Sandra Sinfield started working at the University in 1990 as an Associate Lecturer and is now a University Teaching Fellow and Associate Teaching Professor in the Centre for Teaching Enhancement (CTE). Sandra advances the work of the Centre through providing expert, research-informed leadership and support in the design and delivery of innovative and creative staff professional development in teaching, learning, assessment and curriculum development, and pedagogical research and publication.
Sandra also teaches on the core modules: Facilitating Student Learning and Managing the Assessment and Feedback Process on the Learning and Teaching in Higher Education MA – alongside supervising Negotiated Study Modules, Projects and Dissertations.
Sandra led the development of the student-facing Study Hub (still with downloadable study packs covering the essay, report and presentation) and the staff-facing Take5 website and blog, designed to seed, share and support staff engagement with innovative learning, teaching and assessment practices that decolonise pedagogy and support the success of our students – and she keeps the StudyChat facebook magazine lively and relevant.
Sandra Sinfield is one of the co-founders of the Association for Learning Development in Higher Education where she sits on the Steering Group and is Co-chair of its Mentoring Group. Sandra was part of the 16-institution LearnHigher CETL (Centre of Excellence in Teaching and Learning) – and is a co-author of the legacy text: Learning Development in Higher Education. She is also a co-author of Teaching, Learning and Study Skills: A Guide for Tutors; Essential Study Skills: The Complete Guide to Success at University (fifth edition forthcoming); and Supporting Student Writing – And Other Modes of Learning and Assessment – A Staff Guide.

Image: Sandra Sinfield, University Teaching Fellow and Senior Lecturer in CTE
More about Sandra Sinfield
Alongside teaching in secondary, further and higher education, Sandra has worked as a laboratory technician, a freelance copywriter, an Executive Editor (Medicine Digest, circulation 80,000 doctors) and in the voluntary sector with the Tower Hamlets Research and Resource Centre and with the Islington Green School Community Play written by Alan, Whose Life is it Anyway?, Clarke and produced at Sadler’s Wells:
“I was the first in my family to go to university – I know at a deep level what many of our students are going through – and I have always seen my role as standing with and alongside our students – and our staff – to make university a more welcoming and liberatory space.”
Together with Tom Burns, Sandra has taken a production of John Godber’s Bouncers on a tour of Crete music venues, written and made a feature film (Eight Days from Yesterday) and produced teaching and learning courses and materials in a range of settings. Their Take Control video won the IVCA gold award for education. All this has seeded an intense interest in the power of multimodality for teaching, learning and assessment.
Sandra is particularly interested in collaborative teaching, research and writing – and thus the majority of her published output is just that – collaborative – and focussed on developing HE as an empowering and liberatory space especially for those students typically placed as ‘educational outsiders’. Most recently Sandra Sinfield and Tom Burns have delivered keynotes across the UK on the power of creativity as emancipatory practice.
Kuhn, C., Khoo, SM., Czerniewicz, L., Warren, L., Bute, S., Crean, A., Abegglen, S., Burns, T., Sinfield, S., Jandrić, P., Knox, J. & MacKenzie, A. (2023). 'Understanding digital inequality: A theoretical kaleidoscope'. in Constructing postdigital research: Method and emancipation (pp. 333-373). Springer.
