Olivia Ibbotson

Olivia is a PhD student, Research Assistant and Associate Lecturer at the School of Human Sciences.

Olivia is a PhD student and Research Assistant at the Biological Security Research Centre at London Met. Olivia’s interdisciplinary research focuses on the International Criminalisation of Biological and Chemical Weapons, combining a life science perspective with the social sciences. Olivia is an Associate lecturer on PR3001 Scientific Studies. Olivia holds a 1st class BSc (Hons) in Biomedical Science, is a postgraduate member of the Biochemical Society and was awarded the 2023 Undergraduate Recognition award by the Biochemical Society.


Olivia assists in the teaching of laboratory classes as an Associate lecturer on Scientific Studies module.

Olivia is affiliated with the London Met Biological Security Research Centre, where she works as a Research assistant on a British Academy grant project to address biosecurity education in the agribusiness sector.

Olivia Ibbotson
PhD student, Research Assistant and Associate Lecturer