Martha Nussbaum's papers, 1996-present
To try to keep up with Nussbaum, see her contributions to the Chicago Law School blog.
"Aristotle", "Economic Theory", "Heraclitus", "Parmenides" and "Political Theory", in Simon Hornblower & Anthony Spawforth eds., Oxford Classical Dictionary, Oxford UP, 1996 (3rd edn.).
"Aristotle", in Jane Turner ed., The Grove Dictionary of Art vol. 2, Macmillan, 1996.
"Plato", in Jane Turner ed., The Grove Dictionary of Art vol. 25, Macmillan, 1996.
"Stoicism", in Jane Turner ed., The Grove Dictionary of Art vol. 29, Macmillan, 1996.
"Xenophon", in Jane Turner ed., The Grove Dictionary of Art vol. 33, Macmillan, 1996.
Review of Animal Minds, Human Morals by Richard Sorabji, Philosophical Review 105, 403-05, 1996.
"Therapeutic Arguments and Structures of Desire", in Julie K. Ward ed., Feminism and Ancient Philosophy, Routledge, 1996.
"Love and Vision: Iris Murdoch on Eros and the Individual", in Maria Antonaccio & William Schweiker eds., Iris Murdoch and the Search for Human Goodness, University of Chicago Press, 1996.
"Compassion: The Basic Social Emotion", Social Philosophy & Policy 13:1, 1996.
"An Interview with Martha Nussbaum", Cogito 10, 173-85, 1996 (reprinted in Andrew Pyle ed., Key Philosophers in Conversation: The Cogito Interviews, Routledge, 1999).
"Wuthering Heights: The Romantic Ascent", Philosophy and Literature 20, 362-82, 1996.
"Feminism and Internationalism", Metaphilosophy 27:1/2, 202-08, 1996.
"Marley's Burden: A Ghost Story" (on Catholic universities), Boston College Magazine Fall, 32-35, 1996.
Review of The Heart of Altruism by Kristen Monroe and Facing the Extreme by Tvetan Todorov,New Republic October 28, 36-42, 1996.
"Double Moral Standards?", Boston Review October, 1996.
Martha C. Nussbaum & Dan M. Kahan, "Two Conceptions of Emotion in Criminal Law", Columbia Law Review 96:2, 269-374, 1996.
"Lesbian and Gay Rights: Pro" & "Nussbaum’s Reply" (to Roger Scruton), in Michael Leahy & Dan Cohn-Sherbok eds., The Liberation Debate: Rights at Issue, Routledge, 1996.
"Tragische Konflikte und wohlgeordnete Gesellschaft", interview by Josef Früchtl & Herlinde Pauer-Studer, Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 44, 135-48, 1996.
"Kant and Stoic Cosmopolitanism", Journal of Political Philosophy 5:1, 1-25, 1997 (also, as "Kant and Cosmopolitanism", in Matthias Lutz-Bachmann & James Bohman eds., Perpetual Peace: Essays on Kant's Cosmopolitan Ideal, MIT Press, 1997).
"Flawed Foundations: The Philosophical Critique of (a Particular Type of) Economics", University of Chicago Law Review 64:4, 1197-1214, 1997.
"Life and Death: Unapologetic Writings on the Continuing War Against Women" (review of Andrea Dworkin's Life and Death), New Republic 217:6/7, 36-42, 1997.
Review of Living High and Letting Die by Peter Unger, London Review of Books September 4, 18-19, 1997 (and reply to letters October 30, 4, 1997).
Review of Making Sense of Humanity and Other Philosophical Essays: 1982-1993 by Bernard Williams, Ethics 107:3, 526-29, 1997.
"Capabilities and Human Rights", Fordham Law Review 66, 273-300, 1997 (revised version in Pablo De Greiff & Ciaran Cronin eds., Global Justice, Transnational Politics, MIT Press, 2002, and further revision, as "Capabilities, Human Rights, and the Universal Declaration", in Burns H. Weston & Stephen P. Marks eds., The Future of International Human Rights, Transnational Publishers, 1999).
"Women in the Sixties", in Stephen Macedo ed., Reassessing the Sixties, Norton, 1997.
Review of Marginal Comment: An Autobiography by Kenneth Dover, Arion 4, 149-60, 1997.
