Jo Mackenzie is a successful postgraduate student. As a result of having completed MSc Health Psychology with distinction, she is now employed as a public health analyst. She has thoroughly enjoyed her London Met experience and has decided to return for a Professional Doctorate in Health Psychology which will lead to her becoming a fully chartered health psychologist. She disusses her experiences at the University below.
How was your experience of studying at London Met?
Learning at London Metropolitan University is unique because you have such a wide variety of people doing the courses; they come from different cultural backgrounds, different nationalities and there are many people with different experiences. You get to meet people from a wide variety of backgrounds that you probably wouldn’t have met before and I think that enriches the course because you can hear other peoples’ experiences and their points of views, making the whole experience richer.
Have you found the areas of study particularly useful?
I think in the crowded marketplace now there are so many graduates coming out that having psychology can be attractive to an employer because you have gained a range of skills.