojas and Dr C. R. Santana, Neural network modelling of reference purity of Cuban molasses, The International Journal of Cuban Studies, (Print) ISSN 1756-3461, (Online) ISSN 1756-347X, issue 2, 9 pages, Dec. 2008.
- Bose, S., Kazemian, H., White, K. & Browne., A., Use Of Neural Networks To Predict And Analyse Membrane Proteins In The Proteome. BMC Bioinformatics. ISSN 1471-2105, 2005.
- Soud D. and Kazemian H., A fuzzy approach to active usage parameter control in IEEE 802.11b wireless networks. Expert Systems: The Int. Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Neural Networks. Blackwell publishers Ltd., vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 269-278, Nov. 2004.
Articles in Books
- Lyn Rees, A Hydrodynamic Neural Network Model For The River Thames: Hydroinformatic River Modelling, Publisher: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, ISBN-10: 3659239364, ISBN-13: 978-3659239366, 9th Oct 2012. The book is all based on L. Rees’s PhD which was supervised by H. Kazemian.
- Ronnie Chu-Ting Cheung and H. Kazemian, An adaptive framework for personalized e-learning, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, Part 5, vol. 136, pp 293-306, July 2011.
- Bose S. K., Browne A., Kazemian H., White K., Classifying Membrane Proteins in the Proteome by Using Artificial Neural Networks Based on the Preferential Parameters of Amino Acids, J.A. Tenreiro Machado, B. Patkai & I.J. Rudas (Eds.), Intelligent Engineering Systems and Computational Cybernetics, Springer, ISBN: 978-1-4020-8677-9, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4020-8678-6_6, pp. 63-71, 2009.
- Kazemian H., Intelligent Fuzzy PID Controller. Published in Foundations of Generic Optimization – applications of fuzzy control, genetic algorithms and neural networks, Eds. R. Lowen and A. Verschoren, Springer, ISBN: 978-1-4020-6667-2, vol. 2, pp. 241-260, 2008.
International refereed conference paper publications
- Michael Phillips, Mohammad Hossein Amirhosseini, Hassan B. Kazemian, A Rule and Graph-Based Approach for Targeted Identity Resolution on Policing Data, IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, 1st to 4th Dec 2020, Canberra, Australia.
- Hassan B Kazemian and Yang Ma, Fuzzy Logic Application to Searchable Cryptography, 21st International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks (EANN) / 16th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI) 2020, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-48791-1_32,Greece, 5th to 7th June 2020.
- Natasha (RODRIGO DE SOUZA) Ruiz, Pancham Shukla and Hassam Kazemian, Privacy in The First Line of the First Code, 17th April 2020.
- Hassan Kazemian and Cedric Maxime Grimaldi, Cascading classifier application for topology prediction of TMB proteins, IEEE SSCI 2018, Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, Bangalore, India, pp 1049 – 1055, 18th to 21st Nov 18.
- Yang Ma and H. Kazemian, Trapdoor-indistinguishable Public Key Encryption with Multi-Keywords Search, 11th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks (SIN-2018) in Cardiff UK, 10th – 12th Sep 2018.
- MohammadHossein Amirhosseini, Hassan B Kazemian, Karim Ouazzane, and Chris Chandler, Natural Language Processing approach to NLP Meta model automation, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks 18, World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI), Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL, pp.186-193, 8th to 13th July 2018.
- Hassan Kazemian, Improving transmembrane protein prediction analysis using machine learning techniques, EMN Meeting on Membrane Conference, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 5th to 8th April 2016.
- Iman Samizadeh, Hassan Kazemian, Ken Fisher and Karim Ouazzane, Performance Optimization in Video Transmission over ZigBee using Particle Swarm Optimization, Int. Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Application, ECTA 2016 #11, 9th to 11th Nov 2016.
- H. Kazemian and Syed Adnan Yusuf, An ANFIS approach to transmembrane protein prediction, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (IEEE WCCI 2014), IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Beijing China, pp. 1360-1365, 6th – 11th July 2014.
- I. Samizadeh, H. Kazemian, K. Fisher and K. Ouazzane , Adaptive Scalable Rate Control over IEEE 802.15.4 using Particle Swarm Optimization, XXIV International Conference on Information, Communication, Automation Technologies - ICAT-2013, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovin, Oct 30th – Nov 1st 2013.