"Is Nietzsche a Political Thinker?", International Journal of Philosophical Studies 5:1, 1-13, 1997.
Review of Socratic Studies by Gregory Vlastos, Journal of Philosophy 94:1, 27-45, 1997.
"Democracy's Wake-Up Call", Times Higher Education Supplement October 3, 18, 1997.
"Emotions as Judgments of Value and Importance", in Purusottama Bilimoria & J.N. Mohanty eds.,Relativism, Suffering, and Beyond: Essays in Memory of Bimal K. Matilal, Oxford UP, 1997 (reprinted in Robert Solomon ed., What Is an Emotion?: Classic and Contemporary Readings, Oxford UP, 2003).
Review of The Anatomy of Disgust by William Miller, New Republic 217:20, 32-37, 1997.
"The Good as Discipline, the Good as Freedom", in David A. Crocker & Toby Linden eds., Ethics of Consumption: The Good Life, Justice, and Global Stewardship, Rowman & Littlefield, 1998.
Plato's Republic: The Good Society and the Deformation of Desire (pamphlet), Library of Congress, 1998.
"Love", in Edward Craig ed., Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy vol. 5, Routledge, 1998.
"Morality and Emotions", in Edward Craig ed., Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy vol. 6, Routledge, 1998.
"Religion and Women's Human Rights", in Paul Weithman ed., Religion and Contemporary Liberalism, University of Notre Dame Press, 1997 (shorter version in Criterion 36, 2-13, 1997, and in Gary Kessler ed., Philosophy of Religion: Toward a Global Perspective, Wadsworth, 1999).
"Rational Emotions", in Paul J. Heald ed., Literature and Legal Problem Solving: Law and Literature as Ethical Discourse, Carolina Academic Press, 1998.
"Serpents in the Soul: A Reading of Seneca's Medea", in James J. Clauss & Sarah Iles Johnston eds., Medea: Essays on Medea in Myth, Literature, Philosophy, and Art, Princeton UP, 1998.
"Cooking for a Job: The Law School Hiring Process", The Green Bag 1:3 (2nd series), 253-64, 1998.
"Victims and Agents: What Greek Tragedy Can Teach Us About Sympathy and Responsibility",Boston Review 23, February, 21-24, 1998 (reprinted in Philip Lopate ed., The Art of the Essay 1999, Anchor, 1999).
"Narratives of Hierarchy: Loving v. Virginia and the Literary Imagination", Quinnipiac Law Review17, 337-55, 1997.
"Emotions as Judgments of Value: A Philosophical Dialogue", Comparative Criticism Fall, 1-30, 1998.
Contribution in "Thinking in Public: A Forum", American Literary History 10:1, 52-61, 1998.
"Through the Prism of Gender", Times Literary Supplement March 20, 3-4, 1998.
"Still Worthy of Praise" (a reply to Richard Posner's Holmes Lectures), Harvard Law Review 111, 1776-95, 1998.
"'Whether From Reason or Prejudice': Taking Money for Bodily Services", Journal of Legal Studies27, 701-32, 1998 (reprinted in Wendy McElroy ed., Liberty for Women: Freedom and Feminism in the Twenty-First Century, Ivan R. Dee, 2002).
"Public Philosophy and International Feminism", Ethics 108:4, 762-96, 1998 (revised versions in Seth Chaiklin, Mariane Hedegaard & Uffe Juul Jensen eds., Activity Theory and Social Practice, Aarhus UP, 1999, in C.P. Ragland and Sarah Heidt eds., What Is Philosophy?, Yale UP, 2001, and in Arthur M. Melzer et al. eds., The Public Intellectual, Rowman & Littlefield, 2003).
"Exactly and Responsibly: A Defense of Ethical Criticism", Philosophy and Literature 22:2, 364-86, 1998.
"Of Paederasty and Proposition Two", interview by Richard Schneider, Jr., Harvard Gay and Lesbian Review 5, 12-15, 1998.
"Political Animals: Luck, Love, and Dignity", Metaphilosophy 29, 273-87, 1998.
"Feminist Political Philosophy: Martha Nussbaum talks to Diemut Bubeck and Alex Klaushofer",Women's Philosophy Review 20, 6-24, 1998/9.
