Lakwena Maciver

Lakwena Maciver is a London-based artist, exhibiting internationally both in the gallery and on the street. Her work is inspired by adornment, outworked in popular culture and within the urban environment, its use and power as a means of communication. Informed by decoration both aesthetically and conceptually, she explores the messages it is used to communicate, its traditional use in worship and myth-making and how this translates into contemporary popular culture.

Commercial clients include Adidas, American Eagle Outfitters, Clinique, Converse, Diesel, Palladium Boots, Red Bull, Tiger Beer and Toms.

Grafiitti on a wall saying 'Liebe'

The former Women's Library, CCG-02, Old Castle Street, London E1 7NT

Date Friday, 11 March 2016, 1:15-2pm

Hot House Talks: Lectures and talks
