Dr Mesfin Habtom is a postgraduate research co-ordinator and research ethics lead; senior lecturer in marketing.

Dr Mesfin Habtom
Mesfin is a senior lecturer in marketing and postgraduate research co-ordinator and research ethics lead in the Business School. He is also academic liaison tutor at Islington College Kathmandu in Nepal and Portobello Institute in Ireland.
Mesfin served as a course leader for MA Marketing, MA Brand Management and MSc International Marketing Communications. He also acted as a co-reviewer for the International Business Review Journal and has reviewed several marketing books in marketing.
Mesfin worked as a marketing consultant in various multinational companies and engaged in management knowledge transfer partnerships, including:
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM) training programme, Commercial Bank of Qatar, Doha (2011-2012)
- Industrial Capacity Building programme. In partnership with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, United Nations Development Programme and the Ministry of Trade and Industry in Eritrea (1998-2003)
Mesfin’s key teaching areas have included marketing research, global marketing and brand management, digital and social media marketing, marketing communication, advertising, customer relationship management (CRM) and marketing analytics. He has also supervised undergraduate and postgraduate students. He is currently involved in PhD supervision and examination.
- Habtom, M (2011) The role of cooperatives in the development of an export-oriented supply chain, Academy of Marketing Conference Proceedings, Liverpool, UK.
- Habtom, M. (2010) Evaluation and re-design of the module ‘International Marketing’: an exploratory study, Investigations in University Teaching & Learning, 6(2),125-136.
- Habtom, M. and Lutz, C. (2010) A conceptual framework for assessing business relations in export supply chains from developing countries, Academy of Marketing Conference Proceedings, Coventry.
- Habtom, M., Owusu-Frimpong, N. and Lutz, C. (2009) The role of trust in developing business relations between fish suppliers and export firms in Eritrea, International Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD) Conference Proceedings, Uganda.
- Habtom, M. (2006) The importance of business relations in the supply chain and export market distribution channels, Labyrint Publication, the Netherlands.
- Habtom, M., Schwiegman, C. and Lutz, C. (2006) The role of investment and trust in an Export-oriented Seafood Industries, the Academy of International Business Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2, No.2), Manchester, UK.
- Habtom, M., Schwiegman, C. and Lutz, C. (2006) Organisation of the seafood industry in a developing country, 5th Annual International Business and Economy Conference Proceedings, Honolulu, Hawai’i, USA.
- Habtom, M. (2006) Analysing business relationships within the value chain in the seafood industry, AIB UK 2006 Doctoral Symposium, University of Glasgow, Glasgow.
- Habtom, M. (2005), Assessing relationship features between suppliers and export firms, an exploratory study, International Marketing Conference Proceedings, University of Kent, UK.
- Habtom, M. (2005) The significance of vertical integration in the supply chain, evidence from Beylul fishing company Eritrea, Research Conference, Centre for Development Studies, Groningen, the Netherlands.
Dr Mesfin Habtom
Senior Lecturer