"Augustine and Dante on the Ascent of Love", in Gareth B. Matthews ed., The Augustinian Tradition, University of California Press, 1999.
"The Cult of Personality" (review of Alexander Nehamas, The Art of Living: Socratic Reflections from Plato to Foucault), New Republic January 4, 32-37, 1999.
The Feminist Critique of Liberalism (pamphlet: E.H. Lindley Lecture, 1997), University of Kansas, 1997 (repub. in Alison Jeffries ed., Women's Voices, Women's Rights: Oxford Amnesty Lectures 1996, Westview Press, 1999).
"Conversing With the Tradition: John Rawls and the History of Ethics" (review of Andrews Reath, Barbara Herman & Christine M. Korsgaard eds., Relaiming the History of Ethics: Essays for John Rawls), Ethics 109, 424-30, 1999.
"The Professor of Parody", New Republic 220:8, 37-45, 1999.
"Aristotle in the Workplace" (interview by Michael Malone), in Michael Tobias, J. Patrick Fitzgerald & David Rotherberg eds., A Parliament of Minds: Philosophy for a New Millenium, SUNY Press, 2000.
"Free to Choose", The Philosophers' Magazine Summer, 11, 37-40, 2000.
"The Future of Feminist Liberalism", Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 74:2, 47-79, 2000.
"Major Overhaul: Rigor and Requirements at the U of C", Chicago Tribune March 11, 23, 1999.
"Toward Global Justice", University of Chicago (on-line), 1999.
"Foreword", in Malcolm Schofield, The Stoic Idea of the City, University of Chicago Press, 1999 (2nd edn.).
"Het Jodendom en de liefde voor de ratio" ("Judaism and the Love of Reason"), Nexus 23, 67-100, 1999.
"Précis of The Therapy of Desire", and "Reply to Papers in Symposium on Nussbaum, The Therapy of Desire", Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 59, 785-6, 811-19, 1999.
"Virtue Ethics: A Misleading Category?", Journal of Ethics 3:3, 163-201, 1999.
"Genesis of a Book: The Ness Award Acceptance Speech", Liberal Education 85, 38-41, 1999.
Review of four books by Judith Butler, New Republic February 22, 37-45, 1999 (and reply to letters April 19, 43-45, 1999).
"Duties of Justice, Duties of Material Aid: Cicero's Problematic Legacy", Journal of Political Philosophy 8:2, 176-206, 2000 (also in Steven K. Strange & Jack Zupko eds., Stoicism: Traditions and Transformations, Cambridge UP, 1999, and in Angela Kallhof ed., Martha C. Nussbaum: Ethics and Political Philosophy, LitVerlag, 2001).
"Invisibility and Recognition: Sophocles' Philoctetes and Ellison's Invisible Man", Philosophy and Literature 23, 257-83, 1999.
"Women and Equality: The Capabilities Approach", International Labour Review 138, 227-45, 1999 (revised version in The Little Magazine 1:1, 26-37, and in Martha Fetherolf Loutfi ed., Women, Gender and Work, International Labour Office, 2001).
"Beautiful as a Free Human Mind: Women, Human Development, and the Spirit of Santiniketan",Sreeoshi, Fall, 1999.
"'Secret Sewers of Vice': Disgust, Bodies, and the Law", in Susan A. Bandes ed., The Passions of Law, New York UP, 1999.
"Is Privacy Bad for Women?: What the Indian Constitutional Tradition can Teach us about Sex Equality", Boston Review 25, April, 42-47, 2000.
"In Defense of Universal Values" (revision of chapter 1 of Women and Human Development),Idaho Law Review 36, 379-448, 2000 (also in James P. Sterba ed., Controversies in Feminism, Rowman & Littlefield, 2000).
"Why Practice Needs Ethical Theory: Particularism, Principle, and Bad Behavior", in Brad Hooker & Margaret Little eds., Moral Particularism, Oxford UP, 2000 (also in Steven J. Burton ed., The Path of the Law, and Its Influence: The Legacy of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., Cambridge UP, 2000).
"Reply" (to symposium on Nussbaum’s work), Quinnipiac Law Review 19, 349-70, 2000.
"The 'Capabilities' Advantage to Promoting Women's Human Rights", Human Rights Dialogue 2, 10-12, 2000.
