Dr Tom Angier
Tom is a lecturer in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Cape Town, South Africa (as well as an honorary research fellow ay the the University of Kent, UK). He previously taught at the University of St Andrews. He is author of Either Kierkegaard/Or Nietzsche: Moral Philosophy in a New Key (Ashgate, 2006) and Techne in Aristotle's Ethics: Crafting the Moral Life (Continuum, 2011), and editor of Ethics: The Key Thinkers (Bloomsbury Academic, 2012). His interests are in ethics and politics, especially in the history of these philosophical sub-disciplines. It was in large part owing to the work of Alasdair MacIntyre that he worked on Kierkegaard and Nietzsche, and then moved into working on the core ancient authors (Plato and Aristotle). Tom's future research will bridge his extant areas of interest; he is very interested in mounting a critique of Rawlsian liberalism, grounded in ancient sources, and in further exploring what is fascinating about (and deeply wrong with) Nietzsche.
Dr Sinan Kadir Çelik
Sinan is lecturer in philosophy at Atatürk University, Turkey. In 2010 he completed his PhD, "A Survey of the Distinction between Ethics and Politics, with an Aristotelian Appraisal". He currently works on Aristotelian character analysis and the relationship between economic activity and ethics from an Aristotelian perspective.
Dr Paul Chambers
Paul completed his PhD ("Civil war by other means": Conflict, Resistance and Coexistence in Colombia; Exploring the Philosophy and Politics of Alasdair MacIntyre in a Conflict Setting) in Peace Studies at Bradford in 2011. Paul is currently based at the University of Medellin in Colombia where he is carrying out research on the normative and ideological dimensions of social scientific work on the Colombian conflict. His overall intellectual interest is to bring Aristotelian/MacIntyrean questions to bear on the study of local, regional and national social and political conflicts and processes of peacebuilding and social reconstruction in Colombia.
Professor Lai Chen
Professor Chen is chair of the Chinese Philosophical Society and president of the National Zhu Xi Association. He received his MA and PhD degrees from Peking University, where he has been a faculty member since 1981, teaching the history of Chinese philosophy and specialising in neo-Confucian philosophy. He has been a visiting professor at Harvard University, University of Tokyo and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Currently he leads the Center of Chinese Learning at Tsinghua University. His publications have been translated into English (Tradition and Modernity: A Humanist View, Brill, 2009), Korean and Japanese. His untranslated work includes books on the intellectual world of ancient China (published by New Knowledge Press, 2002) and on the search for a modern Chinese philosophy (People Press, 2001). His work has recently been consolidated and republished in a series of 12 volumes.
Professor Dr Hatice Nur Erkızan
Hatice is professor in the Department of Philosophy at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Turkey. She got her BA in philosophy at Ege University, Turkey, after which she won a government scholarship to do her MPhil at Essex University and then her PhD at Bristol University. Both her MPhil and PhD were on Aristotle. In 1998 she returned to Turkey, where she teaches and publishes on Aristotle, ancient philosophy, culture, ethics, and gender theory. She has translated some of Aristotle’s and Nussbaum’s works into Turkish, edited a special issue of the philosophical journal Ozne on Aristotle and is writing a book entitled Non-Kinetic Understanding of the Human Being: Aristotle. She is a co-founder of the Women Research Centre at Muğla University and, in 2011, founded the Philosophical Society of Aristotle (AFED), of which she is currently president.
Dr Richard Paul Hamilton
Richard is senior lecturer in philosophy and ethics at the University of Notre Dame, in Fremantle, Western Australia. He gained his PhD at Birkbeck College, University of London. He works in moral philosophy, with a focus on Aristotelian virtue ethics. He has previously published works critical of evolutionary psychology but is open to the contribution that a more nuanced biological theory can make to our understanding of ethics. He is currently writing a book, Natural Citizens: Ethical Formation As Biological Development, which attempts to bring insights from developmental systems theory, ecological niche construction and gene culture co-evolution theory to defend a liberal naturalistic form of virtue ethics. He is also interested in the question of moral life among non-human animals and defends a broadly MacIntyrean stance on the question.
Elizabeth Woo Li
Elizabeth is writing a doctoral thesis at Peking University, using virtue ethics to examine Confucian ethical thought. She did East Asian Studies at Columbia University and received her MA from Pepperdine University, where she specialised in cross-cultural strategic change management. She was born in Hong Kong and lived in New York before returning to Hong Kong in China, she has been a consultant to various multinational organisations and government departments since 1990. She has taught in the School of Management Studies at Hong Kong University for over eight years. Her publications in philosophical topics include translations from Chinese to English and work in cross-cultural management. She has presented papers at various international fora. She is fluent in three dialects of Chinese (Cantonese, Shanghainese, and Putonghua) and has studied French and Latin.
Francisco Mota, S.J.
Francisco finished his MA in Political Science in 2011 with a thesis on Alasdair MacIntyre entitled Da Catástrofe às Virtudes: a crítica de Alasdair MacIntyre ao liberalismo emotivista (“From the Catastrophe to the Virtues: Alasdair MacIntyre's critique of emotivist liberalism), which will be published in Portugal in 2012. Although he is originally from Portugal, Francisco is presently living in Maputo, where he was asked to lead the opening of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Catholic University of Mozambique. For that reason, he is currently reading and working on African philosophers. His main academic research interests comprehend contemporary Aristotelian ethics, society and violence, theories of justice, theories of citizenship and post-Nietzschean thought.
Dr David Treanor
David was awarded his doctorate by the University of Tasmania in 2012. Concerned with personal identity, he works on Aristotle’s idea of philia in arguing that personhood necessarily includes a capacity to experience relationships with others and, further, that this theoretical construct will unlock processes that will be useful to individuals who are socially marginalised, such as those with severe cognitive impairments.