Dr Samuel O Idowu
Samuel O Idowu is Professor of Accounting & Sustainability. 
Professor of Accounting and Sustainability, Dr Samuel O Idowu

Samuel O. Idowu

Samuel O Idowu is Professor of Accounting and Sustainability at the Guildhall School of Business and Law, London Metropolitan University. He is currently the Course Leader of MSc CSR and Sustainability and Advanced Diploma in Professional Development in CSR and Sustainability. Samuel is the President and CEO of the Global Corporate Governance Institute (GCGI) a research network of scholars in Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability, Ethics and Governance. He is the Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility soon to be renamed the Journal of Sustainable Business and the American Journal of Economics and Business Administration. He has edited more than 50 books and published papers in a number of reputable Journals. Samuel has acted as an examiner for PhD theses in the UK, Australia, South Africa, the Netherlands and New Zealand. He has won a few CSR awards around the world.

Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainable Development, Corporate Governance and Accounting. 
Samuel teaches Management Accounting to students in Levels 4, 5, and 6 and and CSR to Level 7 students. He also supervises PhD students.

Edited books

Journal articles

  • 2019 Mijatovic, I, Idowu, S O and Maričić, M, An Exploratory study of the effects of Stakeholder Engagement on Exporting Companies’ Activities in Serbia (under consideration by a Journal)
  • 2019 Idowu, S O, Wolde-Rufael, Y and Mulat-Weldemeskel, Reporting CSR in Corporate Africa, Accepted for publication by an American Journal
  • 2018 López-Quesada, E; Camacho , María del Mar; Idowu, Samuel O, Corporate Governance Practices and Comprehensive Income, Corporate Governance: International Journal of Business in Society, 10.1108/CG-01-2017-0011
  • 2016 Wolde-Rufael, Y and Idowu, S O, Income Distribution and CO2 Emission: A comparative analysis for China and India, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Journal
  • 2016 Schiopoiu Burlea, A and Idowu, S O, The independence of managers: An ethical dilemma International Journal of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Vol. 4(2), pp. 152 – 171.
  • 2016 Idowu, S O, Dragu, I, Farcas, T V and Tiron-Tudor, A, From CSR and Sustainability to Integrated Reporting, International Journal Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Vol. 4 (2), pp. 134 – 151.
  • 2012 Idowu, S O “Corporate Social Responsibility: A Capitalists Ideology?” International Journal of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Vol. 1(3), pp. 239 – 254. jcode=ijsei&year=2012&vol=1&issue=3
  • 2011 Idowu, S O (2011), An Exploratory Study of the Historical Landscape of Corporate Social Responsibility in the United Kingdom, Corporate Governance: International Journal of Business in Society, Volume 11(2) pp. 149 - 160. 
  • 2007 Idowu, S O & Papasolomou, I, Are the corporate social responsibility matters based on good intentions or false pretences? An empirical study of the motivations behind the issuing of corporate social responsibility reports by UK companies, Corporate Governance: International Journal of Business in Society, Vol. 7 No. 2 pp 136 - 147
  • 2004 Idowu, S o & Towler, B A “A comparative study of the contents of corporate social responsibility reports of UK companies”, Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal Volume 15 No. 4, pp 420-437

