Making Matters 3.0

About this event

Making Matters is an annual exhibition featuring practice-based/led research from staff members of the School of Art, Architecture and Design. It offers staff with an interdisciplinary background a platform to experiment, showcase and communicate their practice research in progress. Making Matters 3.0 is the third edition of the exhibition.

The relevance of making is an integral part of the research which requires skilled comprehension. The form of 'com-' in Latin means "with, together". Taken in English from the seventeenth century, it is a living prefix meaning "together, mutually, in common". Descendants of 'prehendere' in English include comprehend meaning "to grasp the nature or significance of". Such an etymology highlights the hands-on activity of making and its physicality. In other words, the grasping of ‘stuffness', the properties, actions and decisions, and trajectories of what happens if. Making is an unspoken text, an irreplaceable language that supports and speaks to the creative research processes. Making communicates in ways that language alone cannot.

The exhibition unveiled the vulnerability and rawness of the act of making across multiple disciplines.

Making Matters 3.0 showcased research and creativity in, but not exclusive to, sculpture, design, textile, photography, architecture, film, metal, and visual art.



Chiara Cola
Irina Georges
Samantha Johnston

Image: James Hunting

Friday, 19 April 2024, 12.00pm - 6.00pm
Book ticket
The event ended
The Atrium, 16 Goulston Street, London, E1 7TP

Making Matters 3.0





















Making Matters Annual Exhibition
