Ferenc is chair of the Department of Aesthetics at Pázmány Péter Catholic University in Hungary. A graduate of Budapest University, he studied political philosophy as a visiting graduate at Oriel College, Oxford. He works in the history of political thought, philosophy of law and aesthetics. His interest in Aristotle dates to his PhD thesis, The Philosophy of Moderation in the Scottish Enlightenment (published in Hungarian in 1996), for which he researched at King’s College, Cambridge, and the University of Edinburgh. His MA thesis was entitled Prudentia Iuris: Towards a Pragmatic Theory of Natural Law. His essays on early modern political thought were published as The Birth and Decline of the Gentleman (2006), and his essays in political philosophy as Conservatism, Natural Law, Political Transition (2008), both in Hungarian. He was invited to a summer course led by Alasdair MacIntyre in 2005 at the University of Notre Dame, where he returned in 2009 to research on 'Political Wisdom: Conservatism in an Aristotelian Framework' as a visiting researcher at the Nanovic Institute for European Studies.
Allan retired from teaching philosophy at Innsbruck University in 2006 but remains research fellow of the Brenner Archives there and adjunct professor of philosophy at the University of Vienna. Born in Massachusetts, he studied philosophy and classics at St Anselm College, received his MA in philosophy from Villanova University and was awarded a PhD in History of Ideas from Brandeis University in 1971. He has held professorships in a number of disciplines, and in the USA, Mexico, Scandinavia, Holland, France, and elsewhere. His books include Augenblicke: Berufswissen eines Schauspielers (with A Grigorjan and K Gasser), Assembling Reminders: Studies in the Genesis of Wittgenstein’s Conception of Philosophy, Theater and Knowledge, The Use and Abuse of Metaphor,The Concept of Knowledge in Practical Philosophy (in Swedish), Style, Politics and the Future of Philosophy, Wittgenstein’s Vienna (with S Toulmin), Wittgenstein’s Vienna Revisited and several others including a guide to the Austrian capital Wittgenstein in Vienna (with H Veigl). He has organised numerous research projects on and around the life and work of Ludwig Wittgenstein, amongst other subjects, has produced a critical electronic edition of the works of the Viennese philosopher Otto Weininger (InteLex Electronic Publishers 2010) and been named conseiller scientifique of La Fondation pour l’innovation politique (Paris) for whom he wrote the study Towards a New Public Philosophy for the European Union in 2008. His most recent project centres upon articulating the implications of an Aristotelian view of politics for European integration.
Professor Mikael M Karlsson
Mike is professor of philosophy at the University of Iceland. He works in ethics, philosophy of law, moral psychology, action theory, ancient philosophy, metaphysics and the philosophy of science. His publications in the current decade include "Roots of Legal Normativity" (in Paulo Comanducci & Riccardo Guastini eds., Analisi e diritto, Giappichelli, 2000), "Rational Ends: Humean and Non-Humean Considerations" (Sats, 2000), "Cognition, Desire and Motivation: 'Humean' and 'non-Humean' Models" (Sats, 2001), "Action, Causation and Description" (in João Sá Água ed., A Explicação da Interpretação Humana, Edições Colibri, 2004), and "Reason, Passion, and the Influencing Motives of the Will" (in Saul Traiger ed., Blackwell Guide to Hume’s Treatise, Blackwell, 2006). Mike’s basic philosophical approach is Aristotelian. He is an avid interpreter of Aristotle and applies Aristotelian principles to contemporary philosophical questions as for example in his article, “Agency and Patiency: Back to Nature?” (Philosophical Explorations, 2002).
Liuda Kocnovaite
Liuda is completing her PhD on "Role Ethics, Responsibility, and Human Rights" at the University of Iceland, having transferred in January 2013 from the University of Helsinki where she ran the Baltic Philosophy Network.
Pavlos is assistant professor in the Department of Philosophy, University of Patras. He is the author of L’action morale chez Aristote (Presses Universitaires de France, 2002) and D’une phénoménologie de la perception chez Heidegger (Kluwer, 1996). His interests are in Aristotelian ethics and phenomenology. His most recent publications include "Akolasia as Radical Ethical Vice: The Evidence of NE 1140b 11-21" (Ancient Philosophy, 2009), "A Key Term, Its Misuse and Its Rehabilitation: to gar psiphisma prakton (EN 1141b27)" (Elenchos, 2009), and "Gadamer, lecteur d’Aristote: phronèsis et sciences morales” (in Danielle Lories & Laura Rizzerio eds., Le jugement pratique: Autour de la notion de phronèsis, Vrin, 2008).
