The Cass Hothouse Visual Communication talks 2018-19

The Cass Visual Communication Hothouse talks are a series of industry talks that will happen throughout the year 2018/19. The talks theme this year relates to Language and Design, which is a reserch theme that is running throughout the year on the course.

The speakers are a series of free-industry creatives in the fields of illustration, graphic design and publishing. The talks are free and open to the public. Further information may also be found at @thecassviscomm. The talks are curated by The Cass Visual Communication staff.

For direct enquires about the talks contact Emily Evans:

Sarah Boris: 100 meter hurdle race / 10 hurdles in design Friday 12 October, 1.15pm to 2pm Book now
Caterina Bianchini: The Art of Seeing Friday 26 October, 1.15pm to 2pm Book now
Ricky Haggett (Hollow Ponds) and Richard Hogg: How we make video games Friday 9 November, 1.15pm to 2pm Book now
Dan Adeyemi: If you know how to catch a vibe, you can go places Friday 25 January 2019, 1.15pm to 2pm Book now
Ewen Farr: Think outside the inbox Friday 8 February 2019, 1.15pm to 2pm Book now
On Graphic Novels and Future Cities Thursday 14 March 2019 from 1.15pm Book now
Isabel Greenberg: Being a freelance illustrator - juggling many different hats Friday 12 April 2019, 1.15pm to 2pm Book now
Introduction to Letterpress with Robert Hetherington Friday 21 June 2019, 10am to 5pm Book now

Image credit: Riso-printed posters by Cass Visual Communication alumni Find Kidd and Lisa Wallius

Hothouse talks


Date/Times Fridays (unless otherwise stated)
Location The Sir John Cass School of Art, Architecture and Design (The Cass)
London Metropolitan University
Room CSG-04 
The Calcutta Small Annex
Old Castle Street
London E1 7NT
Instagram @thecassviscomm
Twitter @thecassviscomm
Follow The Cass @thecassart

The Cass Hothouse talks 2018-19
