Libertarian Aristotelianism; general


Badhwar, Neera K., with Jay Friendenberg, Lester H. Hunt and David Kelley, Is Virtue Only a Means To Happiness?: An Analysis of Virtue and Happiness in Ayn Rand's Writings (Objectivist Studies 4), Objectivist Center, 2001. 

Den Uyl, Douglas, The Virtue of Prudence, Peter Lang, 1991. 

Gordon, David, The Philosophical Origins of Austrian Economics, Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1993. 

Gotthelf, Allan, On Ayn Rand, Wadsworth, 2000 (2nd edn. in preparation). 

Long, Roderick T, with Fred D. Miller, Jr. & Eyal Mozes, Reason and Value: Aristotle versus Rand(Objectivist Studies 3), Objectivist Center, 2000. 

Rasmussen, Douglas B., & Douglas J. Den Uyl, Liberty and Nature: An Aristotelian Defense of Liberal Order, Open Court, 1991. 

Rasmussen, Douglas B., & Douglas J. Den Uyl, Liberalism Defended: The Challenge of Post-Modernity, Edward Elgar, 1998. 

Rasmussen, Douglas B., & Douglas J. Den Uyl, Norms of Liberty: A Perfectionist Basis for Non-Perfectionist Politics, Pennsylvania State UP, 2005. 

Skoble, Aeon J., ed., Reading Rasmussen and Den Uyl: Critical Essays on Norms of Liberty, Lexington Books, 2008. 

Smith, Tara, Ayn Rand's Normative Ethics: The Virtuous Egoist, Cambridge UP, 2007. 

Veatch, Henry B., Rational Man: A Modern Interpretation of Aristotelian Ethics, Liberty Fund, 2003 (2nd edn.). 


Badhwar, Neera K., "Is Virtue Only a Means to Happiness?: An Analysis of Virtue and Happiness in Ayn Rand's Writings", Reason Papers 24, 27-44, 2001. 

Barnett, Randy E., & Douglas B. Rasmussen, "The Right to Liberty in a Good Society", Fordham Law Review 69, 1603-1615, 2001. 

Beadle, Ron, & and Dyer-Smith, Martyn, "On Human Capability", Journal of Ayn Rand Studies, 3:2,l 2001. 

Collins, Sue, "Aristotle and Aristotelianism in Norms of Liberty", in, Aeon J. Skoble ed., Reading Rasmussen and Den Uyl: Critical Essays on Norms of Liberty, Lexington Books, 2008. 

Crespo, Ricardo F., "Is Economics a Moral Science", Journal of Markets and Morality 1:2, 201-211, 1998.

Crespo, Ricardo F., "Is Economics a Moral Science?: A Response to Peter J. Boettke", Journal of Markets and Morality 1:2, 220-225. 

Crespo, Ricardo F., "Freedom and Coordination in Economics: An Epistemological Analysis",Journal of Markets and Morality 7:1, 47-62, 2004. 

Crespo, Ricardo F., "Reappraising Austrian Economics’ Basic Tenets in the Light of Aristotelian Ideas", in Edward M. Younkins ed., Philosophers of Capitalism, Lexington Books, 2005. 

Crespo, Ricardo F., "The Ontology of 'the Economic': An Aristotelian Analysis", Cambridge Journal of Economics 30:5, 767-81, 2006.

Crespo, Ricardo F., "‘The Economic’ According to Aristotle: Ethical, Political and Epistemological Implications", Foundations of Science 13:3-4, 281-94, 2008. 

Crespo, Ricardo F., "Reciprocity and Practical Comparability", International Review of Economics55:1-2, 13-28, 2008. 

Den Uyl, Douglas J., "Teleology and Agent-Centeredness", The Monist 75:1, 1992. 

Den Uyl, Douglas J., & Douglas B. Rasmussen, "In Defense of Natural End Ethics: A Rejoinder to O'Neil and Osterfeld", Journal of Libertarian Studies 7:1, 115-125, 1983. 

Den Uyl, Douglas J., & Douglas B. Rasmussen, "Ayn Rand’s Realism", in Douglas J. Den Uyl & Douglas B. Rasmussen eds., The Philosophic Thought of Ayn Rand, University of Illinois Press, 1984. 

