Liz is Emeritus Professor of Social Work at the school of Social Sciences and Professions.

Liz Davies
Liz is a social worker, manager and trainer in mental health, community action and generic and childrens social work. She is Founder of Mental Patients Union. Currently, Senior Lecturer in children and families social work, Reader in Child Protection and Emeritus Professor at London Metropolitan University.
She was previously child protection manager and trainer at Harrow Social Services.
Previously, Co-ordinator of Islington Survivors Network. Campaigning for justice and healing for survivors of child abuse in Islington childrens homes 1966-1995.
She holds a PhD "Protecting Children - A Critical Contribution to Policy and Practice Development". Achieved in 2010.
- Child protection policy and practice - multi-agency
- Institutional and organised abuse of children
- Investigation of crimes against children
- Interviewing children for criminal proceedings
- Trauma and recovery
- Healing and survival
- Civil litigation and child protection
- A perpetrator focus in child protection
- Researching organised crime networks to protect children
- Working with the media to protect children
Full details of media – print, audio and TV available on Liz Davies website.
Davies L & Duckett N (2016) Proactive Child Protection and Social Work 2nd Edition. London. Sage
Davies L & Kerrigan Lebloch E (2013) Communicating with Children and their Families. Open University Press
Davies L & Townsend D (2008) Joint Investigation in Child Protection - Working Together Training Together. Russell House Publishing
Davies L & Townsend D (2008) The Investigative Interviewing of Children. Achieving Best Evidence. Russell House Publishing
Davies L in Nelson S (2016) Tackling Child Sexual Abuse. Radical approaches to prevention, protection and support. Bristol. Policy Press
Other publications available on Liz Davies website and Islington Survivors Network.
Duckett N & Spandler H: Radically seeking social justice for children & survivors of abuse. Article explores the contribution of Liz Davies to thecradical socual work tradition in the UK. ‘Pioneers of the Radical Tradition: Journal
of Critical & Radical Social Work. 02.03.18
Dr Liz Davies
Emeritus Reader in Child Protection
Room: BP 131
Telephone: +44 (0)7939 0718757 ext 4635