Dr Marian Kuna
Marian is (from January 2012) dean of the Faculty of Arts and Letters at the Catholic University in Ruzomberok, Slovakia, where he is also assistant professor of philosophy. He received his MA and PhD in Philosophy from Comenius University (Bratislava, Slovakia), his MA in Political Philosophy from the University of York (UK) and his MPhil in Philosophy from Central European University (Budapest, Hungary). He is the author of Etika a politika v perspektíve Alasdaira MacIntyra(Catholic University in Ruzomberok Press, 2010), the first systematic study of MacIntyre's views on ethics and politics written in the Slovak language. His publications include "MacIntyre's Search for a Defensible Aristotelian Ethics and the Role of Metaphysics”, in Kelvin Knight & Paul Blackledge eds, Revolutionary Aristotelianism: Ethics, Resistance and Utopia (Lucius & Lucius, 2008). Previously, he was visiting research fellow at the Nanovic Institute for the European Studies of the University of Notre Dame and at the Centre for Ethics, Philosophy and Public Affairs of the University of St Andrews, and academic visitor at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Oxford. He has been awarded a post-doctoral grant to pursue research exploring the potential of Aristotelian virtue ethics for a viable version of normative ethics. Marian was a postdoctoral fellow at CASEP from 2010-12.
Dr Eleni Leontsini
Eleni is lecturer in philosophy at the the University of Ioannina. Under the supervision of Professor Richard Stalley, she received her PhD in 2002 from the Department of Philosophy of the University of Glasgow where she also taught from 1998 to 2004. She has also taught at the Universities of St Andrews, Edinburgh, Athens and the Peloponnese. Her main research interest is in moral and political philosophy, ancient, modern and contemporary, and, in particular, Aristotle and neo-Aristotelianism. She has a special interest in the philosophy of Alasdair MacIntyre and is currently completing a monograph on his appropriation of Aristotle. She is also working on a book on the relation between Aristotelian civic friendship and contemporary political theory. She has given papers in conferences and has published widely in journals and collected volumes. Her doctoral thesis was published as The Appropriation of Aristotle in the Liberal-Communitarian Debate (S Saripolos Library, 2007).
Ignasi Llobera
After completing a first degree in philosophy and a master’s degree in contemporary thought at the Unviersity of Barcelona, Ignasi has now started studying for a doctorate there on "MacIntyre’s Contemporary Defense of the Classical Tradition of the Virtues". He has won an important scholarship for his research from the Spanish Ministry of Education. In 2010-11 he is a visiting student in the Centre for Ethics and Culture of the University of Notre Dame.
Dr Piotr Machura
Piotr is assistant professor of ethics at University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland. In his work he combines Aristotelian political and ethical ideas with those of continental hermeneutics. He deals with the concept of moral ideals as well as with problems of individual and social identity, moral education, and practical conduct. Piotr was a visiting research fellow at CASEP in 2011.
Andrej Markovič
Andrej is candidate for assistant at the Faculty of Management, University of Primorska, Slovenia. He graduated on the topic of Nicomachean and business ethics and his master's degree was on the historical understanding of Tayloristic foundations of management. His doctoral work is on management and Aristotle's practical philosophy. He is co-founder of the independent study group Lykei. His own research encompasses Aristotle's practical philosophy, the relationship between political theory and the theory of management, and the critical understanding of management as technology of organization of human beings.
Margarita is Professor of Ethics in the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Barcelona. Her interests are Aquinas' ethics, Aristotle's practical philosophy, and Aristotle's contemporary influence, especially on the subject of virtue. She leads the Iris Murdoch Seminar and the research project
Stágeira, Aristotelian Studies of Practical Philosophy.
Daniele Morici
Daniele is studying for a PhD at the University of Perugia, whence he already has a Laurea Magistrale in philosophy, after which he received a master's in political theory from the London School of Economics (LSE). Both of his dissertations focused on late medieval and early modern conceptions of the political sphere, as well as the semantics of the pre-liberal idea of freedom. He is co-editor of the journal Etica ed Economia for Nemetria, an Italian think tank and research centre. Along the lines of Sen’s economically concerned interpretation of Aristotle’s ethics, he wrote on the relevance of Aristotelian ideas for contemporary economics, management and education. He has recently published a chapter in a book on medieval communal law in central Italy, with a focus on discontinuities between ancient, medieval and modern views of the legal-political domain.
