Assemble + RARA

A talk by Assemble + RARA, as part of the Who Cares? talks.

Who Cares? talks 2018 - Assemble + RARA

For the opening launch of this year's lecture series we will be hearing from Assemble and RARA.

Assemble are a collective based in London who work across the fields of art, architecture and design. They began working together in 2010. Assemble’s working practice seeks to address the typical disconnection between the public and the process by which places are made.

RARA is an open access workspace established in Clapton, London. They take on projects as a collective – mixing architects, builders, artists, makers, writers, designers, and more to allow a unique approach to a range of projects.

Image: Assemble, a collective which includes staff and alumni from The Cass. 

Assemble, a collective which includes staff and alumni from The Cass


Date/time Monday 5 February 2018 at 6.30pm 
Location GSB-01 Goulston Street
Book now Eventbrite
The Cass on Twitter  @TheCass
Contact Nastassia Ruescher

Who Cares? Talks