- Deepthi N. Ratnayake, Hassan Kazemian and Syed A. Yusuf Improved Detection of Probe Request Attacks Using Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithm, SECRYPT 2012 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography, part of 9th International joint conference on e-business and telecommunications - Rome, pp. 345 – 350, 24th to 27th Jul 12.
- Vassil Vassilev, Michael Ulman, Karim Ouazzane, Hassan Kazemian, Markson Aigbodi, Richard Boyd, ONTOCARER: An Ontological Framework for Assistive Agents for the Disabled, The third International Conference on Digital Information Processing and Communications ICDIPC 2013, ISBN: 978-0-9853483-3-5, pp. 406-418, Jan 30th-Feb 1st 2013.
- Ehab H. Elshazly, Mahmoud A. Ashour, El-sayed M. El-Rabaie, Alaa M. Abbas, F. E. Abd El Samie, and H. Kazemian, ‘Secured Semi Blind Image Watermarking in Fractional Wavelet Domain’, submitted to the Eight International Conference on Computer Engineering & Systems – ICCES, 27th-29th Nov 2012.
- Ehab H. Elshazly, Mahmoud A. Ashour, El-sayed M. El-Rabaie, Alaa M. Abbas, F. E. Abd El Samie, and H. Kazemian, ‘Efficient Watermarking using Fractional Fourier and Wavelet Transforms over MC-CDMA Wireless System’, submitted to the Eight International Conference on Computer Engineering & Systems – ICCES, 27th-29th Nov 2012.
- Ehab. H. Elshazly, Mahmoud A. Ashour, Elsayed M. Elrabaie, Alaaeldin M. Abbas and H. Kazemian, An Efficient Fractional Fourier Transform Approach for Digital Image Watermarking, 29th National Radio Science Conference, (NRSC 2012), Cairo, Egypt, pp. 245-254, 10th 12th April 12.
- M. Abdul Tawab Khalil, P. D. D. Dominic, Mohd. Fadzil Bin Hassan, and Hassan Kazemian, Perceived Usefulness Elevating Responsiveness of SME Employees in Digital Business Ecosystem Environment, International Conference on Computer and Information Sciences (ICCIS 2012), a conference of ESTCON, paper no. 1569555419, 12th-14th June 2012.
- D. N. Ratnayake and H. Kazemian, S.A. Yusuf, A.B. Abdullah, An intelligent approach to detect Probe Request attacks in IEEE 802.11 networks, 12th Engineering Applications of Neural Networks and 7th Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations Joint Conferences, Corfu, Greece, Springer, Part I, International Federation for Information Processing AICT 363, pp. 372-381, 15th – 18th Sept 2011.
- Ronnie Chu-Ting Cheung and H. Kazemian, Adaptive Service Composition for Meta-Searching in a Mobile Environment, 12th Engineering Applications of Neural Networks and 7th Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations Joint Conferences, Corfu, Greece, Springer, Part I, International Federation for Information Processing AICT 363, pp. 412–421, 15th – 18th Sept 2011.
- Shanyu Tang and H. Kazemian, Simulation of web data traffic patterns using fractal statistical modelling, 12th Engineering Applications of Neural Networks and 7th Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations Joint Conferences, Corfu, Greece, Springer, Part I, International Federation for Information Processing AICT 363, pp. 422–432, 15th – 18th Sept 2011.
- K. Ouazzane, Jun Li and H. Kazemian, An Intelligent Keyboard Framework for Improving Disabled People Computer Accessibility, 12th Engineering Applications of Neural Networks and 7th Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations Joint Conferences, Corfu, Greece, Springer, Part I, International Federation for Information Processing AICT 363, pp. 382–391, 15th – 18th Sept 2011.
- Cheung R. and Kazemian H., An Adaptive Framework for Personalized e-Learning, NDT 2011 - the Third International Conference on Networked Digital Technologies, Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), Macau, China, Springer, vol. 136, pp. 292–306, 11th – 13th July 2011.
- Karim Ouazzane, Muhammad Sajid Afzal, H. Kazemian, Jun Li, An E-Business Framework Design using Enhanced Web 2.0 Technology, ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pp. 97 - 102, 8th – 11th June 2011.
- Jun Li, Karim Ouazzane, Sajid Afzal, H. Kazemian, Patterns Identification for Hitting Adjacent Key Errors Correction using Neural Network Models, ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pp. 5- 12, 8th – 11th June 2011.
- Kazemian H. Remy G. and Picton P., (Sept 15th-18th, 2010) Supervised Neural Fuzzy Schemes in Video Transmission over Bluetooth, 20th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, ICANN 2010, Part 3, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp 378-386.