"Musonius Rufus - Enemy of Double Standards for Men and Women?", in Karla Pollman ed.,Double Standards in the Ancient and Medieval World, Duehrkohp & Radicke, 2000.
"Four Paradigms of Philosophical Politics", The Monist 83, 465-90, 2000.
"Aristotle, Politics, and Human Capabilities: A Response to [Louise M.] Antony, [Richard J.] Arneson, [Hilary] Charlesworth, and [Richard] Mulgan", Ethics 111:1, 102-40, 2000.
"Essence of Culture and a Sense of History" (response to Jane Flax), in James P. Sterba ed.,Controversies in Feminism, Rowman & Littlefield, 2000.
"Globalization Debate Ignores the Education of Women", Chronicle of Higher Education September 8, B16-17, 2000.
"Equilibrium: Scepticism and Immersion in Political Deliberation", in Juha Sihvola ed., Ancient Scepticism and the Scepticist Tradition (Acta Philosophica Fennica 66, 171-97), 2000.
"The Costs of Tragedy: Some Moral Limits of Cost-Benefit Analysis", Journal of Legal Studies 29, 1005-36, 2000 (reprinted in Matthew D. Adler & Eric A. Posner eds., Cost-Benefit Analysis: Legal, Economic and Philosophical Perspectives, University of Chicago Press, 2000).
"Emotions and Social Norms", in Larry P. Nucci, Geoffrey B. Saxe & Elliot Turiel eds., Culture, Thought, and Development, Lawrence Erlbaum, 2000.
"Literature and Ethical Theory: Allies or Adversaries?", Yale Journal of Ethics 9, 5-16, 2000.
Review of The Trouble With Normal by Michael Warner, New Republic January 3, 31-36, 2000.
Review of From Chance to Choice: Genetics and Justice by Allen Buchanan, Dan W. Brock, Norman Daniels & Daniel Wikler, New Republic December 4, 38-48, 2000.
"Women's Capabilities and Social Justice", Journal of Human Development 1:2, 217-45, 2000.
"Educhiamo cittadini del mondo", interview by Gianfrancesco Zanetti, Ricerca (Journal of the Federation of Catholic Universities in Italy) 3, 30-32, 2000.
"The Future of Feminist Liberalism", Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 74, 47-79 (reprinted in Eva Kittay & Ellen K. Feder eds., The Subject of Care: Feminist Perspectives on Dependency, Rowman & Littlefield, 2002, and in Cheshire Calhoun ed., Setting the Moral Compass: Essays by Women Philosophers, Oxford UP, 2004).
"Women and Cultural Universals" (revision of ch. 1 of Sex and Social Justice), in Maria Baghramian & Attracta Ingram eds., Pluralism: The Philosophy and Politics of Diversity, Routledge, 2000.
"Lo Spettatore Emozionato: Intervista a Martha Nussbaum", Il Cannocchiale: Rivista di studi filosofici 2, 153-5, 2000.
"Comment" (on Judith Jarvis Thomson’s Tanner Lectures), in Amy Gutmann ed., Goodness and Advice, Princeton UP, 2001.
"India: Implementing Sex Equality Through Law", Chicago Journal of International Law 2, 35-58, 2001.
"Adaptive Preferences and Women's Options" (in symposium on Amartya Sen's philosophy),Economics and Philosophy 17:1, 67-88, 2001.
"Disabled Lives: Who Cares?" (review of Love’s Labor by Eva Feder Kittay, Life As We Know It by Michael Bérubé, and Unbending Gender by Joan Williams), New York Review of Books January 11, 34-37, 2001.
Review of Reflections on Exile by Edward Said, New York Times Book Review February 18, 28, 2001.
"Animal Rights: The Need for a Theoretical Basis" (review of Steven Wise, Rattling the Cage: Toward Legal Rights for Animals), Harvard Law Review 114, 1506-49, 2001.
Review of Iris Murdoch: A Life by Peter Conradi, New Republic December 31, 28-34, 2001.
"The Enduring Significance of John Rawls", Chronicle of Higher Education July 20, Section 2, B7-9, 2001.
"The Protagoras: A Science of Practical Reasoning", (amendment of ch. 4 of The Fragility of Goodness), in Elijah Millgram ed., Varieties of Practical Reason, MIT Press, 2001.
