Nick Coleman
Nick Coleman

Nick Coleman

Holding a first degree in Economics and Geography (BA) from the University of Keele, a Masters degree in Marketing (MA) and Educational Research (MA) from London Metropolitan University.

Career started in commercial aviation in the 1980s with British Caledonian and British Airways and started consultancy assignments for airlines and airports in the 1990s for airlines like Virgin Atlantic and Heathrow and Gatwick Airport.

Created the new undergraduate aviation management programmes of study at London Metropolitan University in early 2000 and joined the programme as a Senior Lecturer in 2002/3.

Committed to teaching these programmes since this period.

  • Marketing - branding management for airlines and airports
  • Commercial planning - the development of the Gulf carriers as market leaders for 21st century
  • Strategy - the strategic issues facing commercial airlines in the 21st century including low cost leaders and hybrid airline developments
Nick Coleman
Course Leader Aviation Management