Joanna is a Principal Lecturer in Education at the School of Social Sciences and Professions.

Joanna Cooke
Teaching and Learning in Higher Education MA (London Metropolitan University)
20th Century English Literature MA (University of Sussex)
English Literature and Social Studies BA (University of Leeds)
Joanna currently teaches on the foundation year in the School of Social Sciences and Professions and Education MA. She is joint course leader for Education MA and Principal Lecturer responsible for the foundation year, Education BA, Primary Education BA and Education MA.
Her research interests are based around inclusive approaches to teaching and learning in higher education.
Cooke, J. and Mace, N. (2020) ‘Going for a walk: Using psychogeography to explore sustainability in art and design’ in Luna, H and Molthan-hill, P (eds) Storytelling and Sustainability Routledge
Cooke, J. and McKee, S. (2018) 'Snapshots from the Student Lifecycle', in Atherton, G. et al (eds.) Widening Access Through the Student Lifecycle. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.