Dr Zainab Fakhr is a Senior Lecturer in Management. She has a Doctorate in Business Administration. Dr Zainab’s doctorate research explored the experiences of female academics in Pakistan Higher Education.

Zainab Fakhr
Dr Zainab's research explored the impact of culture and societal norms that impede the progression of females in the context of a gendered and conservative society. Her research used a feminist approach in exploring the female experiences and highlighted the problems that women face in a conservative society. Zainab has the experience of teaching in Pakistani higher education with diverse experience of management and research. She is also a proud alumnus of London Metropolitan University and the winner of Benazir Bhutto Scholarship.
Dr Zainab is teaching on undergraduate and postgraduate Business and Management courses as well as supervising undergraduate and postgraduate research students. Her area of expertise and teaching are management, business, leadership and entrepreneurship. Zainab’s research interest includes gender, culture and power issues, cross-cultural research, diversity management and inclusion.
Measuring Push, Pull and Personal Factors affecting Turnover Intentions: A case of University Teachers in Pakistan, Review of Economic and Business Studies, Volume 3, Issue 1, pp. 167-192, June 2010, ISSN-1843-763X.
Pricking the male bubble in academia – the exploration of female academic experiences in a number of Pakistan universities. Public Management, 2016,Issue 4 (36)
Working Women Work-life conflict, Business Strategy Series, Q Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Volume 12 No. 6 2011, pp. 289-302, ISSN 1751-5637.
Working Women Work-life conflict: A case study of the banking sector in Pakistan, World applied Sciences Journal 13(3):623-631, 2011, ISSN 1818-4952.
Conference Papers
Alternative Methods of Group Work Assessment to Promote the Engagement of Diverse Students,2012, Learning and Teaching Conference, London Metropolitan University, London.
Determinants of Employee’s Intention to Quit a Job: A Case study of University Teachers of Pakistan, National conference on Global Management, Pakistan, August 2009.
Experiences of female academic staff in higher education in Pakistan, with a focus on social inclusion and society's perception, July 2016, Innogend Conference, Krakow University, Poland.
Impact of Stress on Job Performance in Academic Staff in Higher Education Institutions in Pakistan: 2011, Learning and Teaching Conference. London Metropolitan University, London.
- Alternative Methods of Group Work Assessment to Promote the Engagement of Diverse Students,2012, Learning and Teaching Conference, London Metropolitan University, London.
- Determinants of Employee’s Intention to Quit a Job: A Case study of University Teachers of Pakistan, National conference on Global Management, Pakistan, August 2009.
- Experiences of female academic staff in higher education in Pakistan, with a focus on social inclusion and society's perception, July 2016, Innogend Conference, Krakow University, Poland.
- Impact of Stress on Job Performance in Academic Staff in Higher Education Institutions in Pakistan: 2011, Learning and Teaching Conference. London Metropolitan University, London.
Dr Zainab Fakhr
Senior Lecturer in Management
E: z.fakhr@londonmet.ac.uk