"Growing into the Moment", Philadelphia Inquirer September 16, 2001, C15 (also, as "Cosmopolitan Emotions?", in The Humanist, 2001).
"How Should Feminists Criticize One Another?", American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Feminism, Spring, 89-92, 2001.
"Arbeit an der Kultur der Vernunft", in Joachim Schulte & Uwe Justus Wenzel ed., Was ist ein philosophisches Problem?, Fischer Taschenbuch, 2001.
"Political Objectivity", New Literary History 32, 883-906, 2001.
"Humanities, Past and Future", in Hugo Sonnenschein ed., Research Universities and the Future of the Academic Disciplines: Proceedings from the Centennial Meeting of the Association of American Universities, Association of American Universities, 2001.
"A Tribute" (to Peter Cicchino), American University Law Review 50, 2001.
"Humanities and Human Capabilities", Liberal Education Summer, 38-45, 2001.
"Love, Literature, and Human Universals: Comments on the Papers", in Angela Kallhof ed., Martha C. Nussbaum: Ethics and Political Philosophy, LitVerlag, 2001.
"Comment on Quillen's 'Feminist Theory, Justice, and the Lure of the Human’", Signs 37, 123-34, 2001.
"Can Patriotism Be Compassionate?", The Nation December 17, 11-13, 2001.
"Sex, Laws, and Inequality: What India Can Teach the United States", Daedalus Winter, 95-106, 2002.
"Introduction to Comparative Constitutionalism", Chicago Journal of International Law 3, 429-34, 2002.
"Making Philosophy Matter to Politics" (a memorial for John Rawls), New York Times December 2, 2002.
"Long-Term Care and Social Justice: A Challenge to Conventional Views of the Social Contract", inEthical Choices in Long-Term Care: What Does Justice Require?, World Health Organization, 31-65, 2002 (revised as "Care, Dependency, and Social Justice: A Challenge to Conventional Ideas of the Social Contract", in Peter Lloyd-Sherlock ed., Living Longer: Ageing, Development and Social Protection, Zed Books, 2004).
"Transcendence and Human Values" (in symposium on Robert Adams, Finite and Infinite Goods),Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 64:2, 445-52, 2002.
"Education for Citizenship in an Era of Global Connection", Studies in Philosophy and Education, 21:4/5, 289-303, 2002.
Ylva Boman, Bernt Gustavsson & Martha Nussbaum, "A Discussion with Martha Nussbaum on ‘Education for Citizenship in an Era of Global Connection’", Studies in Philosophy and Education21:4/5, 305-11, 2002.
"Humanities and Human Development", Journal of Aesthetic Education 36, 39-48, 2002.
"A Different Israel", The Nation August 5, 6-7, 2002.
"Capabilities and Social Justice", International Studies Review 4:2, 123-35, 2002.
"Other Times, Other Places: Homosexuality in Ancient Greece", in Jerome Winer & James W Anderson eds., Rethinking Psychoanalysis and the Homosexualities (The Annual of Psychoanalysis30), The Analytic Press, 2002.
"The Worth of Human Dignity: Two Tensions in Stoic Cosmopolitanism", in Gillian Clark & Tessa Rajak eds., Philosophy and Power in the Graeco-Roman World: Essays in Honour of Miriam Griffin, Oxford UP, 2002.
"A Gentle Triumph Over Gender", Newsday March 17, B4, 2002.
"Philosophy in the Public Interest" (interview by Margaret A. Miller), Change January, 39-43, 2002.
"Introduction to the Symposium on Eva Kittay's Love’s Labor: Essays on Women, Equality and Dependency", Hypatia 17:3, 194-99, 2002.
"Women's Capabilities and Social Justice", in Maxine Molyneux & Shahra Razavi eds., Gender Justice, Development, and Rights, Oxford UP, 2002.
"Ricoeur on Tragedy: Teleology, Deontology, and Phronesis", in John Wall, William Schweiker & W. David Hall eds., Paul Ricoeur and Contemporary Moral Thought, Routledge, 2002.
"Moral Expertise?: Constitutional Narrative and Philosophical Argument", Metaphilosophy 33, 502-520, 2002.
