Rafal Soborski
Dr Rafal Soborski is a Senior Research Fellow at the School of Social Sciences and Professions
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Dr Rafal Soborski is Senior Research Fellow at the Global Diversities and Inequalities Research Centre at London Metropolitan University. He has an interdisciplinary background with Master degrees in Religion Studies and Sociology (from the Jagiellonian University of Krakow) and European Studies (University of Exeter) and a PhD in Political Studies (University of Surrey). He is a Professor of International Politics at Richmond American University where he has taught since 2006 in areas of global studies and international politics.

Rafal has published several articles and chapters on globalization, ideology, social movements and the far right. His monographs include Ideology in a Global Age: Continuity and Change (Palgrave Macmillan) and Ideology and the Future of Progressive Social Movements (Rowman & Littlefield). He also recently published two articles revolving around evolving articulations of populism From the End of History to the Populist Turn and Beyond: Ideology’s Misfortunes in Globalization Theory and Global Activism in International Critical Thought and Neoliberalism, Populism, and the Postapocalypse: Competing (or Compatible?) Ideologies and Imaginaries of the Pandemic in Global Perspectives. Furthermore, as Senior Researcher on an ESRC-funded, interdisciplinary research project on Polish migrants joining far-right groups in Britain, he is a co-author, together with Professor Michal Garapich and Dr Anna Jochymek, of the following publications: Immigrants in the Transnational Far Right: Integration through Racisms and Negotiating White Supremacy in a Migratory Context in International Migration Review; Polonization of the British Soil and Home-Making Through Deathscapes: The Far-Right’s Reluctant Transnational Adventures as Toronto Metropolitan Centre for Immigration and Settlement Working Paper and Home-making through deathscapes or how to circumvent the contradictions of nationalism: The case of Polish far-right activists in Britain (accepted for publication in Nations and Nationalism). He is the editor of The Journal of Interdisciplinary Global Studies and chairs the Global Studies Network.


Soborski, R. 2018. Ideology and the Future of Social Movements. Rowman and Littlefield.
Soborski, R. 2013. Ideology in a Global Age: Continuity and Change. Palgrave Macmillan.
Other publications:
Garapich, M., Jochymek, A. and Soborski R. 2024. Immigrants in the Transnational Far Right: Integration through Racisms and Negotiating White Supremacy. International Migration Review, 58(4): 2012-2039 (peer-reviewed journal article).
Soborski, R, Garapich, M. and Jochymek, A. 2024. Polonization of the British Soil and Home-Making Through Deathscapes: The Far-Right’s Reluctant Transnational Adventures 8/2024 CERC in Migration and Integration at Toronto Metropolitan University (peer-reviewed working paper).
Soborski, R. 2024. Prefigurative Activism Today: From Socialist Values via Anarchist Tactics Back to the Neoliberal Status Quo. In S. Guy, E. Okan, V. Boullet and J. Tranmer (eds) Liberalism and Socialism since the Nineteenth Century: Tensions, Exchanges, and Convergences. Palgrave Macmillan, 275-293 (book chapter).
Soborski, R. and D. O’Byrne. 2023. Neoliberalism, Populism, and the Postapocalypse: Competing (or Compatible?) Ideologies and Imaginaries of the Pandemic. Global Perspectives 4(1): 89630.
Soborski, R. 2021. Taking ideology seriously in the time of plague: insights versus distractions. Acta Academica. Volume 53, Issue 2: 103-121 (peer-reviewed journal article)
Soborski, R. 2021. Biopolitics in the Time of Pandemic: Populism and Neoliberalism in Light of COVID-19. Perspectives on Global Development and Technology, Volume 20, Issue 1: 137-150 (peer-reviewed journal article).
Galent, M. and R. Soborski. 2020. Globalization Thirty Years On: Promises, Realities and Morals for the Future. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Global Studies Volume 15, Issue 4, i-ix (editorial article).
Soborski, R. 2020. Populism or Neoliberalism? Explaining the Politics of the Pandemic. global-e. Volume 13: Issue 59, https://bit.ly/315j1Ym (invited article)
Soborski, R. 2020. From the End of History to the Populist Turn and Beyond: Ideology’s Misfortunes in Globalization Theory and Global Activism. International Critical Thought, Volume 10, Issue 2, 296-310 (peer-reviewed journal article).
Soborski, R. 2020. End of Ideology? A Neoliberal Hoax and Lessons for the Left. In S. A. Hamed Hosseini, B. K. Gills and J. Goodman (eds) The Routledge Handbook of Transformative Global Studies, 108-118 (book chapter).
Soborski, R. 2019. Prefigurative Politics in Anti-Neoliberal Activism: A Critique. Perspectives on Global Development and Technology, Volume 18, Issue 1-2, 79-92 (peer-reviewed journal article).
Soborski, R. 2019. Challenging Neoliberal Hegemony: Ideology for 21st Century Progressives. global-e. Volume 12: Issue 33, https://bit.ly/2s1trcW (invited article).
Flood, C. and R. Soborski. 2018. Euroscepticism as Ideology. In N. Startin and S. Usherwood
(eds) Routledge Handbook of Euroscepticism, 36-47 (book chapter).
Soborski, R. 2017. Ideological Imbalance Post the Credit Crunch: Neoliberalism Versus the Politics of Resistance. In J. Smith et al. (eds) Social Movements and World-System Transformation. Routledge, 94-111 (book chapter).
Soborski, R. 2015. Ideologies of Crisis? Ideological Continuity in a Destabilized Age. The Global Studies Journal, Volume 8, Issue 3, 33-43 (peer-reviewed journal article).
Soborski, R. 2012. Globalization and ideology: A critical review of the debate. The Journal of Political Ideologies, Volume 17, Issue 3, 323-46 (peer-reviewed journal article).
Flood, C. and R. Soborski. 2011. Ideology and the Rights of the Nation in Party Alignments on
the EU: A Comparison of Conservative Parties in Britain, France and Poland. SSRN Working Paper Series, https://bit.ly/2r4sikB (working paper).
Soborski, R. 2009. Globalization: The Case for Ideological Realignment? The Global Studies Journal, Volume 2, Issue 3, 87-96 (peer-reviewed journal article).

