Practicing ceramicist Guy Marshall-Brown talks about his time at London Met.
Are you from London originally?
No, I am originally from The Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire, a very rural area and so London is a significant change.
Tell us a bit about your course, and what you like about it?
My course, BA Fine Art is a comprehensive coverage of contemporary art practice and art history, full of lively tutors who enjoy encouraging the students to push and pursue artistic careers and assist them in establishing their own artistic practice. This has been essential to the development of my career. My course also offers an extensive archive of networks and contacts that are accessible through the well-connected tutors that the course boasts.
Are there particular facilities and learning resources that have been useful at London Met?
The ceramics workshop, orchestrated by Fred Gatley has been absolutely paramount to my studies. I very quickly realized that ceramics was a material that I loved working with and was one which I wanted to learn more about. The facilities that the School has in ceramics have provided me with that.
Do you socialise outside university too? What sort of things do you enjoy?
Outside of university I maintain a keen interest in the arts, pursuing work experience and internships within galleries and magazines which I feel have benefited my art practice.
Do you live near the campus?
I live in Hackney, less than a 30-minute walk from the City Campus.
What would you like to do when you graduate?
Once I graduate I will be continuing my art practice, producing, selling and exhibiting my artwork as I am already doing.
What are your best tips for new students at London Met?
Talk to as many members of staff as possible. Everyone is there to share knowledge and nobody will mind you taking up a small portion of their time in order to gain that knowledge.