Den Uyl, Douglas J., & Douglas B. Rasmussen, "Life, Teleology, and Eudaimonia in the Ethics of Ayn Rand", in Douglas J. Den Uyl & Douglas B. Rasmussen eds., The Philosophic Thought of Ayn Rand, University of Illinois Press, 1984. 

Den Uyl, Douglas J., & Douglas B. Rasmussen, "Capitalism", in Douglas J. Den Uyl & Douglas B. Rasmussen eds., The Philosophic Thought of Ayn Rand, University of Illinois Press, 1984 (reprinted as "Ayn Rand on Rights and Capitalism" in David Boaz ed., The Libertarian Reader, The Free Press, 1997). 

Den Uyl, Douglas J., & Douglas B. Rasmussen, "Rights as Meta-Normative Principles", in Tibor R. Machan & Douglas B. Rasmussen eds., Liberty for the 21st Century, Rowman & Littlefield, 1995. 

Den Uyl, Douglas J., & Douglas Rasmussen, "Ethical Individualism, Natural Law, and the Primacy of Natural Rights", in Ellen Paul, Fred D. Miller & Jeffrey Paul ed., Natural Law and Modern Moral Philosophy, Cambridge UP, 2001 (also pub. in Social Philosophy & Policy 18:1, 34-69, 2001, and trans. into Italian as "Individui, Legge Naturale E Diritti Naturali", Teoria 21:2, 43-72, 2002). 

Den Uyl, Douglas J., & Douglas Rasmussen, "Aristotelianism, Commerce, and the Liberal Order", in Aristide Tessitore ed., Aristotle and Modern Politics, University of Notre Dame Press, 2002 (trans. into Swedish as "Aristotelism handel och det systemet", in Niclas Berggren & Nils Karlson eds., Aganderattens konsekvenser och grunder, Ratio, 2005). 

Den Uyl, Douglas J., & Rasmussen, Douglas B., "The Myth of Atomism", The Review of Metaphysics 59:4, 841-68, 2006. 

Den Uyl, Douglas J., & Rasmussen, Douglas B., "Liberalism in Retreat", The Review of Metaphysics
62:4, 875-908, 2009.

Fenner, David E. W., "Resolving Tension in Aristotle’s Ethic: The Balance Between Naturalism and Responsibility", Reason Papers 23, 22-37. 

Golding, Martin P., "Aristotelian Ethics and Natural Rights: A Critique" (in symposium on Rasmussen & Den Uyl, Liberty and Nature), Reason Papers 18, 71-77, 1993. 

Gordon, David, review of Liberty and Nature by Rasmussen & Den Uyl, Journal of Libertarian Studies 11:1, 129-142, 1994. 

Gordon, David, "Second Thoughts on The Philosophical Origins of Austrian Economics", Review of Austrian Economics, 7:2, 133-36, 1994. 

Hittinger, Russell, "Does Liberalism Need Natural Rights?" (in symposium on Rasmussen & Den Uyl, Liberty and Nature), Reason Papers 18, 79-88, 1993. 

Johnson, Gregory R., & David Rasmussen, "Rand on Abortion: A Critique", Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 1:2, 245-61, 2000. 

Johnson, Gregory R., "Liberty and Nature: The Missing Link", Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 1:1, 135-66, 1999. 

JuruĊ›, Dariusz, "The Neo-Aristotelian Defense of Rights, or a Minimal State Approach", Diametros5, 1-20, 2005. 

Kelley, David, "Post-Randian Aristotelianism" (review of Liberty and Nature by Rasmussen & Den Uyl) Liberty, July, 1992. 

Keyt, David, "Aristotle and Anarchism", Reason Papers 18, 137-57, 1993 (reprinted in Richard Kraut & Steven Skultety eds., Aristotle’s Politics: Critical Essays, Rowman and Littlefield, 2005). 

Keyt, David, "Aristotle and the Ancient Roots of Anarchism", Topoi 15, 129-42, 1996. 

Keyt, David, "The Good Man and the Upright Citizen in Aristotle's Ethics and Politics", in David Keyt & Fred D. Miller, Jr., eds., Freedom, Reason, and the Polis: Essays in Ancient Greek Political Philosophy, Cambridge UP, 2007 (also published in Social Philosophy and Public Policy, 24:2, 220-40, 2007). 

Kraut, Richard, "Aristotelianism and Libertarianism", Critical Review 11:3, 359-72, 1997. 