Abegglen, Burns & Sinfield (2023) Supporting student writing: Write to Learn (online course - for staff) OneHE
Chrissi Nerantzi, Emma Gillaspy, Sandra Sinfield, Marianthi Karatsiori, Tom Burns, Anna Hunter, Hannah Seat & Nathalie Tasler (2023) Like the sea: Living communityship as a form of participatory leadership within the creativity for learning in HE (#creativeHE) community), Innovations in Education and Teaching International
Abegglen, S., Kamal, S., Burns, T., Akhbari, M. and Sinfield, S. (2023) '(Re)Imagining higher education: an inspirational guide for academics', Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, (29)
Sinfield, S.; Burns, T. and Sandra Abegglen, S. (2023), 'Design Thinking in Education: Adding Collaboration, Uncertainty, Phronesis and Fairydust to Curriculum Design', International Journal of Management and Applied Research, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 263-269
Burns, Sinfield & Abegglen (2023) 'Postdigital Academic Writing' in the Encyclopedia of Postdigital Science and Education,
Abegglen, Burns, Maier & Sinfield (2023) ‘(Un)Doing spaces: creativity, being, resistance’ in LoveLD Magazine Issue 1, Feb 2023
Abegglen, Burns & Sinfield (Co-editing) (2023) Collaboration in Higher Education, A New Ecology of Practice. Bloomsbury
Abegglen, Burns, Heller & Sinfield (2023) ‘Designing Educational Futures: Imagine a Collaborative Bloom’ in Post Digital Science and Education
Abegglen, S., Burns, T., & Sinfield, S. Review: 'What Makes Writing Academic: Rethinking Theory for Practice.' Julia Molinari. Bloomsbury, 2022. Discourse and Writing/Rédactologie, 32, 358–365
Sinfield, S (2022) Reflecting on the pandemic in Abegglen, S, Neuhaus, F & Wilson, K (Editors) 'Voices from the Digital Classroom: 25 Interviews about Teaching and Learning in the Face of a Global Pandemic' University of Calgary Press
Burns, T & Sinfield, S (2022) The LDPPodcast (episode 3) - with Carina and Alicja - on our work, Released 23 Sept 2022
Burns, T., Desire, J., Gordon, J., McDonald, P. and Sinfield, S. (eds.) (2022) 'Say it with a story. The #creativeHE Annual 2022.' Creativity for Learning in Higher Education Community
Abegglen, S. Burns, T. and Sinfield, S. (2022) (Discussion) 'Supporting student writing and other modes of learning and assessment: a staff guide', Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, (25).
Abegglen, S. Burns, T. and Sinfield, S. (2022) ‘Review of Gary Hall (2021). A Stubborn Fury: How Writing Works in Elitist Britain’. Postdigital Science and Education
Burns, T., Desire, J., Gordon, J., McDonald, P. and Sinfield, S. (eds.) (2022) Say it with a story. The #creativeHE Annual 2022. Creativity for Learning in Higher Education Community
Abegglen, S, Burns, T & Sinfield, S (2022) ‘Supporting university staff to develop student writing: collaborative writing as a method of inquiry' Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education ISSN: 1759-667 X Issue
Abegglen, S, Burns, T & Sinfield, S (2022) Review of Michael A. Peters, Tina Besley, Marek Tesar, Liz Jackson, Petar Jandrić, Sonja Arndt, & Sean Sturm (2021). The Methodology and Philosophy of Collective Writing: An Educational Philosophy and Theory Reader Volume X
Abegglen, S, Burns, T, Griffiths, O, Myhre, M and Sinfield, S (2022) ‘Partnership Working: Opening Doors-Crossing Thresholds’ International Journal for Students as Partners 6(1):153–159
Burns, T and Sinfield, S (2022, 5th Edn) 'Essential Study Skills: The Complete Guide to Success at University'. London, Sage
Burns, Desire, Gordon & Sinfield (2022) ‘Facilitating Student Learning: a staff development module that is Education for Social Justice’ Investigations in university teaching and learning vol. 13 summer 2022
Abegglen, Burns & Sinfield ‘Decolonising Academic Writing’ - Book Review Investigations in university teaching and learning vol. 13 summer 2022
Burns and Sinfield (Editors and Introduction) SI ESJ: Investigations in University Teaching and Learning - Education for Social Justice issue - Vol 13, Summer, 2022.
Abegglen, Burns & Sinfield (2021, 2nd Edition) 'Supporting Student Writing and other forms of Learning and Assessment: A staff Guide' - creative commons from
Abegglen, Burns & Sinfield (2021) 'Our collective paper, Teaching in the Age of Covid‑19—1 Year Later' in Jandrić,P., Hayes, D., Levinson, P., Lisberg Christensen, L., Lukoko, H. O., Kihwele, J. E., Brown, J. B., Reitz, C., Mozelius, P., Nejad, H. G., Fuentes Martinez, A., Arantes, J. A., Jackson, L., Gustafsson, U., Abegglen, S., Burns, T., Sinfield, S., Hogan, M., Kishore, P., Carr, P. R., Batarelo Kokić, I., Prinsloo, P., Grauslund, D., Steketee, A., Achieng‑Evensen, C., Komolafe, B. F., Suoranta, J., Hood, N., Tesar, M., Rose, J., Humble, N., Kirylo, J. D., Mañero, J., Monzó, L. D., Lodahl, M., Jaldemark, J., Bridges, S. M., Sharma, N., Davidsen, J., Ozoliņš, J., Bryant, P., Escaño, C., Irwin, J., Kaur, K., Pfohl, S., Stockbridge, K., Ryberg, T., Pyyhtinen, O., SooHoo, S., Hazzan, M. K., Wright, J., Hollings, S., Arndt, S., Gibbons, A., Urvashi, S., Forster, D. J., Truelove, I., Mayo, P., Rikowski, G., Stewart, P. A., Jopling, M., Stewart, G. T., Buchanan, R., Devine,
Mag, A. G., Sinfield, S., Burns, T., & Abegglen, S. (2021). 'The joy of teaching and learning in academia–teachers’ perspectives from three countries' in MATEC Web of Conferences (Vol. 343). EDP Sciences.