"Women and the Law of Peoples", in a symposium on The Law of Peoples by John Rawls, Politics, Philosophy, and Economics 1:3, 283-306, 2002 (revised as "Women and Theories of Global Justice: Our Need for New Paradigms", in Deen Chatterjee ed., The Ethics of Assistance: Morality and the Distant Needy, Cambridge UP, 2004).
"Love, Care, and Women's Dignity: The Family as a Privileged Community", in Philip Alperson ed.,Diversity and Community: A Critical Reader, Blackwell, 2002.
"Millean Liberty and Sexual Orientation: A Discussion of Edward Stein's The Mismeasure of Desire", Law and Philosophy 21:3, 317-334, 2002.
"Love, Particular and General", Bill: The Program Magazine of Chicago Shakespeare TheaterWinter, 4-5, 2002/3.
"The Complexity of Groups: A Comment on Valadez", Philosophy and Social Criticism 29:1, 57-69, 2003.
"Gender and Governance: An Introduction", in Martha Nussbaum, Amrita Basu, Yasmin Tambiah & Niraja Gopal Jayal, Essays on Gender and Governance, United Nations Development Programme Resource Centre, 2003.
"Sex Equality, Liberty, and Privacy: A Comparative Approach to the Feminist Critique", in E. Sridharan, Z. Hasan & R. Sudarshan eds., India's Living Constitution: Ideas, Practices, Controversies, Permanent Black, 2002 (shortened version, "What's Privacy Got to Do With It?: A Comparative Approach to the Feminist Critique", in Sibyl A. Schwarzenbach & Patricia Smith eds.,Women and the United States Constitution: History, Interpretation, Practice, Columbia UP, 2003).
"Rawls and Feminism", in Samuel Freeman ed., The Cambridge Companion to Rawls, Cambridge UP, 2003.
"Women's Education is Worth the Price", Financial Times January, 2003.
"Compassion and Terror", Daedalus Winter, 10-26, 2003 (reprinted in R.W. Sharples ed.,Perspectives on Greek Philosophy: S. V. Keeling Memorial Lectures in Ancient Philosophy 1992-2002, Ashgate, 2003; slightly different version in James P. Sterba ed., Terrorism and International Justice, Oxford UP, 2003).
"Judaism and the Love of Reason", in Ruth E. Groenhout & Marya Bower eds., Philosophy, Feminism, Faith, University of Indiana Press, 2003.
Review of Winnicott: Life and Work by F. Robert Rodman, New Republic October 27, 34-39, 2003.
"Cultivating Humanity in Legal Education", University of Chicago Law Review 70, 265-79, 2003.
"A Response to Wendy Doniger and Margaret Mitchell" (in symposium on Nussbaum & Sihvola eds., The Sleep of Reason), Criterion 42, 27-35, 2003.
"Rules for the World Stage", Newsday April 20, A 33, 2003.
"Genocide in Gujarat", Dissent Summer, 61-69, 2003.
"Tragedy and Human Capabilities: A Response to Vivian Walsh", Review of Political Economy 15, 413-18, 2003.
"Capable Management: An Interview with Martha Nussbaum", Philosophy of Management 3, 3-16, 2003.
"Capabilities as Fundamental Entitlements: Sen and Social Justice", Feminist Economics 9:2/3, 33-59, 2003.
"Philosophy and Literature", in David Sedley ed., The Cambridge Companion to Greek and Roman Philosophy, Cambridge UP, 2003.
"Golden Rule Arguments: A Missing Thought?", in Kim-chong Chong, Sor-hoon Tan & C.L. Ten eds., The Moral Circle and the Self: Chinese and Western Approaches, Open Court, 2003.
"'Don't Smile So Much': Philosophy and Women in the 1970s", in Linda Martín Alcoff ed., Singing in the Fire: Stories of Women in Philosophy, Rowman & Littlefield, 2003.
"Tragedy and Justice: Bernard Williams Remembered", Boston Review 28, October, 35-39, 2003.
"The Emotions of Working Life", in Eva Erson & Lisa Oberg eds., Erfarenhetens rum och vägar, Mangkulturellt centrum, 2003.
"Interview", Ethique économique/Ethics and Economics 1, 1-5, 2003.
