Seidu Bawumia
Seidu Bawumia

Seidu Bawumia

Seidu Bawumia has been a member of the law staff for fourteen years and specialises in commercial law.  He has taught a range of commercial law subjects including, contract law, tort law, employment law, business crime, investment law, law of taxation and company law. His current academic interests are in company law and financial regulation.

Seidu has always been involved in student support and has done a course in counselling. He has been the course organiser for the Institute of Legal Executives programme as well as the admissions tutor for students seeking direct entry to second and third years of the undergraduate programmes in the School. Seidu was course leader for LLB Business Law from 2004 to 2013 and a member of the Undergraduate Management Team. He is also involved in welcoming new students in the welcome week programmes and provides students with guidance and programming advice.

Seidu Bawumia 
Senior Lecturer in Law