Rhythm Code is a simple notation system that is beneficial for someone who is visually impaired and would like to learn music independently or with others. That is approved and promoted by the Royal National Institute for Blind People (RNIB). Currently, the Rhythm Code is used in its manual form with papers that are used to stick raised dots on so users can remember the rhythms they play and compose a composition.
The aim of the electronic version of the Rhythm Code is to improve the accessibility and efficiency of the product for people with visual impairment or other neural disabilities. Product functions include – lights, vibration, touch sensors, tactile methods, sounds, haptics and instructions to learn to play and understand the foundation of music.
The product prototype will undergo a few iterations of building and testing: entry-level, prototype level and product level, with the consultation of Mendi Singh, the inventor of Rhythm Code and with the product users (visually impaired musicians and people with neural disabilities) supported by external funding. The project team consist of but is not limited to Mendi Singh, Dr Sandra Fernando, Prof. Bal Virdee and Dion Mariyanayagam.

Image: Mendi Singh with manual Rhythm Code equipment