- Kazemian H., (20th-24th Aug 09) An Intelligent Video Streaming Technique in ZigBee Wireless, IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, FUZZ-IEEE 2009, Jeju Island, South Korea, pp 121-126.
- Remy G., Kazemian H., Video Transmission over IEEE 802.15.1 Standard using Neural-Fuzzy, IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, FUZZ-IEEE 2009, Jeju Island, South Korea, pp 141-146, 20th-24th Aug 09.
- G. Remy, Kazemian H., (27th-29th Aug. 2009) Application of Neural Fuzzy Controller for streaming video over IEEE 802.15.1, The 11th International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks (EANN2009), London, UK, pp. 419–429. This paper has been selected for a special issue of the journal of Neural Computing and Applications.
- Jun Li, K. Ouazzane, Y. Jing, H. Kazemian, and R. Boyd, (27th-29th Aug. 2009) Evolutionary Ranking on Multiple Word Correction Algorithms Using Neural Network Approach, The 11th International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks (EANN2009). London, UK, pp. 409–418. This paper has been selected for a special issue of the journal of Neural Computing and Applications.
- Jun Li, K. Ouazzane, H. Kazemian, Y. Jing, and R. Boyd, (21st – 23rd June 09) Focused Time-Delay Neural Network Modelling Towards Typing Stream Prediction, IADIS International Conference Intelligent Systems and Agents 2009 (ISA 2009), Algarve, Portugal.
- Kazemian H. and S. Chantaraskul S., (1st–6th June 08), Intelligent approach to video transmission over 2.4 GHz wireless technology, The 2008 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2008), pp. 246-250.
- Bose S. K., Kazemian H., Browne A., White K., (21st – 23rd July 2007), Use of Artificial Neural Networks and Effects of Amino Acid Encodings in Membrane Protein Prediction Problem. International Workshop on Advances in Pattern Recognition (IWAPR 2007), S. Singh (Editor) & M. Singh (Eds.) Progress in Pattern Recognition, Springer, London. ISBN: 978-1-84628-944.
- Kazemian H., Chantaraskul S., (1st – 5th April 2007) An integrated neuro-fuzzy approach to MPEG video transmission in Bluetooth. IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence 2007, (CIISP 2007), pp. 287-292.
- Gozá León O., Kazemian H., Hormaza J., Santana R., (16th – 20th Oct. 2006), Modelacion neuronal de la pureza esperada de mieles finales Cubanas. Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. Havana Conference Centre, Cuba. ISBN: 959-282-27-X.
- Bose S.K., Kazemian H., Browne A., White K., (26th – 28th June 2006) Presenting a novel neural network architecture for membrane protein prediction. 10th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES 2006), ISBN:1-4244-9708-8 and ISBN of CD:1-4244-9709-6, London Metropolitan University, UK.
- Kazemian H., (15th – 16th March 2006) An intelligent video streaming technique in wireless communications. 3rd International Forum for Applied Wearable Computing (IFAWC2006 - http://spring.bologna.enea.it/ifawc/Proceedings.htm), Mobile Research Center, TZI Universität, University of Bremen, Germany.
- Bose S.K., Kazemian H., White K., Browne A., (14th – 15th July 2005) Use of neural networks to predict and analysis membrane proteins in the proteome. Poster presentation in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Conference, BMC Bioinformatics, Edinburgh, UK, vol. 6 (Suppl 3): P3, doi:10.1186/1471-2105-6-S3-P3, published 21st Sept. 05.
- Bose ,S., Browne, A., Kazemian, H. & White, K. (Nov 2004). Neural networks for membrane protein detection. Royal Society of Chemistry Symposium on Chemical Technologies in Pharmaceutical Industry, London, UK.
- Bose ,S., Browne, A., Kazemian, H. & White, K. (2004). Applying Perl to data set creation for biological data mining. Poster at 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) and 3rd European Conference on Computational Biology, Glasgow, UK.
- Bose ,S., Browne, A., Kazemian, H. & White, K. (2004). Predicting membrane spanning regions with neural networks. Poster at Young Bioinformaticians' Forum at Royal Society of Chemistry Molecular Modeling Group, Oxford, UK.
- Kazemian H., Meng L., (5th –8th Jan. 2004) A fuzzy approach to video transmission over Bluetooth ACL links. 1st IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conf. (CCNC 2004), NV, USA, ISBN 0-7803-8146-7.
