- Virtue, Vices and Economy: Essays on Morality and Markets (ed. with Andrius Bielskis), Ashgate, 2014, including:
Knight, "Functions without Forms: The History of a Passing Challenge to Capitalist Economy" - "Aristotle" and "Functionalism", in Terence Ball (ed.), The Cambridge Dictionary of Political Thought, Cambridge University Press, 2014
- "MacIntyre’s Critique of Management", in Alejo José G. Sison (ed.), Springer Handbook of Virtues in Business Ethics, Springer, 2014
- "An Argument within Aristotelianism: Maritain and MacIntyre on the Theory and Practice of Human Rights", Magyar Filozófiai Szemle / Hungarian Philosophical Review 57:2, 72-85, 2014
- "Political Judgment, Moral Judgment, and Human Rights", Fenomenologia e Società 34:3, 3-19, 2013
- "Rules, Goods, and Powers", in John Greco & Ruth Groff (edd.), Powers and Capacities in Philosophy: The New Aristotelianism, Routledge, 2013
- "Virtue and Meaningful Work" (with Ron Beadle), Business Ethics Quarterly 22:2, 433-450, 2012
- Virtue and Politics (ed. with Paul Blackledge), University of Notre Dame Press, 2011, including:
Knight, "Revolutionary Aristotelianism";
Knight, "Virtue, Politics, and History: Rival Enquiries into Action and Order" - "Agency and Ethics, Past and Present" (Historical Materialism 19/1: 145–174, 2011)
- "What's the Good of Post-Analytic Philosophy?" (History of European Ideas 37/3: 304-14, 2011)
- "MacIntyre's Progress" (Journal of Moral Philosophy 6/1: 115-126, 2009), a review essay.
- "Practices: The Aristotelian Concept" (Analyse & Kritik 30/2: 317-329, 2008)
- Hannah Arendt's Heideggerian Aristotelianism" (Topos 19/2: 5-30, 2008)
- "Goods" (Philosophy of Management 7/1: 107-122, 2008; this issue also includes Kelvin's review of MacIntyre's The Tasks of Philosophy)
- "After Tradition?: Heidegger or MacIntyre, Aristotle and Marx" (Analyse & Kritik 30/1: 33-52, 2008)
- "Paul Hirst's Pluralism" (with Jason Edwards, Political Studies 56/3: 737-741, 2008)
- Virtue, Vices and Economy: Essays on Morality and Markets (ed. with Andrius Bielskis), Ashgate, 2014, including:
Knight, "Functions without Forms: The History of a Passing Challenge to Capitalist Economy" - "Aristotle" and "Functionalism", in Terence Ball (ed.), The Cambridge Dictionary of Political Thought, Cambridge University Press, 2014
- "MacIntyre’s Critique of Management", in Alejo José G. Sison (ed.), Springer Handbook of Virtues in Business Ethics, Springer, 2014
- "An Argument within Aristotelianism: Maritain and MacIntyre on the Theory and Practice of Human Rights", Magyar Filozófiai Szemle / Hungarian Philosophical Review 57:2, 72-85, 2014
- "Political Judgment, Moral Judgment, and Human Rights", Fenomenologia e Società 34:3, 3-19, 2013
- "Rules, Goods, and Powers", in John Greco & Ruth Groff (edd.), Powers and Capacities in Philosophy: The New Aristotelianism, Routledge, 2013
- "Virtue and Meaningful Work" (with Ron Beadle), Business Ethics Quarterly 22:2, 433-450, 2012
- Virtue and Politics (ed. with Paul Blackledge), University of Notre Dame Press, 2011, including:
Knight, "Revolutionary Aristotelianism";
Knight, "Virtue, Politics, and History: Rival Enquiries into Action and Order" - "Agency and Ethics, Past and Present" (Historical Materialism 19/1: 145–174, 2011)
- "What's the Good of Post-Analytic Philosophy?" (History of European Ideas 37/3: 304-14, 2011)
- "MacIntyre's Progress" (Journal of Moral Philosophy 6/1: 115-126, 2009), a review essay.
- "Practices: The Aristotelian Concept" (Analyse & Kritik 30/2: 317-329, 2008)
- Hannah Arendt's Heideggerian Aristotelianism" (Topos 19/2: 5-30, 2008)
- "Goods" (Philosophy of Management 7/1: 107-122, 2008; this issue also includes Kelvin's review of MacIntyre's The Tasks of Philosophy)
- "After Tradition?: Heidegger or MacIntyre, Aristotle and Marx" (Analyse & Kritik 30/1: 33-52, 2008)
- "Paul Hirst's Pluralism" (with Jason Edwards, Political Studies 56/3: 737-741, 2008)