Paul is Senior Lecturer at the Guildhall School of Business and Law, London Met. He is a political economist with broad interests in the subject. Previously he was the Head of Business Studies at the European Business School, and subsequently Director of the European Management School. He also worked as a business consultant to various companies and government bodies and has wide experience of international education.
Paul Bullock
Paul is interested in the full range of areas in economics. He is predominantely concerned with postgraduate education over the last 14 years of his 21 year career at London Met. he was alos a course leader through out that period.
He is particular interested in environmental economics, macro economics and Latin American economies.
- "Monetary Theory," London University Subject Guide for External Students - BSc Economics, April, 1988 (60pp) with new prefaces, 1989, 1990, 1992. SBN no.7187 0882 2
- "Corporate Finance," London University Subject Guide for External Students - BSc Economics, May 1988 (55pp) with new prefaces, 1990, 1991, 1992. SBN no.7187 0883.0
- “Business and the Economic Environment: Study Guide” online for IFS School of Finance (now The London Institute of Banking and Finance) MSc Banking students. 2011 (20 Chapters)
- "Brand Equity: The Accounting Issue," in Lintas: Worldwide (Interpublic) 'White Paper' series, Number 1 June 1989
- L'inflazione e la crisi negli anni settanta; Una critica della moderna economica politica (Inflation, the Crisis and the Post War Boom. Mimeo in English 1975) with D.Yaffe. In Italian, Turin: Musolini Editore, 1977.
- Subsequently also printed in Spanish as an extensive journal article in Criticas de la Economica Politica (edicion latino americano) numero 7, 1978 Mexico D F as "La Inflacion, la Crisis y el auge de la Posguerra"
- Bulletin of the CSE, Autumn 1973 "Categories of Labour Power for Capital"
- Bulletin of the CSE, Autumn 1974 "Productive Labour for Capital"
- Crisis, 1982: quarterly Japanese journal, "Racial Conflict in Britain," Part 1, Vol. 11 (pp 141-5) and Part 2, Vol 12 (pp 165-74) Tokyo, in Japanese
- Book review Aug Sept 2000: PORTUGAL 1974-75: The Forgotten Dream. Peter Robinson The Socialist History Society. Occasional Papers Series: No 9, 1999
- Review of Political Economy (ABDC rank C) 2002 October Vol. 14 Number 4. (USA) Walden Bello, Nicola Bullard & Kamal Malhotra (Eds) Global Finance: new thinking on regulating speculative capital markets (London & New York, Zed Books, 2000). Graeme Donald Snooks, The Global Crisis Makers: an end to progress and liberty? (St Martin’s Press New York, 2000). Stephany Grifith-Jones, Manuel F Montes & Anwar Nasution (Eds) Short-Term Capital Flows and Economic Crises (Oxford, Oxford University Press 2001)
- Book review 2005: Understanding The Venezuelan Revolution. Hugo Chávez talks to Marta Harnecker. (Translated by Chesa Boudin) Monthly Review Press, 193pp. New York 2005
- Pamphlet Review 2006: Venezuela and Revolution in the 21st Century. by Joseph Choonara. Febuary 2006
- Journal of Latin American Studies, (AJG rank 2: JCR 18) Volume 40, Issue 03, Aug 2008, pp 591-592: Review of Luiz Bernardo Pericás Che Guevara e o debate econômico em Cuba (in Portuguese: São Paulo: Xamã VM Editora 2004) pp. 235
- Capital and Class (AJG & ABS rank 2) May 2018 review of 'Thirty Three Theses for an Economics Reformation’. From Rethinking Economics and the New Weather Institute, 2017. Plus The Econocracy: The Perils of Leaving Economics to the Experts, by Joe Earle, Cahal Moran and Zach Ward-Perkins, 2017. Also Demography and Economics: Look past the past: Charles A.E. Goodhart, Philipp Erfurth. 2014
Editor of two Volumes by Professor M Itoh (Tokyo University):
- 'The Basic Theory of Capitalism: the forms and substance of the capitalist economy, Macmillan, March 1988. ISBN 0 333 37284 0
- 'The World Capitalist Crisis and Japan,' Macmillan, 1990. ISBN 978-0-333-37283-8
Paul attended many confrences on a range of topics, including Europe, training, education, Latin American current affairs.
TV Appearances 17.12.2007 as London Met economist on panel for The Agenda (Press TV) to discuss the dollar and the pending outbreak of the sub-prime crisis.
Radio Interviews 20.02.2008 BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast with Nicky Campbell at 08.15am to discuss resignation of Castro as Head of Council of State, with Leo McKinstry of Daily Express.
Occasional interviews as a senior lecturer at London Met, by France 24 and Radio France International on Latin American themes for live news broadcasts.