The common good
Brink, David O., Perfectionism and the Common Good: Themes in the Philosophy of T. H. Green, Oxford UP, 2003.
Cochran, Clarke E., "Yves R. Simon and 'The Common Good': A Note on the Concept", Ethics88:3, 229-239, 1978.
Cooper, John M., "Political Animals and Civic Friendship", in Günther Patzig ed., Aristoteles' Politik, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1990 (reprinted in Cooper, Reason and Emotion: Essays on Ancient Moral Psychology and Ethical Theory, Princeton UP, 2004, and in Richard Kraut & Steven Skultety eds., Aristotle's Politics, Rowman & Littlefield, 2005).
Cooper, John M., "Political Community and the Highest Good", in James G. Lennox & Robert Bolton edd., Being Nature and Life in Aristotle: Essays in Honor of Allan Gotthelf, Cambridge UP, 2010.
Cortright, S.A., ed., Labor, Solidarity and the Common Good, Carolina Academic Press, 2000.
DeCrane, Susanne M., Aquinas, Feminism, and the Common Good, Georgetown UP, 2004.
Diggs, B.J., "The Common Good as Reason for Political Action", Ethics 83:4, 283-293, 1973.
Eschmann, I. Th., O.P., "A Thomistic Glossary on the Principle of the Preeminence of a Common Good", Mediaeval Studies 5, 123-65, 1943.
Hollenbach, David, S.J., The Common Good and Christian Ethics, Cambridge UP, 2002.
Kempshall, M.S., The Common Good in Late Medieval Political Thought, Oxford UP, 1999.
Keys, Mary M., Aquinas, Aristotle, and the Promise of the Common Good, CUP, 2006.
Koninck, Charles de, De la primauté du bien commun contre les personalistes, Editions de L'Université Laval, 1943 (trans. by Ralph McInerny as "The Primacy of the Common Good Against the Personalists" in McInerny ed., The Writings of Charles De Koninck vol. 2, University of Notre Dame Press, 2009).
MacIntyre, Alasdair, "Politics, Philosophy and the Common Good", in Kelvin Knight ed., The MacIntyre Reader, Polity Press / University of Notre Dame Press, 1998 (original English text; Italian translation, "Politica, filosofia e bene commune", in Studi Perugini 3, 1997).
Marty, Martin E., The One and the Many: America’s Struggle for the Common Good, Harvard UP, 1997.
Murphy, Mark C., "Consent, Custom, and the Common Good in Aquinas’s Account of Political Authority", Review of Politics 59, 323-50, 1997.
Murphy, Mark C., “The Common Good”, Review of Metaphysics 59:1, 135-167, 2005.
Pakaluk, Michael, "Is the Common Good of Political Society Limited and Instrumental?", Review of Metaphysics 55:1, 57-94, 2001.
Riordan, Patrick, S.J., A Politics of the Common Good, Institute of Public Administration, 1996.
Riordan, Patrick, S.J., A Grammar of The Common Good: How to Make Sense of Globalization, Continuum, 2008.
Schollmeier, Paul, Other Selves: Aristotle on Personal and Political Friendship, State University of New York Press, 1994.
Smith, Michael A., Human Dignity and the Common Good in the Aristotelian-Thomist Tradition, Mellen, 1995.
Smith, Thomas W., "Aristotle on the Conditions for and Limits of the Common Good", American Political Science Review 93, 625-36, 1999.
Smith, Thomas W., "Liberalism, Communitarianism, and the Common Good: An Aristotelian Perspective", Responsive Community 10, 9-21, 2000.
Stiltner, Brian, Religion and the Common Good Catholic Contributions to Building Community in a Liberal Society, Rowman & Littlefield, 1999.
Udoidem, S. Iniobong, Authority and the Common Good in Social and Political Philosophy, UP of America, 1988.
Vischer, Robert K., Conscience and the Common Good: Reclaiming the Space Between Person and State, Cambridge UP, 2010.
Waldstein, Michael, "The Common Good in St. Thomas and John Paul II", Nova et Vetera English Edition 3:3, 569-78, 2005.