Chapters in edited books

  • 2020 Hogan, E and Idowu, S O, Global Sustainability in Current Global Practices of CSR Idowu, S O (Ed.)
  • 2020 Frederiksen, C S, Pedersen, D B, Nielsen, M J and Idowu, S O, The Global Reporting Initiative: An Exploratory Framework for Evaluating Social Bottom Lines in Global Challenges of CSR and Sustainable Development, Vertigans, S and Idowu S O (Eds.) (in press).
  • 2018 Diaz Diaz, B, Idowu, S O and Molyneux (Eds.), Corporate Governance in Banking and Investor Protection: An Introduction, Springer International, Switzerland.
  • 2015 Idowu, S O Social Audit in the Supply Chain in Social Audit Regulation, Rahim M M and Idowu, S O (Eds.), Springer, Heidelberg.
  • 2014 Okpara, J and Idowu S O A review of the Concept and Analysis of the Business case for CSR in the 21st Century in Okpara, J and Idowu, S O (Eds.) CSR: Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies for 21st century leaders, Springer Heidelberg.
  • 2014 Low, P K C & Idowu, S O CSR in the Asia-Pacific: An Introduction in Low, P K C, Idowu, S O & Ang, S L (Eds.), CSR in Asia: Practice and Experience, Springer, Heidelberg (Forthcoming)
  • 2014 Idowu, S O CSR: A modern tool of building Social Capital in Idowu, S O, Kasum, A S, Yuksel Mermod, A (Eds.), People, Planet & Profit: Socio-economic Perspectives of CSR, Gower, Farnham (Forthcoming)
  • 2013 Fifka, M S & Idowu, S O Sustainability & Social Innovation in Osburg, T and Schmidpeter, R (Eds.) Social Innovation: Solutions for a Sustainable Future, Springer, Heidelberg.
  • 2013 Yuksel Mermod, A & Idowu, S O Investing Peacefully: A global overview of socially responsible investing in Yuksel Mermod, A & Idowu, S O (Eds.) Corporate Social Responsibility in the Global Business World, Springer, Heidelberg.
  • 2013 Idowu, S O and Caliyurt, K, Corporate Governance International: An Introduction in Idowu, S O & Caliyurt, K. (Eds.) Corporate Governance: An International Perspective, Springer, Heidelberg. 2010 Idowu, S O (2011) “Accounting for Decision Makers in a Sustainable Environment” in Idowu, S O and Louche, C (Eds.), Theory and Practice of Corporate Social Responsibility, due out in December 2010, Springer, Berlin.
  • 2010 Idowu, S O, Louche, C, Filho, W L (2010) Innovative Corporate Social Responsibility: An Introduction, in Louche, C, Idowu, S O, Filho, W L (Eds.), Innovative CSR: From Risk Management to Value Creation, Greenleaf, Sheffield.
  • 2010 Louche, C, Idowu, S O and Filho, W L (2010), Innovation in corporate social responsibility: How Innovative is it? An exploratory study of 129 global innovative CSR solutions in Louche, C, Idowu, S O, Filho, W L (Eds.), Innovative CSR: From Risk Management to Value Creation, Greenleaf, Sheffield.
  • 2009 Idowu, S O Corporate Secretaries’ Perspective of Corporate Social Responsibility in Professionals’ Perspectives of CSR, Springer Verlag.
  • 2008 Idowu, S O and Filho, W L (Eds.) 2008 Global Practices of Corporate Social Responsibility, Springer Verlag, Berlin. 2008 Idowu, S O “Practicing Corporate Social Responsibility in the UK” in Global Practices of CSR, Springer Verlag.
  • 2008 Filho, W L & Idowu, S O Corporate social responsibility: some future perspectives in Global Practices of CSR, Springer Verlag.
  • 2008 Idowu, S O “An empirical study of what institutions of higher education in the UK consider to be their corporate social responsibility” A conference paper (attached) accepted for publication and presentation at in conference in Cardiz, Spain in May 28 – 30, 2008.
  • 2005 Papasolomou, I & Idowu, S O Reputational Responsibility, in Crowther, D. and Jatana, R. (Eds.), International Dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility Vol. 1, The ICFAI University Press, pp 22-50, February.

Articles in Professional Journals/Magazines

  • 2011 Idowu, S O, So you want to be a forensic accountant?, Accountancy Ireland, ICAI, Vol. 43(6), pp. 65 – 66, December.
  • 2005 Brabazon, A & Idowu, S O Foreign Exchange Exposure Management, PASS Magazine, pp 13, October 2005 Idowu, S O, Corporate Social Responsibility – what’s it really about? Accountancy Ireland, August pp.86-88
  • 2005 Idowu, S O, Standard Costing, PASS Magazine, May pp14-15 2005 Idowu, S O, The Theory of Standard Costing, PASS Magazine, March pp22-23
  • 2004 Idowu, S O, Double Take, CIMA Insider, June pp 18-20 2004 Brabazon, A, Idowu, S O & Menyah, K Behavioural Finance: One of the crowd or just plain rational? Accountancy Ireland, February 2004 Idowu, S O, Overhead Projections, CIMA Insider February
  • 2003 Idowu, S O & Towler, B A Just Seventeen, CIMA Financial Management December
  • 2003 Idowu, S O, Brabazon, A & Menyah, K Bull’s Eye Market, CIMA Financial Management, February 2002 Brabazon, A & Idowu, S O Weather Derivatives, Accountancy Ireland, Institute of Chartered Accountants, Ireland, August
  • 2002 Brabazon, A & Idowu, S O Tracking Stock, Journal of Accountancy, Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Ireland, March
  • 2001 Brabazon, A & Idowu, S O Credit Where It's Due, CIMA Insider, November
  • 2001 Brabazon, A & Idowu, S O Costing the Earth, CIMA Financial Management, May 2000 Idowu, S O Capital Investment Appraisal II - ACCA Student Accountant, September
  • 2000 Idowu, S O Capital Investment Appraisal I - ACCA Student Accountant, August
  • 1999 Idowu, S O “Edge Cutters: Prevention is Better Than Cure” Accounting Technician November.
  • 1999 Idowu, S O and Towler B A “Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organisation” ACCA Students Newsletter June.
  • 1998 Idowu, S O “The Concept of Break Even Analysis in Decision Making” ACCA Students Newsletter April.
  • 1996 Idowu, S O “Informed Decisions”, Accounting Technician, June
  • 1996 Idowu, S O, Budgeting: A Management Tool, ACCA Students’ Newsletter, April 1995 Idowu, S O “Working Capital Management”, ACCA Students’ Newsletter, February.
  • 1994 Idowu, S O “Costing Techniques” Accounting Technician, August. 1993 Idowu, S O “Overhead Allocation” Accounting Technician, November.
  • 1992 Idowu, S O “Cash Flow Statements – FRS1” Association of Banking Teachers Magazine, September.
  • 1989 Idowu, S O “Social Accounting: Accountable to Society, PASS Magazine, November.

A member of a couple of EU grants working on Circular Economy and Sustainable Development. 

Keynote Speeches at International Conference, a member of the team for a couple of EU research grants for Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility

Dr Samuel O Idowu
E: s.idowu@londonmet.ac.uk