Abegglen, Burns & Sinfield (2021) ‘Dialogic Montage: Reflecting on playful practice in Higher Education’ special edition of Journal of Play in Adulthood: The Playful academic
Burns, Desire, Gordon & Sinfield (2021) ‘The Apron challenge: Embodied and creative learning online and at a distance' Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education
Abegglen, Burns & Sinfield (Editors & Editorial) (2021) SI: 'Collaboration in higher education: Partnering with students, colleagues and external stakeholders:' Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice Volume 18, Issue 7 (2021)
Abegglen, S., Burns, T. & Sinfield, S. (2021). ‘Being fiercely alive and fiercely ourselves in higher education.’ In: R. Toft Norgard, J. E. M. Solheim & K. J. Bukholt (Eds.) Playful higher education: Voices, activities & co-creations from the PUP community. Playful University Platform, 110-113. ISBN: 978-87-7684-501-8, 978-87-7684-502-5 (e)
Abegglen, S., Burns, T. & Sinfield, S. (2021). ‘Co-creating playful higher education: Creative colla(ge)boration’. In: R. Toft Norgard, J. E. M. Solheim & K. J. Bukholt (Eds.), Playful higher education: Voices, activities & co-creations from the PUP community. Playful University Platform, 205-212. ISBN: 978-87-7684-501-8, 978-87-7684-502-5 (e)
Abegglen, Burns, MacFarlane, McGinn, Neuhaus, Sinfield (2021): Talon and #Take5: Online initiatives fostering reflection about teaching and learning in the now times Academia.Edu
Harrington, Sinfield and Burns (2021) ‘Student Engagement’ chapter for Pokorny, H and Warren, D (Eds, 2nd Edn) (2021) Teaching and Learning in HE, London; Sage
Abegglen, Burns and Sinfield – with Piras (2021) Supporting Student Writing – And Other Modes of Learning and Assessment - A Staff Guide. Aberdeen; Inspired By Learning
Abegglen, Burns and Sinfield (2020) – ‘Covid Reflections’ in Jandrić, P, Hayes, D, Truelove, I, Levinson, P, Mayo, P, Ryberg, T, Monzó, L.D, Allen, Q, Stewart, P.A, Carr, P.R. and Jackson, L, 2020. Teaching in the Age of Covid-19. Postdigital Science and Education, pp.1-162
Abegglen, S, Burns, T. and Sinfield, S, 2020. Montage, DaDa and the Dalek: The Game of Meaning in Higher Education. International Journal of Management and Applied Research, 7(3), pp.224-239
Abegglen, S, Burns, T, Maier, S. and Sinfield, S, 2020. Global university, local issues: Taking a creative and humane approach to learning and teaching. In Improving Classroom Engagement and International Development Programs: International Perspectives on Humanizing Higher Education. Emerald Publishing Limited
Abegglen, Sandra; Burns, Tom; Middlebrook, David; and Sinfield, Sandra, ‘Outsiders looking in? Challenging reading through creative practice’, Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 17(2), 2020
Abegglen, S, Burns, T. Maier, S. and Sinfield, S. (2020). ‘Supercomplexity: Acknowledging students’ lives in the 21st century university’ for Innovative Practice in Higher Education Vol4 No1 pp22-38
Burns, T, Sinfield, S, and Abegglen, S. (2019). Third space partnerships with students: Becoming educational together. International Journal for Students As Partners, 3(1), 60-68
Abegglen, Burns and Sinfield (2019) ‘It’s learning development, Jim - but not as we know it: Academic literacies in third-space’: for JLDHE Special Edition, Academic Literacies
Abegglen, S, Burns, T, Middlebrook, D. and Sinfield, S. (2019). ‘Disrupting academic reading: Unrolling the scroll for academicstaff’ in Quinn, L (Ed) (2019) Reimagining curriculum: Spaces for disruption Africa Sun Modia
Sandra Abegglen, Tom Burns, Dave Middlebrook, Sandra Sinfield - with Angharad Lewis (2019) ‘Approaching academic reading, differently’ in Investigations in university teaching and learning Volume 12, Spring 2019 pp10-15
Abegglen, Burns and Sinfield (2019) Creative HE Manifesto: April issue of Creative Academic Magazine (CAM#13) during World Creativity and Innovation Week (April 15-21, 2019)
