Thabo is Senior Lecturer for Computer Science PGCE at the School of Social Sciences and Professions.

Thabo originally trained as a maths teacher through Teach First. After doing an MSC in applied mathematics with lots of computing and spending some time as a product manager in a tech firm, he moved back to education as a computing teacher.
Before moving to London Met he was Head of Computer Science at Isaac Newton Academy in Seven Kings and the focus he brought was on self-efficacy through programming and becoming industry ready.
The focus on the Computer Science PGCE is teaching programming through a problem based approach. Students come in a various different levels of proficiency and we have to simultaneously deepen their programming knowledge while also model how to teach others. At times it feels like running a programming boot camp.
It was entrepreneurship that brought Thabo to computer science and that is something that will also be his first interest. He brings this theme on the PGCE by choosing business related contexts for the learning. Thabo still occasionally builds apps if he has a good product idea. Currently his preferred app builder is Google App Sheet because of the speed of prototyping and the other apps in the Google Ecosystem.
Miles-Matli, T. (2022) The Art of Problem Solving, Youtube. cioriiaetal. Available at:
Miles-Matli, T. (2022) “Can AI Learn to Teach,” in The EdTech Book. Amazon Books, pp.171–176.
Thabo Miles-Matli
Senior Lecturer of Computer Science Education
Faculty of Social Sciences and Social Professions
Room BEU1-12