Visiting Professor at the American University in Madrid, Clashes & Alliances of Mediterranean Civilizations Programme, October 2024.

Visiting Researcher at Toronto Metropolitan University, The Canada Excellence Research Chair in Migration and Integration, October 2023
Senior Research Fellow on the research project on Polish migrants joining far-right groups in the UK - ES/W010151/1; 2023-2026), London Metropolitan University, Centre for Global Diversities and Inequalities
Visiting Senior Researcher at the University of Southern Indiana Center for Communal Studies, June-July 2021.
Visiting Professor at the American University in Madrid, Clashes & Alliances of Mediterranean Civilizations Programme, October 2019.
Visiting Senior Researcher at the Institute of European Studies at the Jagiellonian University
in Krakow, Poland, June-Sept. 2016.
Joint University of Surrey and Polish Ministry of Education PhD scholarship covering tuition fees and living expenses, University of Surrey, Department of Political, International & Policy Studies, Fall 2002–Spring 2005.

Chair of the Global Studies Network, since Feb. 2016

Chair of the Global Studies Conference, Krakow, Poland, July 2024
Chair of the Global Studies Conference, Oxford, UK, July 2023
Chair of the Global Studies Conference, Athens, Greece, June 2022
Chair of the Global Studies Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2021
Chair of the Global Studies Conference, virtual edition, June 2020
Co-chair of the Global Studies Conference, Krakow, Poland, June 2019
Chair of the Global Studies Conference, Granada, Spain, June 2018
Convener of the conference of the Global Studies Association UK, University of
Northampton, UK, May-June 2018
Committee member of the Global Studies Association UK
Member of the Global Studies Association North America, Network for the Critical Study of
Global Capitalism, Political Studies Association
Reviewer of article submissions for Party Politics; The International Journal of
Interdisciplinary Social Sciences; Social Sciences; The Journal of Political Ideologies; Dialogues in
Reviewer of books and book proposals for Oxford University Press, Routledge, Palgrave, Polity Press,
Rowman & Littlefield and Brill
Evaluator of research grant bids for National Science Centre, Poland
Evaluator of research grant bids for the Research Foundation Flanders
External adviser for the BA (Hons) Politics and International Relations programme,
University of Chichester, UK, since October 2020
External Examiner in MSc in Sociology and Global Studies, University of Edinburgh, UK, since
December 2019
External Examiner in Political Science and International Relations, Regents University of
London, UK, March 2019 – February 2023

Dr Rafal Soborski

Senior Research Fellow

School of Social Sciences and Professions

Centre for Global Diversities and Inequalities