Jasmina Nedevska
Jasmina is a doctoral student in political science at Stockholm University. Her research covers intergenerational justice, environmental ethics and feminism. She is engaged with the works by, among others, Thomas Aquinas, Alasdair MacIntyre, John Finnis, John Rawls and Simone de Beauvoir.
Dr Niko Noponen
Niko has published in Finnish a translation of Alasdair MacIntyre's After Virtue (Hyveiden jäljillä, Gaudeamus, Helsinki 2004) and some nine academic articles (six of which were included in his dissertation, which translates as ”Practicing virtues: conditions and obstacles”). He has also recently co-edited a Finnish collection on environmental and political philosophy, which includes his translation of Garrett Hardin's “The Tragedy of the Commons”, and published “Alienation, Practices, and Human Nature: Marxist Critique in MacIntyre’s Aristotelian Ethics” (in Blackledge & Knight ed, Virtue and Politics, University of Notre Dame Press, 2011). Niko received an MA in social sciences (1998), MA in theological studies (2008) and PhD in philosophy (2011) from the University of Helsinki, where he taught ethics and political philosophy from 1999 to 2003. Since 2003 he has worked as a high school teacher. Currently, his academic interests focus on combining modern empirical psychology with Aristotelianism.
Alessandro Rovati
Alessandro earned his BA and MA degrees in Philosophy at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano with two dissertations on the contribution of Alasdair MacIntyre to contemporary moral debate. Currently enrolled in the PhD programme of the Catholic University he is working at Duke University in North Carolina under the direction of Professor Stanley Hauerwas. Specialising in ethics and politics, his current research focusses on the theoretical presuppositions of Western democracies with particular attention to the concepts of tolerance and state neutrality. He is member of the International Society for MacIntyrean Enquiry and involved in the activities of the Centre of Theology and Philosophy of the University of Nottingham, UK, and of the Istituto de Teologìa “Lumen Gentium” in Granada, Spain.
Dr Katerina Sideri
Katerina completed her PhD at the LSE and is currently lecturing at the University of Crete. She is associate research fellow at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford. She is the author of Law’s Practical Wisdom: The Theory and Practice of Law Making in New Governance Structures in the European Union (Ashgate, 2007) and is now working on a book entitled Bioethics, Justice, and Practical Wisdom. Her research interests lie in the area of justice and (bio)ethics, law and social theory, governance and pluralism, and the legal regulation of new technologies. She is currently working on the neo-Aristotelian tradition of ethics to propose a novel theoretical framework to come to grips with ethical dilemmas (concerning, for example, pharmaceutical patents, GM food, genetic enhancement and cloning) emerging in the context of biotechnology and to reflect on the ways a model of justice sensitive to promoting deliberation can accommodate them. Her work stresses the importance of deliberation, reflects on the notion of human flourishing, enquires into the relational character of justice and ethics, and examines the often unacknowledged stereotypes reproduced in legislation.
Dr Clemens Stepina
Clemens received his PhD in 1995 and Habilitation in 2005. He teaches at universities in Austria and Germany and was visiting professor at the University of Cologne in 2011. He has published and lectured extensively on Aristotelianism, action theory, social philosophy, aesthetics, art studies and performing arts. His publications on Aristotle and contemporary Aristotelianism include Handlung als Prinzip der Moderne: Handlungsphilosophische Studien zu Aristoteles, Hegel und Marx (Passagen, 2000), Systematische Handlungstheorie: Ideologiekritische Reformulierung des Handlungsbegriffs in Politik, Ethik und Poetik bei Aristoteles und im Neoaristotelismus (Johann Lehner, 2007) and "Praxis und Poiesis: Sammelrezension zum zeitgenössischen Neoaristotelismus" (Aufklärung und Kritik, 2010).
Dr Russell Wilcox
Russell is associate professor in the Department of Philosophy, and research fellow in the Mind and Brain Project of the Institute of Culture and Society at the University of Navarra. He studied at Oxford and the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London. He is a qualified barrister and has taught Law at SOAS and in Hong Kong. His doctoral research focused on functionalising an Aristotelian-Thomistic ontology for the purposes of analysing social and institutional transformation across time and cultures. His particular concern was to use, and to justify using, law as a prism through which to effect such comparative analysis. His present research work at Navarra grew out of his increasing appreciation of the Thomistic Aristotelian anthropology that underpins its distinctive account of habit formation. Given the fact that such an anthropology necessarily invokes the social, its account of habituation should also have a social dimension. He therefore explores the underpinnings of institutions and norms as forms of socially embodied habit formation.