Our Guildhall School of Business and Law is home to a number of internationally recognised academics and researchers whose breadth and depth of expertise can help promote your organisation's growth.
Many of our academics also have a background in professional consultancy, working on large projects for multinational organisations that helped to improve their business growth and performance, manage organisational change, develop new products and systems and much more.
Our staff have the right mix of academic, research and professional expertise that is well aligned to the needs of industry and practice and help your organisation grow. We are keen to collaborate with all types of organisation – SMEs, not for profits and multinational corporations – and this includes both the public and commercial sectors.
We can collaborate in terms of:
- collaborative research projects (small and large scale)
- helping identify and apply for project funding
- project planning, delivery and evaluation
- consultancy advice
- professional development (taught modules and bespoke programmes)
Our academic and research expertise spans a number of areas and we would be keen to hear from organisations looking to collaborate in:
- marketing and PR
- human resource management (HRM) and inclusive workplaces
- leadership and leadership development
- business and digital technologies
- operations and supply chain management
- accounting and finance
- economics
- translation and interpreting
- law
Our ultimate aim is to share this wealth of knowledge and expertise with our partners, and in doing so add value to the organisations we collaborate with, and therefore wider society.
Contact us about knowledge exchange
Knowledge exchange can help promote your organisation's competitiveness.
If you’re interested in learning more about how the Guildhall School of Business and Law’s academics and researchers can help, please contact our Head of Research, Professor Doris Schedlitzki: d.schedlitzki@londonmet.ac.uk.