Dr Sarah Whiter is principal lecturer for Early Childhood Studies in the School of Social Science and Professions.

Sarah Whiter
Dr Whiter has worked in Education for over 20 years and has taught in Primary and Secondary Education as well as in Higher Education. She worked as an educator and Educational Lead in the Prison Service for a number of years as well as as Teacher in Charge in alternative educational provision which supported children who were not in School (REOTAS). Dr Whiter was course leader for a Childhood Studies Programme, taught on Primary provision and also taught a comprehensive range of modules at other institutions. She is the Principal Lecturer for Early Childhood Studies in the School of Social Science and Professions. Dr Whiter has also taught on the Education programme at undergraduate and postgraduate level and is also a doctoral supervisor.
Dr Whiter has taught a wide range of modules including the following; Child Development and Developmental Psychology; Children's Rights; Special Needs and Inclusion; Gender and Inclusion; Language Development; Alternative Education.; Digital Education; Psychology; Leadership; Mentoring and Coaching.
Expert Advisor, Rights Education - UNICEF.
Speaker - Psychologies Magazine.
Advisor and Trainer - Astra Zeneca.
Conference papers - Intergenerational Intimacies; Digital Media and Professionalism; Identities; Together Alone.