Dotaware project

The simultaneous tasks of reading music scores and playing an instrument are integral to musical performance. However, this becomes challenging for visually impaired (VI) musicians who traditionally read Braille music using their hands, which makes it impossible to read the entire score while playing a musical instrument.

This research proposes a novel solution which is based on a sensory substitution system using vibrotactile stimulation to transfer information related to the musical score as vibrational impulses that can be felt and distinguished by the blind and VI musicians. This system will enable blind musicians to read Braille music hands-free, thereby freeing up their hands for instrumental performance. This innovative approach aims to enhance musical rehearsals and performances for visually impaired individuals, fostering an inclusive and enriching musical experience. The investigation will include the implementation of a wearable vibrotactile stimulator as a mechanism for reading Braille music. The effectiveness, as well as its functional and ergonomic design features of the proposed sensory substitution system, will be investigated with blind people.

The success of the project requires a multidisciplinary approach, combining expertise in assistive technology development, musicology, human-computer interaction, and accessibility research. In addition to our existing partner, Inner Vision Orchestra, collaborations will also be established with other BVI (blindness and visual impairment) individuals from, for example, the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB), music educators and organisations dedicated to supporting visually impaired communities to ensure that the assistive technologies are designed to meet the specific needs and preferences of the target user group. The project team consist of but is not limited to the members of Baluji Music Foundation, Dr Sandra Fernando, Prof. Bal Virdee and Dion Mariyanayagam.

A group of visually impaired musicians playing a variety of instruments.

Image: The Inner Vision Orchestra consists of visually impaired musicians

Project team

Project partners

Project partners

Baluji Music Foundation

ShowMe Online Learning Community