Lennox, James G., "Liberty and the Human Environment", Institute for Objectivist Studies Journal5:2, 1-9, 1995. 

Long, Roderick T., "Aristotle's Conception of Freedom", Review of Metaphysics 49:4, 775-802, 1996.

Long, Roderick T., "Realism and Abstraction in Economics: Aristotle and Mises versus Friedman",Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics 9:3, 3-23, 2006. 

Long, Roderick T., "The Classical Roots of Radical Individualism", in David Keyt & Fred D. Miller, Jr., eds., Freedom, Reason, and the Polis: Essays in Ancient Greek Political Philosophy, Cambridge UP, 2007 (also pub. as Social Philosophy and Public Policy 24:2, 262-297, 2007). 

Mack, Eric, "Rasmussen and Den Uyl on Natural Rights", Reason Papers 18 (in symposium on Rasmussen & Den Uyl, Liberty and Nature), 89-99, 1993. 

Plauché, Geoffrey Allan, Aristotelian Liberalism: An Inquiry into the Foundations of a Free and Flourishing Society, doctoral dissertation, Louisiana State University, 2009.

Paul, Jeffrey, "Natural Ends and Natural Rights", Reason Papers 18 (in symposium on Rasmussen & Den Uyl, Liberty and Nature), 107-13, 1993. 

Rasmussen, Douglas B., "A Groundwork for Rights: Man's Natural End", Journal of Libertarian Studies 4, 65-76, 1980. 

Rasmussen, Douglas B., "Necessary Truth, the Game Analogy, and the Meaning-Is-Use Thesis",The Thomist 46, 423-40, 1982. 

Rasmussen, Douglas B., "Essentialism, Values and Rights", in Tibor R. Machan ed., The Libertarian Reader, Rowman & Littlefield, 1982. 

Rasmussen, Douglas B., "Logical Possibility: An Aristotelian Essentialist Critique", The Thomist 47, 513-40, 1983. 

Rasmussen, Douglas B., "Conceptions of the Common Good and the Natural Right to Liberty", in Rocco Porreco ed., The Georgetown Symposium On Ethics: Essays in Honor of Henry B. Veatch, UP of America, 1984. 

Rasmussen, Douglas B., "Quine and Aristotelian Essentialism", The New Scholasticism 58, 316-35, 1984. 

Rasmussen, Douglas B., "Managerial Ethics", in Tibor R. Machan ed., Commerce and Ethics, Rowman & Littlefield, 1988. 

Rasmussen, Douglas B., "The Right to Project Pursuit and the Human Telos", Reason Papers 14, 98-109, 1989. 

Rasmussen, Douglas B., "Individual Rights and Human Flourishing", Public Affairs Quarterly 3, 89-103, 1989. 

Rasmussen, Douglas B., "Liberalism and Natural End Ethics", American Philosophical Quarterly 27, 153-161, 1990. 

Rasmussen, Douglas B., "Realism, Intentionality, and the Nature of Logical Relations," Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 66, 267-77, 1992. 

Rasmussen, Douglas B., "Capitalism and Morality: The Role of Practical Reason", in Robert McGee,Business Ethics, Quorum Books, 1992. 

Rasmussen, Douglas B., "Reclaiming Liberalism", The Thomist 58, 109-119, 1994. 

Rasmussen, Douglas B., "Community versus Liberty?", in Tibor R. Machan & Douglas B. Rasmussen eds., Liberty for the 21st Century, Rowman & Littlefield, 1995. 

Rasmussen, Douglas B., "Human Flourishing and the Appeal to Human Nature", in Ellen Paul, Fred D. Miller & Jeffrey Paul eds., Human Flourishing, Cambridge UP, 1999 (also pub. in Social Philosophy & Policy 16, 1-43, 1999. 

Rasmussen, Douglas B., "Why Individual Rights?", in Tibor R. Machan ed., Individual Rights Reconsidered, Hoover Institution Press, 2001. 

Rasmussen, Douglas B., "Rand on Obligation and Value", The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 4:1, 69-86, 2002 (reprinted in Edward M. Younkins ed., Philosophers of Capitalism, Lexington Books, 2005). 

Rasmussen, Douglas B., "Regarding Choice and the Foundation of Morality: Reflections on Rand’s Ethics" (rejoinder to Tibor R. Machan), Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 7:2, 309-328, 2006. 