Abegglen, A, Burns, T, Middlebrook, D and Sinfield, S (2019) ‘Unrolling the Text to Facilitate Learning: the scroll as curriculum disruption’ – Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education No. 14 (2019)
Abegglen, S, Burns, T, and Sinfield S. (2019). Strategii creative pentru succesul studenților în învățare [Creative strategies that promote student study success]. In D.M. Cretu (Ed.), Predarea și învățarea în învățământul superior: aspecte teoretice și practice [Teaching and learning in higher education: theoretical and practical aspects] (pp.69-94). Bucuresti: Editura Universitara.
Sandra Sinfield, Tom Burns, Sandra Abegglen (2019) ‘Becoming playful: the power of a ludic module’ in Alison James, Chrissi Nerantzi (Eds) The power of play in higher education: creativity in tertiary learning.
Abegglen, Burns and Sinfield (2019) ‘Academic Reading: small acts of academic enquiry’ published in ALDinHE Newsletter, April 2019
Sandra Sinfield, Tom Burns, Sandra Abegglen (2019) ‘Becoming playful: the power of a ludic module’ in Alison James, Chrissi Nerantzi (Eds) The power of play in higher education: creativity in tertiary learning
Abegglen, S., Burns, T., & Sinfield S. (2019). Strategii creative pentru succesul studenților în învățare [Creative strategies that promote student study success]. In D.M. Cretu (Ed.), Predarea și învățarea în învățământul superior: aspecte teoretice și practice [Teaching and learning in higher education: theoretical and practical aspects] (pp.69-94). Bucuresti: Editura Universitara.
Abegglen, A, Burns, T, Middlebrook, D and Sinfield, S (2019) ‘Unrolling the Text to Facilitate Learning: the scroll as curriculum disruption’ – Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education No. 14 (2019)
Abegglen, Burns & Sinfield (2019) Creative HE: MANIFESTO, April issue of Creative Academic Magazine (CAM#13) during World Creativity and Innovation Week (April 15-21, 2019).
Sandra Abegglen, Tom Burns, Dave Middlebrook, Sandra Sinfield - with Angharad Lewis (2019) ‘Approaching academic reading, differently’ in Investigations in university teaching and learning Volume 12, Spring 2019 pp10-15
Burns, T, Sinfield, S. and Abegglen, S. (2018). Case study 5: Multimodal exhibition. Journal of Writing in Creative Practice, 11(2), 297-303
Burns, T, Sinfield, S. and Abegglen, S. (2018). Case study 4: Digital storytelling. Journal of Writing in Creative Practice, 11(2), 275-278
Burns, T, Sinfield, S. and Abegglen, S. (2018). Case study 3: Games and board games. Journal of Writing in Creative Practice, 11(2), 261-266
Burns, T, Sinfield, S. and Abegglen, S. (2018). Case study 2: Cabinet of curiosity. Journal of Writing in Creative Practice, 11(2), 211-215
Burns, T, Sinfield, S. and Abegglen, S. (2018) Regenring academic writing. Case study 1: Collages. Journal of Writing in Creative Practice, 11(2), 181-190, September 2018
Sinfield, S (2018) (Guest Editor) Creative Academic Magazine Issue 10, 2018
Abegglen, Burns and Sinfield (2018) ‘Drawing as a way of knowing: Visual practices as the route to becoming academic In Canadian Journal for Studies in Discourse and Writing/Rédactologie Volume 28, 2018
Tom Burns, Orion Griffiths, Maja Myhre and Sandra Sinfield (2017) Picture this: engaging students – improving outcomes In Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change Vol 3, No1 (2017)
Sandra Abegglen, Sandra Sinfield, Tom Burns (2017) ‘Really Free!’: Strategic interventions to foster students' academic writing skills In Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change Vol 3, No1 (2017)
Sandra Abegglen, Tom Burns, Sandra Sinfield (2017) ‘Take them Serious’: Fostering Students' Academic Writing Skills: ‘Free Writing Exercises’ In Investigations in university learning and teaching – Vol11 July 2017
Mag Alina, Sinfield Sandra, Burns Tom (2017) ‘The benefits of inclusive education: new challenges for university teachers’ MSE Conference presentation, Sibiu, Romania 2017 and to be published in MSE 2017 Proceedings, volume published online by MATEC Web of Conferences.
