Architectural design competition with St Botolph without Aldgate Church and the Cass Projects Office.
About this competition
Students of architecture at The Cass, London Metropolitan University studying their Part II and Part III were invited to submit concept drawings for a new hall that responds to the needs of the church, the community and the area. Entries were sought that were in sympathy with but different to the existing church building. St Botolph without Aldgate Church made £500 prize money available to the winning entry.
Judging took place on the 28th January with a panel including Robert Mull (the Dean of The Cass School of Art, Architecture and Design), the Reverend Laura Jørgensen (Rector of St Botolph without Aldgate), Daniel Nelson (City of London), David Kennedy (member of St Botolph management group), Michael Fitzgerald (Dorsett Hospitality International) and Chris Eldridge (St Botolph Church warden).
The judges reviewed all of the entries and considered each submission for design originality, functionality and appropriateness for site. This elicited a diverse discussion about the importance of the relationship of the new hall against the historic church, and the creation of an urban space between the hall and the new hotel.
The Cass Projects Office is delighted to announce that Eleanor Grierson and Liam Ashmore were selected as the winners of this competition. Congratulations to them both. We are now in conversation with the Church and winners to agree how they could potentially be involved in the project as it goes forward.
The Cass Projects specializes in organising live projects and competition such as this for students to participate in. Keep an eye on the news section on The Cass website and our Projects Office newsletter to keep up to date with future competitions and live project opportunities.