Rasmussen, Douglas B., "Rand’s Metaethics" (rejoinder to Robert Hartford), The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 8:2, 307-316, 2007. 

Rasmussen, Douglas B., "The Importance of Metaphysical Realism for Ethical Knowledge", in Ellen Paul, Fred D. Miller & Jeffrey Paul eds., Objectivism, Subjectivism, and Relativism in Ethics, Cambridge UP, 2008 (also pub. as Social Philosophy and Policy 25:1, 56-99). 

Rasmussen, Douglas B., "Aristotelian Significance of Sections Titles of Atlas Shrugged: A Brief Considerations of Rand’s View of Logic and Reality", Edward M. Younkins ed., Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged: A Philosophical and Literary Companion, Ashgate, 2007. 

Rasmussen, Douglas B., & Douglas J. Den Uyl, "Reply to Critics" (in symposium on Rasmussen & Den Uyl, Liberty and Nature), Reason Papers 18, 115-32, 1993. 

Rasmussen, Douglas B., & Douglas J. Den Uyl, "Norms of Liberty: Challenges and Prospects", in Aeon Skoble ed., Reading Rasmussen and Den Uyl: Critical Essays on Norms of Liberty, Lexington Books, 2008. 

Saint-Andre, Peter, "A Philosophy for Living on Earth", Objectivity 1:6, 137-73, 1993. 

Smith, Barry, "Austrian Economics and Austrian Philosophy"", in Wolfgang Grassl & Barry Smith eds., Austrian Economics: Historical and Philosophical Background, Croom Helm, 1986. 

Smith, Barry, "The Philosophy of Austrian Economics" (review of David Gordon, The Philosophical Origins of Austrian Economics), Review of Austrian Economics 7:2, 127-32, 1994. 

Smith, Barry, "Aristotle, Menger, Mises: An Essay in the Metaphysics of Economics", History of Political Economy supp. to vol. 22, 263-288, 1990 (reprinted in Edward M. Younkins ed.,Philosophers of Capitalism, Lexington Books, 2005). 

Taylor, James S., "Human Flourishing and Voluntarist Self-Direction", in, Aeon J. Skoble ed.,Reading Rasmussen and Den Uyl: Critical Essays on Norms of Liberty, Lexington Books, 2008. 

Thunder, David, "Can the Political Priority of Liberty be Squared with the Ethical Priority of Flourishing?", in, Aeon J. Skoble ed., Reading Rasmussen and Den Uyl: Critical Essays on Norms of Liberty, Lexington Books, 2008.

Van Drunen, David, "Aquinas and Hayek on the Limits of Law: A Convergence of Ethical Traditions", Markets and Morality 5:2, 315-38, 2002. 

Veatch, Henry B., "Ethical Egoism New Style: Should Its Trademark Be Aristotelian or Libertarian?", in Veatch, Swimming Against the Current in Contemporary Philosophy: Occasional Essays and Papers, Catholic University of America Press, 1990. 

Veatch, Henry, "Commendations and Queries re Liberty and Nature" (in symposium on Rasmussen & Den Uyl, Liberty and Nature), Reason Papers 18, 101-106, 1993. 

Veatch, Henry, "Aristotle, Human Rights, and Classical Liberal Ethical Theory" (review of Rasmussen & Den Uyl, Liberty and Nature, and of Den Uyl, The Virtue of Prudence), Humane Studies Review 9:1, 1994. 

Vedder, Peter, "Self-Directedness and the Human Good in Norms of Liberty", in, Aeon J. Skoble ed., Reading Rasmussen and Den Uyl: Critical Essays on Norms of Liberty, Lexington Books, 2008.

Walsh, Darrin, "A Revival of the Ancient Tradition in Ethics: Aristotle versus Rand", Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 4:1, 87-122, 2002. 

Wheeler, Jack, "Rand and Aristotle: A Comparison of Objectivist and Aristotelian Ethics", in Douglas J. Den Uyl & Douglas B. Rasmussen eds., The Philosophic Thought of Ayn Rand, University of Illinois Press, 1984. 

Younkins, Edward M., "Carl Menger’s Austrian Aristotelianism", in Younkins ed., Philosophers of Capitalism, Lexington Books, 2005.