Harrington, Sinfield and Burns (2016) ‘Student Engagement’ in Pokorny, H and Warren, D (Eds) (2016) Teaching and Learning in HE, London; Sage
Abegglen Sandra; Burns Tom and Sinfield, Sandra, (2016) ‘Critical Pedagogy: Utilizing Critical Writing Exercises to Foster Critical Thinking Skills in First-year Undergraduate Students and Prepare Them for Life Outside University’ In Double Helix: a journal of critical thinking and writing Vol 4 (2016)
Abegglen Sandra; Burns Tom and Sinfield, Sandra, (2016) ‘The Power of Freedom: Setting up a Multimodal Exhibition With Undergraduate Students to Foster Their Learning and Help Them to Achieve’, In Journal of Peer Learning, 9, 2016, 1-9
Sinfield, Burns and Abegglen (2016) “Hacking Assignment Practice: Finding Creativity and Power in the Fissures and Cracks of Learning and Teaching” in Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education (JLDHE) #10 summer 2016
Sinfield, S (2016) ‘Becoming Creative: #creativeHE meets Becoming an Educationalist’ in: Creative Academic Magazine Issue Number 3 January 2016 pp 51-55
Diana-Eugenia IONCICA, Tom BURNS, Antonia ENACHE, Marina MILITARU, Sandra SINFIELD (2016) ‘ A Study on the Level of Satisfaction of Students in The Bucharest University of Economic Studies’
Burns, T and Sinfield, S (2016 4th Edn) Essential study skills: the complete guide to success at university London; Sage
Piccione, V, Burns, T and Sinfield, S (2015) ‘Didactical and psycho-pedagogy university module: Student Group Management’, Project Universitaria (Romania)
Bali, Elliott, Hamon, Sinfield (2015) 'Writing the unreadable untext: a collective autoethnography of #rhizo14': in Hybrid Pedagogy
Burns, T, Sinfield S and Abegglen S (2015) 'Voices from the margins: Narratives of learning development in a digital' age in Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, Volume 1, Number 1, 2015
Burns, T, Sinfield S and Abegglen, S (2014) 'Disrupting learning landscapes: Mentoring, engaging, becoming' in Investigations in University Teaching and Learning Volume 9, Spring 2014 pp15-21
Sinfield, Burns and Holley (2012) ‘The Shipwrecked Shore – and other metaphors: what we can learn from occupation of – and representations in – virtual worlds’ in Investigations in University Teaching and Learning Volume 8 Summer 2012 pp 119-126
Burns, T and Sinfield, S (2012, 3rd Edn) 'Essential study skills: the complete guide to success at university London'; Sage
Emmanuel, M, O’Neill, P, Sinfield S, Holley D, Johnson, L (2011) ‘Taking Action For Business’ In Deane and O’Neill (Eds) (2011) Writing in the Disciplines London; PalgraveMacMillan pp 122-139
Sinfield S, Burns T, Holley D, O’Neill P, Harrington K and Hoskins K (2011) ‘Raising the student voice: learning development as socio-political practice’ in Sinfield S, Hilsdon J ,Keenan C and Hartley P (Eds) (2011) Learning Development in Higher Education London; Palgrave
Sinfield S, Holley D, Burns T and Glass R (2011) ‘When worlds collide: the paradox of Learning Development, E-learning, and the 21st Century University’ in Sinfield S, Hilsdon J ,Keenan C and Hartley P (Eds) (2011) Learning Development in Higher Education London; Palgrave
Sinfield S, Hilsdon J, Keenan C and Hartley P (Eds) (2011) 'Learning Development in Higher Education London'; Palgrave
Burns, Sinfield, Holley and Hoskins (2010) ‘Very urgent, very difficult and quite possible: changing students’ attitudes to note making by encouraging user-generated content’ in Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education Volume 2, 2010
Burns T, Sinfield S, Holley D (2009) ‘Facilitating Student Engagement with Academic Writing: review of an on-line resource in a widening participation context’ in Investigations in university teaching and learning Volume 5 Numbers 1-2 2008/09 pp185-193
Sinfield, Burns and Holley (2009) ‘A journey into silence: students, stakeholders and the impact of a strategic governmental policy document in the UK’ in Social Responsibility Journal Volume 5 Number 4 pp566-574 ISSN 1747-1117