- Bose S.K., Browne A., Kazemian H., White K., (19th – 21st Dec. 2003) Knowledge Discovery in bioinformatics using Neural Networks, 6th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, ICCIT-2003, Bangladesh.
- Kazemian H., Meng L., (2nd – 6th Nov. 2003) Fuzzy logic controllers for MPEG VBR video transmission over ATM networks. The 29th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronic Society (IECON’03), USA, pp. 1920-1925.
- Soud D., Kazemian H., (2nd – 6th Nov. 2003) A fuzzy approach to connection admission control in 802.11b wireless systems. The 29th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronic Society (IECON’03), USA, pp. 1914-1919.
- Browne A., Hudson B., Whitley D., Ford M., Picton P., Kazemian H., (2nd – 6th Nov. 2003) Knowledge Extraction from Neural Networks. The 29th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronic Society (IECON’03), USA, pp. 1909-1913.
- Kazemian H., Meng L., (7th July 2003) A fuzzy approach to video transmission over Bluetooth. Poster presentation at EPSRC Convergence Industrial Day, International Conference on Visual Information Engineering – VIE –2003, University of Surrey.
- Soud D., Kazemian H., (July 2002) Process Scheduling for Multipurpose Operating Systems using Fuzzy Logic, Proc. The 6th world multi-conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics SCI’2002, and the 8th int. conference on Information Systems, Analysis and Synthesis ISAS’2002, Orlando, vol. 5, pp. 439-444.
- Kazemian H., (Dec. 2001) Development of an intelligent fuzzy controller, Proc. The 10th IEEE Int. Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Melbourne, FUZZ-IEEE 2001, vol. 1, pp. 517-520.
- Kazemian H., (July 2000) Comparative study of a self-organising fuzzy controller and a self-tuning controller, Proc. The 4th world multi-conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics SCI’2000, and the 6th international conference on Information Systems, Analysis and Synthesis ISAS’2000”, Orlando, vol. 3, pp. 630-634.
- Browne A., Kazemian H., (July 2000) Data mining with neural networks, Proc. The 4th world multi-conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics SCI’2000, and the 6th international conference on Information Systems, Analysis and Synthesis ISAS’2000”, Orlando, vol. 3, pp. 626-629.
- Kazemian H., (May 1998) The self-organising fuzzy PID controller, Proc. IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence WCCI’98, Alaska, pp. 319-324.
- EU Horizon 2020 Spirit project grant that is worth five million euros divided between 17 partners, of which 326,000 euros (approximately) is for the Intelligent Systems Research Centre (ISRC). The grant is for the applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning for cybersecurity and the title of the grant is: Scalable Privacy Preserving Intelligence Analysis for Resolving Identities (SPIRIT).
- Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) with eConnect Cars, which is a grant awarded to develop a bespoke software application that will facilitate a large-scale use of electric vehicles in a private hire operation to provide efficiency, customer service and driver experience.
- Knowledge Transfer Partnership, awarded for development of software package for IT security and network protection for small businesses (company: LifelineIT).
- The Centre has just been awarded an Emerald standard grant to develop an intelligent graphical user interface software suite that will predict and analyse membrane protein classifying into Alpha helix and Beta barrel for commercialisation purposes.
- Knowledge Transfer Partnerships fund, awarded to develop a host of bespoke e-business solutions coupled with a comprehensive marketing strategy addressing brand development, growth and online sales (company: Ask Electronics Ltd).
- The Centre was awarded a grant from the Development Fund to research the applications of artificial intelligence techniques to membrane protein.
- The Centre obtained an Emerald (mini) pre-commercialisation fund for patent and marketing of an integrated membrane protein prediction and analysis for commercialisation purposes.
- The Centre obtained an EPSRC grant for a research entitled: "A Fuzzy Approach to Video Transmission over Bluetooth". The overall aim of the project is concerned with transmission of digital video signal over Bluetooth wireless.
- Knowledge Transfer Partnerships fund for Essex Disabled People's Association (EDPA) Agency. Grant awarded to develop Intelligent Keyboard software, capable of detecting a person's disability and correcting accordingly to help disabled users to use standard software.
- The Centre obtained Emerald standard pre-commercialisation fund for a research entitled: "A Prototype for Real-Time Video Transmission over Bluetooth Wireless using Intelligent Systems". The overall aim of the project will be concerned with building a working model for real-time transmission of digital video over Bluetooth wireless providing image quality.
