Vivienne Cleary Spoerri is a student on our Mathematics BSc (Hons). Here she gives us an insight into life as a mature student and how she's planning to use maths in her career move.
Hi Vivienne. First things first: what brought you to London Met?
I was already in my first year studying maths at the Open University, but switched because I felt I missed a lot by not being in a class and learning with people. London Met allowed me to do the degree part-time which is helpful as I have three children.
What's your favourite thing about the course?
The best part is just sitting and doing homework with others. With maths it’s really helpful to work with your coursemates, particularly when you're really stuck on a topic! The library is a great place to work with people.
Have you gained any work experience on your course while at London Met?
Yes, I did my work-related learning module and helped in the maths department at a secondary school. That was really helpful as I plan on going on to get my PGCE so I can teach maths.
That's great to hear! Was there anything you found surprising about the University?
The staff are really approachable and helpful. Also, I was worried that it would be awkward to make friends as I’m older, but it wasn’t at all. The people on my course are incredibly friendly and happy to include me.
Do you have a favourite place in London?
Hampstead Heath!
Nice choice, and not too far from our Holloway campus. How about life outside the course, do you work whilst studying?
I've tutored maths while studying and I also have three children. I had to cut back on some of my hours tutoring to fit in maths, but it was fine.
What is your favourite thing about your time at London Met?
The friends I've made here will stay with me forever.