Engagements with MacIntyre's Aristotelianism
Yanliang Zhang, Chinese Scholar''s Study on MacIntyre4_24.doc
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Burns, Tony, "Revolutionary Aristotelianism?: The Political Thought of Aristotle, Marx and MacIntyre", in Paul Blackledge & Kelvin Knight eds., Virtue and Politics: Alasdair MacIntyre's Revolutionary Aristotelianism, University of Notre Dame Press, 2011.
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De Groot, Jean, "Is Aristotelian Science Possible? A Commentary On MacIntyre and McMullin",Review of Metaphysics 60:3, 463-77, 2007.
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Keat, Russell, "Ethics, Markets and MacIntyre", in Kelvin Knight & Paul Blackledge eds.,Revolutionary Aristotelianism: Ethics, Resistance and Utopia, Lucius & Lucius (and in Analyse & Kritik 30:1, 243-57) 2008.
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Madigan, Arthur, "Alasdair MacIntyre, Thomistic Aristotelianism, and Revolutionary Aristotelianism", in Fran O’Rourke ed., What Happened In and To Moral Philosophy in the Twentieth Century?, University of Notre Dame Press, 2012.
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