- The Centre obtained the Royal Society research grant in the applications of intelligent systems to food engineering. This is a collaborative work between the Intelligent Systems Research Centre at the University and the Sugar Research Group at Instituto Superior Politécnico "José Antonio Echeverría" in Cuba.
- Yearly continuous income from EPSRC for acting as a peer review college member.
- EPSRC - Peer review college member. Fellow of British Computer Society
- Fellow of Institution of Engineering and Technology
- Ex-British Council peer review member (during 2014 to 2020)
- Ex-International Advisory Board member for International Journal of Hyperconnectivity and the Internet of Things (IJHIoT) during 2014-2020
- Editorial board for International Journal of Engineering and Applied Computer Science
- Editorial Board Member of ICTACT Journals – ICTACT Journal on Soft Computing PhD examination – For 25 PhD students
EU Horizon 2020 Spirit project, the grant awarded five million euros between 17 EU partners, 326,000 euros is for the Principal Applicant at London Met, from August 2018 to August 2021. This project is attracting external exposures as we obtain more tangible results.
Keynote speeches
- Keynote speaker of speech entitled ‘An Intelligent Video Streaming Technique in Wireless Communications’ in The Third International Forum on Applied Wearable Computing - IFAWC, at the Mobile Research Center in Bremen, Germany
- Keynote speaker at the opening of The 10th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems - INES entitled ‘Intelligent Systems Applications’ at London Metropolitan University, UK
- Presenter an invited lecture for International Neural Networks Society Special Interest Group Workshop at London Metropolitan University. The paper was entitled, ‘Applications of AI to transmembrane protein prediction and analysis’
Conference contributions
- International Programme Committee member for Tenth International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2018) in Saville Spain from 18-20 September 2018
- Chair for a session entitled ‘Membranes for Biological and Medical Applications’ for EMN Meeting on Membranes Conference from 5-8 April 2016, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- Part of the Technical Advisory Committee of International Conference on Signal, Computing and Communication Systems 2016 (ICSCCS 2016), the first in the series of International Conference organized by the ICTACT to be held from 4-6 February, 2016 in Chennai, India
- Member of Intentional Advisory Committee of IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD 2013), Putrajaya, Malaysia, 16–17 December 2013
- Part of the programme committee of the Fourth International Conference on Fuzzy Computation Theory and Applications - FCTA 2012, Barcelona Spain, 5-7 October 2012
- Session chair in International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2012) part of ICETE 2012, and also author of a joint paper
- Part of the advisory committee of International Conference on Computer and Information Sciences (ICCIS 2012), a conference of ESTCON, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 12-14 June 2012, and also author of a joint paper
- Programme chair for a workshop entitled, ‘Applications of Soft Computing to Telecommunications ASCOTE’ for Twelfth EANN / Seventh AIAI Joint Conferences, 15-18 September 2011, which was held in Corfu, and also a session chair for AIAI Fuzzy Systems and the programme committee member
- Part of the programme committee for ICANN 2010 conference, which was held in Thessaloniki, Greece, and also a session chair for five papers entitled ‘Video and Image’
- Part of the programme committee for the Eleventh International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks (EANN 2009), which was held at University of East London, UK
- Chair of a session entitled 'Image, Speech and Signal Processing, Vision and Multimedia' for the IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, FUZZ-IEEE 2009, Jeju Island, South Korea, and author of five papers for the session
- Chair of a session entitled 'Pattern Recognition III' for the 2008 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2008), Hong Kong and author of five papers for the session
- Chair of Organising Committee for Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, INES in June/July 2006, London Metropolitan University. Presenter of a keynote speech at the opening of the conference and also chair of a technical session
- Organiser of a special session in 'Intelligent Systems' for an IEEE international conference in Roanoke Virginia, USA, entitled 'The Twenty-Ninth Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronic Society (IECON 2003), and author of five papers for the session.
- Organiser of an invited session in 'Intelligent Systems' for an international conference in Orlando, USA, titled 'The Sixth world multi-conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics SCI 2002 and author of five papers for the session.
- Organiser of an invited session in 'Computational Intelligence' for two international conferences which took place simultaneously in Orlando, USA, titled 'The Fourth World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics SCI 2000, and the Sixth International Conference on Information Systems, Analysis and Synthesis ISAS 2000', and author of five papers for the session.
Prof. H. Kazemian, BSc, MSc, PhD, FIET, FBCS, C.Eng
Senior manager for Research Degrees,
Head of Intelligent Systems Research Centre
School of Computing and Digital Media
London Metropolitan University, N7 8DB