"Political Liberalism and Respect: A Response to Linda Barclay", Sats: Nordic Journal of Philosophy4, 25-44, 2003.
"Introduction", in Iris Murdoch, The Black Prince, Penguin Books, 2003.
Review of Drift by Mary Kinzie, Poetry 183, 235-38, 2004.
"The Modesty of Mrs. Bajaj: India's Problematic Route to Sexual Harassment Law", in Catharine A. MacKinnon & Reva B. Siegel eds., Directions in Sexual Harassment Law, Yale UP, 2004.
"Women's Education: A Global Challenge", Signs 29, 325-55, 2004.
"On Hearing Women's Voices: A Reply to Susan Okin", Philosophy and Public Affairs 32:2, 193-205, 2004.
"Promoting Women's Capabilities", in Lourdes Benaria & Savitri Bisnath eds., Global Tensions, Routledge, 2004.
"Précis" & "Responses" (in symposium on Nussbaum, Upheavals of Thought), Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 68:2, 443-49 & 473-86, 2004.
"Mill Between Aristotle and Bentham", Daedalus 133:2, 60-68, 2004.
"Beyond the Social Contract: Capabilities and Global Justice", Oxford Development Studies 32, 3-18, 2004.
"Denying Foes Their Humanity", Chicago Tribune May 16, 2004, section 2, 2004.
"Danger to Human Dignity: The Revival of Disgust and Shame in the Law", Chronicle of Higher Education August 6, B6-9, 2004.
"Body of the Nation: Why Women Were Mutilated in Gujarat", Boston Review 29, 33-38, 2004.
"Beyond the Social Contract: Toward Global Justice", The Tanner Lectures on Human Values 24, University of Utah Press, 2004.
"India, Sex Equality, and Constitutional Law", in Beverly Baines & Ruth Rubio Marin eds.,Constituting Women: The Gender of Constitutional Jurisprudence, Cambridge UP, 2004.
"Religious Intolerance", Foreign Policy September, 44-45, 2004.
"'Faint With Secret Knowledge': Love and Vision in Murdoch's The Black Prince", Poetics Today 25, 689-710, 2004.
"Two Pictures of International Relations", in Dennis Loy Johnson & Valerie Merians eds., What We Do Now, Melville House, 2004.
"Inscribing the Face: Shame, Stigma, and Punishment", in Melissa S. Williams & Stephen Macedo eds., Political Exclusion and Domination: Nomos 46, New York UP, 2005.
Review of Nehru: A Political Life by Judith Brown and Nehru by Shashi Tharoor, New RepublicFebruary 14, 25-31, 2005.
"Political Soul-Making and the Imminent Demise of Liberal Education", Journal of Social Philosophy37:2, 301-13, 2005.
"Mill on Happiness: The Enduring Value of a Complex Critique", in Bart Schultz & Georgios Varouxakis eds., Utilitarianism and Empire, Lexington Books, 2005.
"Replies" (to John Fischer, John Deigh & Henry Richardson), Journal of Ethics 10:4, 463-506, 2006.
"Poverty and Human Functioning: Capabilities as Fundamental Entitlements", in David B. Grusky & Ravi Kanbur eds., Poverty And Inequality, Stanford UP, 2006.
"Radical Evil in the Lockean State: The Neglect of the Political Emotions", Journal of Moral Philosophy 3:2, 159-78, 2006.
"The Comic Soul: Or, This Phallus That Is Not One", in Victoria Pedrick & Steven M. Oberhelman eds., The Soul of Tragedy: Essays on Athenian Drama, University of Chicago Press, 2006.
"The Capabilities Approach and Ethical Cosmopolitanism: A Response to Noah Feldman", 117 Yale L.J. Pocket Part 123, 2007.
Interview by Stelios Virvidakis, Eurozine (on-line), 2007.
"Hiding From Humanity: Replies to Charlton, Haldane, Archard, and Brooks", Journal of Applied Philosophy 25:4, 335-49, 2008.
"Toward a Globally Sensitive Patriotism", Daedalus 137:3, 78-93, 2008.
"Stoic Laughter: A Reading of Seneca's Apocolocyntosis", in David Wray ed., Seneca and the Self, Cambridge UP, 2009.
Interview by Jules Evans, Registry Report 16 (on-line), 2009.