If you're considering life as a tech changemaker, then you'll be interested in Jumoke Odumosu's story – she's studying for her Computer Science BSc at London Met. We find out about her passion for data, and where it's taking her.
Can you tell us a bit about your background and what led you to London Met?
I was born in Nigeria, and moved to the UK when I was 13. I studied pharmacology for a year, but it wasn't for me, so I decided to work until I figured out what I wanted to do. In 2019, I made a decision to go back into education – but this time to study a course that would be very beneficial for me. I chose computer science because tech is everything right now – and will be for a long time. I was 23 when I went back to uni and I wanted to make a smart decision career-wise. London Metropolitan Uni was recommended by a friend who was already at the University, and the website was easy to navigate which enabled me to get in contact with the admissions team.
What was your favourite project or work experience on the course – and why?
My favourite module was Databases in the second year, which was about analysing, designing and implementing a database system. After university, I plan on working with data – this was the module that solidified that decision. The coursework allowed me to solve problems myself from the beginning, right to the end (with help from my tutor), which I really enjoyed.
I also enjoyed working on the Distributed and Internet Systems module, where I had to create a multiple-chat application system. I think I like modules that allow you to do your own research and find solutions to the questions.
How did you find the facilities at London Met?
The library was the most important place for me – especially during group work. I think with my course, it's crucial to find time and space to work with other people efficiently. During my first year, we had access to Cecilia’s room, where students from all years can work. This was a great way to meet students in the second/third year and ask for help or guidance.
Did you have a favourite piece of equipment?
As a computer science student, I have my laptop with me at all times and use it for all my work. I do enjoy working on Netbeans as an IDE (an Integrated Development Environment) – which can also be frustrating at times, but mostly good.
Did you gain any work experience or do any work-related learning on your course while at London Met?
During the summer, I took part in the Code First Girls (CFG) data analysis nanodegree, which was sponsored by Bank of America. This was a great way for me to introduce myself to data as a career path and it was very informative as it went into particular roles – including data analysts, machine learning specialists, data engineers, data architects, data scientists, application/data visualisation engineers and business analysts.
Was there anything you found surprising about the University?
The amount of guidance and support you get, not just from an education perspective. They've also create support systems for students financially and health wise. There’s someone to contact when you need help, for example, when I needed support, I contacted Preeti Patel, who was able to send me information on who to contact.
Did you feel supported by the lecturers on your course?
Yes. Sometimes I felt like my coursework and learning was not going in the right direction. And I found that all I had to do was send an email to my tutor. We were then either able to review the work I already had done and they showed me ways to improve on it – or I was given the option to have a one-to-one, which was very focused on what I wanted to do, and could do, to improve my work and get the best possible grades. They have your best interests at heart – the work you submit reflects on them and their teaching. They were always willing to help and guide.
Were there enough opportunities to get involved in practicals?
Again with my course, practice makes perfect. There’s only so much you can read, so it's very important to practice and implement what you’ve learnt. That’s the fun part.
Were there enough staff for students?
In my opinion yes, we had a small class, we were all pretty independent and we knew who to get in contact when we needed assistance.
Can you tell us about life after London Met, what you are doing now and did London Met help shape your next steps?
I plan on working with data (fingers crossed) after London Met. I feel like my course prepared me for different aspects and for if I decide to work in a different sector. I work in retail currently and would love to work as a data analyst in the retail sector.
Why did you pick London Met and particularly your course over other institutions/courses?
I chose London Met because I wanted an institution that would support me, especially after having a break from education. London Met provided extra support with the success coaches who were incredibly helpful. I don’t think I would have had the same level of confidence when approaching work if it wasn’t for my success coach on my first year (Gyorgy).
Any tips for new students?
Get to know the people on your course, you will be spending a lot of your time with them. It also helps when it comes to deciding group projects. Enjoy the experience. It goes by so quick, I can’t believe I’m in my third year. With the coursework, you don’t have as much time as you think you do. It helps to try to have an idea of what you want the final work to be – but always leave room for adjustment. If something is not working, there’s always an alternative. Don’t spend too much time dawdling.
What was your favourite thing about your time at London Met?
The people I met – it opens your eyes to different culture and ideas. The tutors are also inspiring and always pushing you. One of my tutors was completing her PhD, and shared with us when she passed – and you could hear the relief and sense of accomplishment in her voice, which was encouraging.
Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about your time at London Met that isn’t covered above?
You don’t realise how good you have it until you speak to other people. I couldn’t have asked for a more supportive group of people. Even when you didn’t get the outcome you wanted, there’s always an attempt to make students' lives better.

"I chose computer science because tech is everything right now – and will be for a long time. I was 23 when I went back to uni and I wanted to make a smart decision career-wise."