Emily Gosling

Talk by Emily Gosling from It's Nice That: The Hot House talks showcase industry professionals from across design and illustration.

The first talk of the Cass Hot House series is on Friday, 16 October at the former Women's Library building. This talk is by Emily Gosling from It's Nice That.

Emily is the online editor at It’s Nice That, and was previously a reporter at Design Week having got into writing about design through music journalism. Emily will be talking about It's Nice That's development, rise and its place in industry and education.

Emily, an East End local, is passionate about graphic design, illustration, art, and music.

Image of grey, bold lines
Location The former Women's Library, CCG-02, Old Castle Street, London E1 7NT
Date 1.15pm - 2pm, Friday 16 October 2015 

Hot House Talks: Lectures and talks