Burns, T & Sinfield, S (2nd Edn 2008) 'Essential study skills: the complete guide to success at university London'; Sage
Holley D, Sinfield S, Burns T, (2005) 'It was horrid, very very horrid: a student perspective on coming to an inner-city university in the UK' in Social Responsibility Journal Volume 2 Number 1 (ISSN 1747-1117)
Norton, L, Harrington, K, Elander, J, Sinfield, S, Usher, J, Reddy, P, Aiyegbayo, O and Pitt, E (2004) 'Supporting students to improve their essay writing through assessment criteria focussed workshops' in ISL Conference Book 2005
Burns, T & Sinfield, S (2004) 'Teaching, learning and study skills: a guide for tutors London'; Sage
Sinfield S et al (2004) 'Outsiders looking in or insiders looking out? Widening Participation in a post-1992 university in Satterthwaite et al' (Eds.) (2004) The Disciplining of Education: New Languages of Power and Resistance Stoke on Trent; Trentham Books
Sinfield, S, (2003) 'Teaching older learners: an opportunity, not a problem'; Investigations in university teaching and learning Volume 1 Number 1 spring 2003
Burns, T & Sinfield, S (2003) 'Essential study skills: the complete guide to success at university London'; Sage
Sinfield, S (2002) 'Teaching older learners an opportunity not a problem for curriculum design'; Adult Teaching and Learning Group of the Thematic Network in University Continuing Education (THENUCE)
Sinfield and Burns (1999) 'Work Smart: a guide for tutors Essex'; Learning Curve Productions
Sinfield, S & Burns, T (1999) 'The Work Smart series of staff and student development materials in key, study, common and learning skills Essex'; Learning Curve Productions
Sinfield, S & Burns, T (1997) 'Take Control – Introduction to Successful Study Practices', video, which won the 1998 IVCA gold award for education
Sinfield, S & Burns, T (1997) 'Everything you wanted to know about studying...but were too afraid to ask, Essex'; Learning Curve Productions
Abegglen, Burns & Sinfield (2023) ‘Becoming Educational Together: Students as Partners’ - for Teaching Academy, Project Focus Presentation: Students as Partners, University of Calgary, Taylor Institute - Feb23
Abegglen, Burns & Sinfield (2022) ‘Decolonising Academic Writing’. L&T Conference, LondonMet, June/July 2022
Burns, Desire, Gordon & Sinfield (2022) ‘Digitally Decolonise.’ L&T Conference, LondonMet, June/July 2022
Burns et al (2022) Keynote with #creativeHE - Creative Research Methods, Open University, Summer, 2022
Burns et al (2022) Key note with #creative HE for JISC - Summer, 2022
Burns & Sinfield (2022) Keynote: Academic Development, Virtual Literacy Conference 2022 - for the British Dyslexia Association
Burns & Sinfield (2021) Creatively Decolonise - Staff Festival, LondonMet, July 2021
Burns, Desire, Gordon & Sinfield (2021) ‘Put an apron on it: decolonising online pedagogy’ L&T Conference, LondonMet, June/July 2021
Mag, Sinfield, Burns & Abegglen (2021) ‘The joy of teaching and learning in academia – teachers’ perspectives from three countries’ for 10th Annual MSE Conference, Sibiu, Romania, July 2021
Abegglen, Burns, Maier and Sinfield (2020) ‘Virtually Impossible Inductions’, creativeHEJam event 15.06.20 (Viz.: #creativeHEJam_blog and programme: creativeHEjam 2020 planning document)
Abegglen, Burns, Maier and Sinfield (2020) ‘Virtually Impossible: The Embodied Induction’ - L&T Conference, LondonMet, June/July 2020
Simone Maier, Tom Burns, Sandra Sinfield, Sandra Abegglen (2019): ‘Imagine Assessment – Differently’, L&T Conference, LondonMet, 25th June, 2019
Burns and Sinfield (2019) Keynote: Spaces for Learning: Finding Creativity and Power in the Fissures and Cracks of Learning and Teaching – Leeds University TeachMeet, June, 2019
Abegglen, Burns & Sinfield (2018) ‘Academic Reading: small acts of academic enquiry’ - workshop - Learning and Teaching Conference, 3rd July 2018, LondonMet (and published in ALDinHE Newsletter, April 2019)
Sinfield, S., Abegglen, S. & Burns, T., (2017) Making education - becoming academics, Workshop - Digitally Engaged Learning Conference 2017, University of the Arts, 09/2017, United Kingdom.
