Paz Moreno Mirallas completed her Interior Design MA in 2019 and is now a London-based interior designer and textile designer with a social/sustainable focus. She was highly commended in the RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) Student Design competition for her Green Stations project and her MA major project was awarded Best Portfolio.
Can you tell us a bit about your background and why you chose to study at London Met?
I studied a Fine Arts BA in Barcelona specialising in sculpture and urban design. Although I loved making sculptures I always wanted to create my own textiles and after university I started making tapestries and taking courses to improve my technique. A few months later I created my textiles studio Hi Tapestry! focusing in tapestry making and textile pattern design commissions.
It took me a little while to know where I wanted to be, since I've always been very curious about different disciplines and open to trying new techniques. Then I realised that interior design was a field where I could use my varied skills in space design, sculpture, textiles and patterns, along with my interest in sustainability and social engaging projects.
I chose London Met because I liked the aims of the modules related to sustainability and social-focused projects. After considering other options, I felt that at this University I was going to get support and advice from the teachers and a close relationship with them. In addition, I like to study in an institution where art, architecture and design degrees are together and where they have great workshops and facilities, which we've always been encouraged to use.
What’s been your favourite project on the course so far – and why?
It's difficult to choose one – all of them took me on a different exciting journey.
My favourite project consisted of bringing some Worship Street buildings by Philip Webb back to life by creating a makers' incubator with dwellings and commercial spaces to showcase sustainable products and a public square to build community. The main aim was to recover these neglected buildings and raise awareness about sustainability and the importance of local making.
Working on a listed historic building represented a big challenge and I learnt a lot in the process, researching in archives, talking to different people and learning about the fabric and history of the buildings. We had very supportive and accessible tutors, which is invaluable.
I am fascinated about how cities and buildings shape human nature and somehow condition our life, and I am always observing and researching initiatives to improve the health of city dwellers, which involves green solutions, the need to live in communities and in more “human-scaled” places.
What’s your favourite facility at the School of Art, Architecture and Design?
The library is where I spent most of the time and it has a huge variety of books, magazines, e-learning resources and more.
I hear that you were highly commended in the RSA Student Design national competition...
Participating in the RSA Student Design challenge meant a lot to me and it's very difficult to describe how happy I was that my project was highly commended in this important competition. We had the opportunity to present our project in front of a jury of professionals renowned in their fields and to compete with other excellent candidates. I felt very proud of myself – it gave me more confidence in my skills and vision – and it encouraged me to continue in this journey.
Have you been to any art/design events around the campus and what’s been your favourite one?
I have tried to go to as many lectures as possible. I really enjoyed the two-day conference Inside the City (held in November 2018) and the recent Street-Wise day of presentations at the Wash Houses.
What makes you love living in London?
What I like about London is its multiculturality, the contrasts in architecture, its museums and beautiful parks and that there is always something to do.
In my days off I usually go to an exhibition, for a walk and go to gigs.
I understand you’re a success coach at London Met – can you explain a little more about this?
My role as a student success coach is to give guidance, support and encourage students with their projects. I really enjoy it – everything about it.
I love talking to students and listening to their vision, what they are doing and to try to give them tools to come up with ideas or strategies to face a challenge or maybe look at it from a different perspective and reflect about it. I also very much like still being involved in the University; being surrounded by academics and being able to keep learning from them.
I'm also now volunteering as a green impact project assistant for the School of Art, Architecture and Design and I always welcome opportunities to learn and progress.
Find out more about Paz's work or read more about the Interior Design MA.