Dr Ronald Mazorodze is a senior lecturer in science education and PGCE Secondary Science Course Lead. His research area is science education with a focus on curriculum, pedagogy and assessment.

Dr Ronald Mazorodze
Ronald aka Dr Maz hold a Doctor in Education (EdD) degree in Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment from UCL -IOE. He holds a BSc Hons and MSc -Science Education degrees from University of Havana's EJ Pedagogical Institute- Cuba. Dr Maz has led on various teacher education, taught on the M Level Educational Leadership courses at UCL-IOE and supervised doctoral students. He has published with some of the UK's top science educators. His current research focus is trainee teachers mental health.
Ronald is teaching on the Secondary Science PGCE course and the Effective Mentoring level 7 course.
Science Education, Cognitive Science in Learning, Wellbeing and Mental Health in Higher Education, Critical Realism in Education and AI Impact in Initial Teacher Education.
Mazorodze, R and Reiss, M (2019) Cognitive and Metacognitive Problem-Solving Strategies in Post-16 Physics: A Case Study Using Action Research. Book
Mazorodze, R and Reiss, M J (2018). Raising attainment in post-compulsory physics through collaborative problem solving. School Science Review, 99 (369), 96-104
Contributed as physics consultant – The Learning Passport: Curriculum Framework (Maths, Science and Literacy) – Making progress possible: Improving the quality of education for vulnerable children everywhere – University of Cambridge, Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment (2020).
Current project with M Reiss (2021): Teacher education in emergencies. Initial teacher education for secondary science teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic in England.
Dr Mazorodze has written on problem solving and collaboration with the learning environment.
Dr Ronald Mazorodze