Abegglen, S., Burns, T. & Sinfield, S., (2017) Multi-modal exhibition: Genre experiments as assessment, 06/2017 - Poster Presentation - ReGenring Academic Writing and Assessment Conference 2017, Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom
Abegglen, S., Burns, T. & Sinfield, S., (2017) Practical writing workshop – creative ideas for supporting academic writing, 07/2017 - Workshop - Learning and Teaching Conference 2017, London Metropolitan University, United Kingdom
Abegglen, S., Burns, T. & Sinfield, S., (2016) ‘Take them serious’: Fostering students’ (academic) writing skills, 07/2016 - Workshop- Learning and Teaching Conference 2016, London Metropolitan University, United Kingdom
Burns & Sinfield (2016) Keynote: Spaces for Learning: Finding Creativity and Power in the Fissures and Cracks of Learning and Teaching – University of St Mark and St John, Plymouth
Abegglen, S., Burns, T. & Sinfield, S., (2015) Hacking learning: Working creatively in the ‘fissures and cracks’ of learning, teaching and assessment - Learning and Teaching Conference 2015, London Metropolitan University, United Kingdom.
Abegglen, Burns & Sinfield (2015) Keynote: Blogging to Learn: Voices from the margins - Learning Development in a Digital Age – MMU, June, 2015
Sinfield, Burns & Holley (2008) ‘A journey into silence: students, stakeholders and the impact of a strategic governmental policy document in the UK’ - L&T Conference, July, LondonMet
Sinfield S (2007) ‘Social learning spaces’ for HEA-CETL, Warwick University, 2007
Sinfield S & Burns T (2006) ‘Student experiences of academic writing’ workshop at Learning & Teaching Conference, London Met, July 2006
Sinfield S et al, (2005) ‘Friend or foe? The role of an online tutorial in an institution experiencing rapid change’ Conference Paper for Discourse, Power, Resistance 4, Plymouth University, March 2005
Sinfield S, Burns T, Holley D, Wallace M, Dobson C and Albon A, (2005) ‘Writing Resistance’ Workshop & resources at Teaching and Learning Conference, London Metropolitan University July 2005
Norton, L, Harrington, K, Elander, J, Sinfield, S, Usher, J, Reddy, P, Aiyegbayo, O and Pitt, E (2004) ‘Supporting students to improve their essay writing through assessment criteria focussed workshops’ Conference Paper presented at Improving Student Learning (ISL)Conference, September 2004
Sinfield, S, Burns, T & Burn, E (2004) ‘Writing Resistance’, academic writing workshop presented at DPR3, Plymouth University, April 2004
Sinfield, S & Burns, T (2003) ‘Outsiders looking in or insiders looking out’, presented at DPR2, Plymouth University, April 2003
Sinfield, S (2000) ‘Do Study Skills Empower Students: An exploration of the Early Childhood Studies Scheme’s YC400 Study Skills module placed within the wider institutional context of the University of North London’ EECERA Conference, Institute of Education, September 2000
Sandra Sinfield
University Teaching Fellow and Senior Lecturer in the Centre for Teaching Enhancement