Corrugated ceramic cups.
Cardboard Ceramics by Ray Gonzalez Brown
Corrugated ceramic cups, formed from disposable cardboard moulds. The moulds are filled with clay, then burnt away in the kiln. Since the moulds are disposable, they create dense, overlapping textures, whilst leaving the ceramics inside intact.
A reaction against our hugely wasteful culture of disposable coffee products. Cardboard Ceramics takes generic pieces of disposable cardboard, and turns them into create distinctive pieces of ceramic tableware. They are tactile, handmade, and rich with individual character - the antithesis of the mundane, expendable sleeves they are made from.
Ray Gonzalez Brown is a designer/maker, based in London. He recently completed a BA in Furniture and Product Design, at The Cass School of Art, Architecture and Design.
See the Kickstarter campaign for Cardboard Ceramics.
News details
Kickstarter | Cardboard Ceramics |